KBI 311518 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Alert Escalation


Argent Defender Ultra 1701-A and above


Friday, 3 February 2017


Argent Defender Ultra allows customers to set an “Alert Escalation Plan” on screen D3G.

This way, customers can have an email automatically sent whenever an issue has “no response” after a certain amount of time.

Additionally, customers can drag-and-drop to reorder the Alert Escalation sequence, or move a selected row using Up/Down arrow buttons at the top right.

Technical Background

Alerts can be in three different states:

  • Unanswered: Nobody has acknowledged the event
  • Answered: Somebody has acknowledged the event, but the event has not yet been resolved
  • Resolved: The event has been resolved

The idea of an Alert having ‘no response’ basically means the Alert remained in an ‘Unanswered’ state.

The status of an Alert can be changed by via the Argent Commander Console:

See https://help.argent.com/argent-commander/argent-commander-console/argent-commander-console/

Alert Escalation Example

Let’s imagine an organization with a hierarchy that consists of:

  • Level 1: A helpdesk team
  • Level 2: Senior Engineers
  • Level 3: The Technical Manager

To help ensure critical Alerts never get missed, an Alert Escalation plan may be as follows:

  • Send Alerts initially to helpdesk
  • If No Response After 15 minutes, Fire Alert to Senior Engineers
  • If Still No Response After 15 minutes, Fire Alert to Technical Manager

To illustrate the above, let’s say an Alert was initially fired at 10:00 a.m. to the helpdesk

If the Alert remains Unanswered, an Alert would be sent at 10:15 a.m. to the Senior Engineers

If the Alert still remains Unanswered, an Alert would be sent at 10:30 a.m. to the Technical Manager

Therefore, the order and sequence of the Alert Escalations plan matters.


Upgrade to Argent Defender Ultra 1701-A