KBI 310522 How To Migrate The Argent Reports Database To A New Server
Argent Reports 1501-D or above
Wednesday, 17 Dec 2014
Customers migrating the Argent Reports database to a new server need a way to tell Argent Reports about the change.
Argent Reports stores the ODBC connection string as encrypted data in the ARGSOFT_CONFIGURATION.XML file.
The Argent Reports Configuration Tool currently only supports changing the Argent AT configuration details.
To change the Argent Reports database pointer, Argent Reports 1501-D adds a new XML feature:
This new XML node can be added below the existing ARGENT_REPORTS_ODBC_STRING XML node, but with the ODBC string in plain-text.
Technical Background
Updating Argent Reports
1. Backup, then edit {Drive:}\Argent\ArgentReports\XML\ARGSOFT_CONFIGURATION.XML
2. Add the following XML entry below the ARGENT_REPORTS_ODBC_STRING XML entry, replacing ‘MY_SERVER’ and ‘ARGENT_REPORTS’ with the relevant information:
3. Launch Argent Reports
4. If successful, the LOG file should show these log entries:
String………………. ‘Driver={SQL Server};Server=ARGENT-MC2;Database=ARGENT_REPORTS;’
Updating the Argent Reports Scheduling Service
In the {Drive:}\Argent\ArgentReports folder, there is a subfolder called Scheduler, and a subfolder within it called CONTROL
Inside there is a file called COMMON_DATABASE_INPUT.TXT
The Scheduler Service does NOT read off the XML, it uses this private database configuration file instead
1. Stop the Argent Reports Scheduling Service and ensure the ARGSOFT_ARGENT_REPORTS_CDP* process is killed.
2. Modify the COMMON_DATABASE_INPUT.TXT file for the [DATABASE_SERVER_NAME] and [DATABASE] to match the new changes
3. Save the changes
4. Start the Argent Reports Scheduling Service service.
Argent is working on a more intuitive point-and-click method to migrate the Argent Reports database.