Author: Argent Admin

Exchange 2003/2000/5.5 Legacy Rules

This category contains Rules for: MAPI Round Trip Test Rules Information Storage Rules Mailbox Management Public Folder Management Management WMI Script Rules The above Rules cater for Environments older Exchange Environments such as Exchange 2003, 2000 and 5.5. For more information on these Rules, please refer to Argent Exchange monitor – Rules

Monitoring Groups AFE

Monitoring Groups allow you to create a group of servers to run Rules on. Click For Full Size For instance, if you have a set of cluster-based Rules, you would create a Monitoring Group of all clusters. Monitoring Groups is one of the four building blocks of all Argent products. See Also:   The Four Building […]

Relators AFE

Relators tie together – or relate – the other three basic building block namely Rules, Monitoring Groups and Alerts. Click For Full Size In a Relator the Rule to be executed against the servers and devices in the Monitoring Groups are specified. Also specified are the Alerts fired when an issue is detected. Click For […]

Events and Alerts

The Events and Alerts section provides you with a centralized view of all Events and Alerts in your Exchange environment. All licensed servers will be shown in the Applications tab on screen A1A: Click For Full Size For a useful visualization of events, you can see all Events and Alerts in the Argent SuperMaps tab. […]

Scheduled Monitoring Tasks

The Scheduled Monitoring Tasks section is a useful method of viewing the schedules for upcoming Relators, as well as Relators that have completed execution. Click For Full Size Each task has an individual log that can be viewed by right-clicking on the task. Click For Full Size The filter on the left pane also gives […]


Argent’s CMDB-X is an extensible database of servers and devices in your environment. CMDB-X provides complete network discovery of all servers and TCP/IP devices. Click For Full Size Network Discovery Right-click anywhere and choose Scan Network. Click For Full Size This brings up a screen (D12) with a list of network scanning mechanisms: Active Directory […]

Advanced Features

This chapter of Argent Instant Help highlights the advanced features in Argent for Exchange.


Macros are a collection of a particular item, such as email addresses (Email Macros) or login names (User Macros). Click For Full Size Macros can be used in areas of the product that apply. For instance, you can use a single Email Macro containing 10 email addresses in any Email Alert. So rather than defining […]


Calendars are used to provide maximum flexibility when scheduling events, such as Relators, Alerts, and Automatic Report Distributions. Click For Full Size Calendars are discussed in great length (with usage examples) under Argent XT’s Calendars article. See Also:   Calendars

Automatic Report Distribution

Automatic Report Distribution gives you the ability to automatically send out reports at a pre-defined time, and have it sitting in your Inbox before you even get to work on a Monday morning. You can even automatically save the reports into a shared folder, under various export formats such as PDF or HTML, and have […]


The Administration section of Argent for Exchange is where you centrally configure most of the one-time, critical aspects of Argent for Exchange. This includes configuring Regional Engines, licensing, email, SMS, and more. Click For Full Size

Argent Console AFE

The Argent Console Administration area configures the maximum number of events to fire, automatic Alert archiving, as well as Argent Alert Executors. One of the most useful features on this screen is the View Engine Log By Notepad button, which provides you with a full audit log of events that occurred through Argent for Exchange. […]

Configuring Email EX

Your email servers are configured in the Email tab of the Argent Console Administration area. Click For Full Size Argent supports two types of messaging protocols – MAPI and SMTP. MAPI You must have Outlook installed on the same machine as Argent for Exchange, and a profile must be created using the Argent service account. […]

Configuring Pagers EX

The modem used to perform alphanumeric pages is configured in the Pager tab of the Argent Console Administration area. Click For Full Size In most cases, most of the values can be left as default – with the exception of the COM port and baud rate. The most important configuration actually needs to be done […]

Configuring SMS

SMS, much like Pagers, requires a piece of hardware known as a GSM modem attached to a serial port. Click For Full Size You must have an existing SMS plan with a service provider in order to use SMS Alerts. The SMSC field defines the SMS carrier phone number to dial.

Exchange Server Properties

Each Exchange server has a unique set of properties that control how Argent for Exchange communicates or retrieves information. The Exchange server properties are accessed through the License Manager, right-clicking on a server, and selecting Properties. Click For Full Size Message Tracking Logs Microsoft Exchange allows administrators to selectively enable Message Tracking Logs. When enabled, […]

Supervising Engine

The Supervising Engine Administration section allows you to view and configure all aspects of logging. Click For Full Size Note that a Debug Level of “Everything” or even “High” chews up disk space much faster than “Normal”, and should not be used unless under the direction of Argent Technical Services.

License Manager

The License Manager allows you to apply or update your license file, as well as choose the servers to manage under Argent for SharePoint. Click For Full Size Servers are displayed from a pool of devices taken from the CMDB-X. The Licensed Server/Device section contains the actual licensed nodes. Double-clicking on a licensed node brings […]

Housekeeping EX

The Housekeeping facility executes custom maintenance scripts routinely, as well as scripts triggered by events when Argent for Exchange’s log size exceeds a threshold. Housekeeping handles both system logs as well as SQL transaction logs. Click For Full Size

Security EX

Due to the powerful and flexible nature of Argent for Exchange, Argent provides a method of restricting specific features from specific users or user groups. Click For Full Size This allows Argent for Exchange to integrate itself with established flows of control in Active Directory.

Argent SuperMaps EX

The Argent SuperMaps facility allows you to view the status of the entire enterprise in a graphical fashion. Any type of image can be used — geographical maps, data center diagrams, even corporate schematics (such as Visio diagrams). Any JPEG, BMP, or DIB format can be used. Click For Full Size Each dot on the […]

Argent for Oracle

Argent for Oracle provides Instant Best Practices for monitoring critical performance metrics, configuration settings, structural issues, and resource usage of your Oracle database servers. The heart of Argent for Oracle is the completely customizable “Oracle Query Rule Type” allowing you to not only take advantage of the pre-defined Rules, but also incorporate your own or […]

Connectivity Rules AOs

These rules check that an Oracle Server machine is running and accessible over the network. The Rules provide the following options for checking connectivity: Ping TCP/IP port scan (Oracle Listener Port 1521 for example) Win32 API call response Oracle logon test Checking the availability of a Cluster node object (an Oracle cluster resource for example) […]

Query Rules

The Oracle Query Rules provide the ability to execute and check the results of a SQL Statement query against an Oracle database. Any SQL Statement can be defined in the Rule’s text window under Run Following SQL Query Or Stored Procedure Click For Full Size The Rule will parse the row and column output of […]

System Performance Rules

Performance Rules use W200x performance counters. Over 2,000 counters are available and both Microsoft and third-party products add additional counters. For example, if you use Oracle, then Oracle adds over 300 counters related to the performance of the Oracle databases. Save Performance Data To The Argent Predictor The Argent Predictor is Argent’s capacity planning and […]

System Service Rules

Service Rules interact with the Windows Service Control Manager to check the status of services. Service Rules are often used in conjunction with Service Alerts – the Service Rule finds an issue and the Service Alert automatically takes the action to correct it. Creating A Simple Service Rule Select the Add Other W200x/NT Services To […]

Unix Rules

The Unix Rules provide the ability to execute and test the results of shell scripts run against a monitored Oracle server. In order to communicate with a Unix server, the Unix connectivity settings must first be configured in the Unix node properties of the License Manager > Licensed Servers tab. A Telnet or SSH account […]

Argent for Security

Argent for Security can monitor the following: USB device plug/unplug events CD-ROM media load/unload events File creation, deletion, rename and change on USB/CD-RW and other user-specified folders on a fixed hard drive Windows event logs for security audit Custom logic using WMI scripts or PowerShell scripts Pre-configured Rules, Relators and Monitoring Groups allow customers to […]

Network Requirements

Most workstations should be configured to allow pushing out the Argent USB monitoring agent from the Main Engine. In order to do so, the service account of the Main Engine must have access to administrative shares (C$, D$ etc) of monitored workstations. Normally this means the service account should be a member of local administrators […]

Argent USB Monitoring Agent

The Argent USB monitoring agent is responsible for detecting the status of local USB, CD-ROM and changes of local file system. For most cases, it should be pushed out from the Argent for Security Main Engine, so that it can be automatically configured, monitored and maintained. For example, when a newer monitoring agent is installed […]

Monitoring USB, CD-ROM and File Systems

Step 1 – Scan Network To Discover Windows Server/Workstations Click For Full Size Step 2 – License Windows Server/Workstations Click For Full Size The Monitoring Group macro “&MG_WINDOWS” contains all licensed Windows machines Click For Full Size Pre-installed Rules implement all the enumerations of removable storage audits. Click For Full Size REL_USB, REL_CD_DVD and REL_FILE_SYSTEM […]

Product Registry And System Performance

WORKSTATION_POLL_INTERVAL HKLM\Software\Argent\ARGENT_FOR_SECURITY\WORKSTATION_POLL_INTERVAL Supervising Engine DWORD Recommended: 60 (Performance Related) This registry value controls how frequently the main engine polls the workstation for any USB/CD-ROM/FileSystem events. The value is in seconds. The smaller the number, the quicker the events are reported, but more CPU cycles are used. IGNORE_SAME_EVENT_INTERVAL HKLM\Software\Argent\ARGENT_FOR_SECURITY\IGNORE_SAME_EVENT_INTERVAL Supervising Engine DWORD Recommended: 10 (Performance Related) […]

SQL Tables

All discovered USB, CDROM and file system events are saved in SQL table ARGSOFT_SE_FS_EVENT. Column Type Size Description UUID varchar 36 Unique identifier CREATE_TIME datetime Record creation time MODIFY_TIME datetime Record modification time MACHINE nvarchar 128 Workstation name EVENT_TIME datetime Event time DEVICE_TYPE int 1 – USB 2 – CDROM Others – Fixed Hard Drives […]

Argent for SharePoint 2007, 2012, 2014, 2016

Keep your worldwide SharePoint environment running smoothly with the new Argent for SharePoint product — automation, reporting, management, and monitoring for SharePoint in one fully-integrated solution. Argent for SharePoint uses the same easy-to-use architecture seen across all Argent products – the Four Building Blocks. See Also:   The Four Building Blocks   Download Argent AT

Installation of AFS

This chapter of Argent Instant Help lists out the minimum requirements, as well as the seven-minute setup process.

How Do I Deploy Argent for SharePoint

A typical SharePoint farm consists of three parts: SharePoint Front-end server (you can have multiple front ends for larger deployments) Search/Indexing server SQL Back-end (all databases, no IIS) For small environments, they can be installed all in one machine. Argent for SharePoint has three groups of Rules: OS level generic rules such as Performance Rules […]

Setup SP

Argent for SharePoint installs in under seven minutes, featuring a simple setup wizard. A license file is required before Argent for SharePoint is installed. You can apply for a production or 30-day demo license here: See Also:   Minimum Requirements

Running Argent SP

This chapter of Argent Instant Help teaches you about Argent for SharePoint’s interface and how it works.

Rules of Argent for Sharepoint

Argent for SharePoint contains pre-defined Rules to kickstart your monitoring and management of SharePoint. These Rules cover 95% of what you must monitor on SharePoint. Rules are broken down into the following categories: MOSS Configuration MOSS Search Rules SharePoint Configuration Rules SharePoint File System Rules SharePoint Site Rules Service Level Agreement Rules System Down Rules […]


You can completely customize every SharePoint-specific Rule. Click For Full Size To change the threshold of the Rule to compare against, click on the Update Rule button, and specify the new value you’d like to use. Use Average of X Samples At each execution of a Rule, X samples will be taken rather than a […]

MOSS Configuration Rules

MOSS Configuration Rules are specifically designed for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (as opposed to WSS – Windows SharePoint Services). These Rules deal with the results of SharePoint search crawls – excessive values of these properties may degrade the performance of your SharePoint environment. These Rules are also broken down into the following types: Excessive Keyword […]

MOSS Search Rules

MOSS Search Rules deal with the actual quantity of SharePoint crawls – excessive values of these properties may degrade the performance of your SharePoint environment. These Rules are also broken down into the following types: Deep Crawl Rules These Rules check if the percentage of deep crawls per site exceed a certain threshold. Click For […]

SharePoint Configuration Rules

SharePoint Configuration Rules deal with the configuration of web applications in your SharePoint environment – excessive web applications may degrade the performance of your SharePoint environment. Excessive Web App Rules These Rules check if the number of web applications exceed a certain threshold. Click For Full Size

SharePoint File System Rules

SharePoint File System Rules deal with the documentation management aspect of your SharePoint environment – excessive documents and folders may degrade the performance of your SharePoint environment. Fat Document Rules These Rules check if the total size of fat documents exceed a certain threshold. Click For Full Size Flat Folder Rules These Rules check if […]

SharePoint Site Rules

SharePoint Site Rules deal specifically with the quantity of SharePoint sites or subsites in your SharePoint environment – excessive sites may degrade the performance of your SharePoint environment. Deep Subsite Rules These Rules check if the number of subsites exceed a certain threshold. Click For Full Size Excessive Site Rules These Rules check if the […]

Service Level Agreement Rules SP

Service Level Agreement Rules checks if a system is down via TCP/IP ping. This is the simplest method to determine the availability of a server or device. Administrators should be aware that the ability to PING a server ONLY indicates the Network Interface is functioning. You need to use a complete System Down Rule to […]

System Down Rules

System Down Rules provide various methods to determine if a particular server is alive or not. Click For Full Size The various methods are the same with all Argent products. The advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed in Argent Guardian’s System Down and SLA Rules. See Also:   Argent Guardian – System Down and SLA […]

W200x Performance Rules SP

W200x Performance Rules are used to retrieve valuable performance data and snapshots for a particular server. Click For Full Size The counters available are exactly the same as what Microsoft’s Perfmon provides, except that Argent adds extra functionality in the form of Formula Expressions and thresholds. Specifically, SharePoint has its own set of Performance Counters, […]

W200x PowerShell Rules

W200x PowerShell Rules allow you to create your own custom PowerShell scripts to monitor and save performance data from your SharePoint environment. Click For Full Size PowerShell is essentially Microsoft’s next-generation WMI. SharePoint interfaces very well with PowerShell and allows access to all the counters, properties and commands that SharePoint provides. Prior to using PowerShell […]

W200x Service Rules SP

W200x Service Rules allow you to check if specific services are: Not Running Running Stalled Not Installed Click For Full Size W200x Service Rules can also be used to proactively restart auto-started services for you. You can customize your Services Rules by loading the service lists from any machine. Click For Full Size As SharePoint […]

W200x System Command Rules SP

W200x System Command Rules allow you to execute a batch file, command file or any executable, and monitor the returned exit code. Click For Full Size The details of customizing Argent’s W200x System Command Rules are discussed in Argent Guardian’s System Command Rules. See Also:   Argent Guardian – System Command Rules

W200x WMI Rules

W200x WMI Rules allow you to create your own custom WMI scripts to monitor and save performance data for values that you specify in your script. Click For Full Size The pre-defined WMI Rules included with Argent for SharePoint provide examples of built-in functions and variables that allow you to fire Alerts, write messages to […]

Monitoring Groups AFS

Monitoring Groups allow you to create a group of servers to run Rules on. Click For Full Size For instance, if you have a set of cluster-based Rules, you would create a Monitoring Group of all clusters. Monitoring Groups is one of the four building blocks of all Argent products. See Also:   The Four Building […]

Relators AFS

Relators tie together – or relate – the other three basic building block namely Rules, Monitoring Groups and Alerts. Click For Full Size In a Relator the Rule to be executed against the servers and devices in the Monitoring Groups are specified. Also specified are the Alerts fired when an issue is detected. Click For […]

Events and Alerts SP

The Events and Alerts section provides you with a centralized view of all Events and Alerts in your SharePoint environment. All licensed servers will be shown in the Applications tab on screen A1A: Click For Full Size For a useful visualization of events, you can see all Events and Alerts in the Argent SuperMaps tab. […]

Scheduled Monitoring Tasks SP

The Scheduled Monitoring Tasks section is a useful method of viewing the schedules for upcoming Relators, as well as Relators that have completed execution. Click For Full Size Each task has an individual log that can be viewed by right-clicking on the task. Click For Full Size The filter on the left pane also gives […]


Argent’s CMDB-X is an extensible database of servers and devices in your environment. CMDB-X provides complete network discovery of all servers and TCP/IP devices. Click For Full Size Network Discovery Right-click anywhere and choose Scan Network. Click For Full Size This brings up a screen (D12) with a list of network scanning mechanisms: Active Directory […]

Advanced Features SP

This chapter of Argent Instant Help highlights the advanced features in Argent for SharePoint.

Macros SP

Macros are a collection of a particular item, such as email addresses (Email Macros) or login names (User Macros). Click For Full Size Macros can be used in areas of the product that apply. For instance, you can use a single Email Macro containing 10 email addresses in any Email Alert. So rather than defining […]

Calendars SP

Calendars are used to provide maximum flexibility when scheduling events, such as Relators, Alerts, and Automatic Report Distributions. Click For Full Size Calendars are discussed in great length (with usage examples) under Argent XT’s Calendars article. See Also:   Calendars

Automatic Report Distribution SP

Automatic Report Distribution gives you the ability to automatically send out reports at a pre-defined time, and have it sitting in your Inbox before you even get to work on a Monday morning. You can even automatically save the reports into a shared folder, under various export formats such as PDF or HTML, and have […]

Administration SP

The Administration section of Argent for SharePoint is where you centrally configure most of the one-time, critical aspects of Argent for SharePoint. This includes configuring Regional Engines, licensing, email, SMS, and more. Click For Full Size

Argent Console Sharepoint

The Argent Console Administration area configures the maximum number of events to fire, automatic Alert archiving, as well as Argent Alert Executors. One of the most useful features on this screen is the View Engine Log By Notepad button, which provides you with a full audit log of events that occurred through Argent for SharePoint. […]

Configuring Email

Your email servers are configured in the Email tab of the Argent Console Administration area. Click For Full Size Argent supports two types of messaging protocols – MAPI and SMTP. MAPI You must have Outlook installed on the same machine as Argent for SharePoint, and a profile must be created using the Argent service account. […]

Configuring Pagers

The modem used to perform alphanumeric pages is configured in the Pager tab of the Argent Console Administration area. Click For Full Size In most cases, most of the values can be left as default – with the exception of the COM port and baud rate. The most important configuration actually needs to be done […]

Configuring SMS SP

SMS, much like Pagers, requires a piece of hardware known as a GSM modem attached to a serial port. Click For Full Size You must have an existing SMS plan with a service provider in order to use SMS Alerts. The SMSC field defines the SMS carrier phone number to dial.

Supervising Engine SP

The Supervising Engine Administration section allows you to view and configure all aspects of logging. Click For Full Size Note that a Debug Level of “Everything” or even “High” chews up disk space much faster than “Normal”, and should not be used unless under the direction of Argent Technical Services.

License Manager SP

The License Manager allows you to apply or update your license file, as well as choose the servers to manage under Argent for SharePoint. Click For Full Size Servers are displayed from a pool of devices taken from the CMDB-X. The Licensed Server/Device section contains the actual licensed nodes. Double-clicking on a licensed node brings […]


The Housekeeping facility executes custom maintenance scripts routinely, as well as scripts triggered by events when Argent for SharePoint’s log size exceeds a threshold. Housekeeping handles both system logs as well as SQL transaction logs. Click For Full Size

Security SP

Due to the powerful and flexible nature of Argent for SharePoint, Argent provides a method of restricting specific features from specific users or user groups. Click For Full Size This allows Argent for SharePoint to integrate itself with established flows of control in Active Directory.

Argent SuperMaps

The Argent SuperMaps facility allows you to view the status of the entire enterprise in a graphical fashion. Any type of image can be used — geographical maps, data center diagrams, even corporate schematics (such as Visio diagrams). Any JPEG, BMP, or DIB format can be used. Click For Full Size Each dot on the […]

Argent for SNMP 2

The Argent for SNMP provides Instant Best Practices for monitoring SNMP-compliant devices. Both sides of SNMP are supported by proactively checking SNMP statistics while also listening for SNMP Traps. All SNMP-enabled devices or applications such as bridges, hubs, switches, routers, network servers, power supplies, and environmental controls can be monitored. With the Argent for SNMP […]

SNMP Glossary

Community String A password that is passed to a device when attempting any SNMP request. If the community string is correct, the device responds with the requested information. If the community string is incorrect, the device simply discards the request and does not respond. Get An SNMP request to obtain the value of a managed […]

Argent OID Entries

The Argent OID Entries allows you to select commonly used Object Identifiers in your SNMP Rules. For example, “sysUpTime” is a lot easier for most of us to remember than “.“. By default, Argent OID Entries includes a “sysUpTime” and a whole host of other commonly used OIDs that can be selected for use in […]

Argent MIB Viewer

The Argent MIB Viewer allows you to create SNMP Rules from any manufacturer’s MIB files. (And Argent can create these Rules for you as well – The MIB files govern what’s possible to do or see via SNMP for a particular device. Click For Full Size Enter the path or use the Browse button for […]

Argent OID Browser

The Argent OID Browser scans for all SNMP-compliant devices in your SNMP neighborhood, and lets you retrieve all available OID entries from that device. The Argent OID Browser is especially useful for troubleshooting. If you find that you’re unable to get any metrics from a device. You can try this: Browse the SNMP device directly […]

Connectivity Rules SNMP

These Rules check an application is running and accessible over the network. The Rules provide the following options for checking connectivity: Ping TCP/IP port scan (Port 23 for example) Connect to Installed Remote SNMP Service on Device The Contact Installed Remote SNMP Service On Device option verifies the device is online, and also verifies the […]

SNMP Rules

Any SNMP-compliant device can be monitored using the Argent for SNMP. You can create your own custom SNMP rules based on any manufacturer’s SNMP information. You can also get Argent to do this for you. Click For Full Size SNMP Object Identifier Enter the name of the Object ID manually or by using the drop-down, […]

Formula Expressions

Formula Expressions offer added flexibility in monitoring SNMP Metrics. For example, if your environmental monitor returns the temperature of the server room in Celsius, you can convert this metric to Fahrenheit. Or you could measure the uptime of a server or device by converting TIMETICKS to hours. (TIMETICKS are hundredths of a second.) Or you […]

SNMP Trap Monitor

SNMP Traps are unsolicited SNMP information packets sent from any SNMP-compliant device to an SNMP manager such as Argent. Traps can be sent for many reasons, such as hard drive failures, cooling fans that aren’t spinning at the right speed (or spinning at all), network interfaces suddenly dropping, or even for simple informational reasons like […]

Argent for SQL Server 2

Argent for SQL provides Instant Best Practices for monitoring critical performance metrics, configuration settings, structural issues, and resource usage of your Microsoft SQL Server hosts. The product’s Rule Set is comprised of pre-defined Rules to get you started, but as with all Argent Extended Technology products, you have complete control build custom Rules to your […]

Connectivity Rules SQL

These rules check the SQL Server machine is running and is accessible over the network. The Rules range from the basic ping to much stronger tests such as Win32 API remote invocation and remote logon to the SQL Server. To perform a test logon to the SQL Server, select “Logon to SQL Server of Instance” […]

SQL Concurrent Users Rules

These Rules monitor the number of users connected to the SQL Server machine at any one time. SQL-DMO library must be installed on the monitoring engine. It is generally installed as part of SQL Server client package, but do check sqldmo.dll is in drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn Click For Full Size You can use this […]

SQL Lock Rules

These Rules monitor the number of locks being held by the SQL Server. Both exclusive only or all locks can be monitored. SQL-DMO library must be installed on the monitoring engine. It is generally installed as part of SQL Server client package, but do check sqldmo.dll is in drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn Click For Full […]

SQL DB Space Rules

These Rules monitor the amount of used database space in the SQL Server (including both data and transaction log). Optionally, transaction log can be excluded from the metric. SQL-DMO library must be installed on the monitoring engine. It is generally installed as part of SQL Server client package, but do check sqldmo.dll is in drive:\Program […]

SQL Log Space Rules

These Rules monitor the amount of used transaction log space in the SQL Server (including both data and transaction log). SQL-DMO library must be installed on the monitoring engine. It is generally installed as part of SQL Server client package, but do check sqldmo.dll is in drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn Click For Full Size You […]

SQL Processor Usage Rules

These Rules monitor the CPU usage per database. It is worth mentioning that SQL Server does not update this statistics in real-time. Click For Full Size SQL-DMO library must be installed on the monitoring engine. It is generally installed as part of SQL Server client package, but do check sqldmo.dll is in drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL […]

SQL I/O Usage Rules

These Rules monitor the I/O usage per database. It is worth mentioning that SQL Server does not update this statistics in real-time. Click For Full Size SQL-DMO library must be installed on the monitoring engine. It is generally installed as part of SQL Server client package, but do check sqldmo.dll is in drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL […]

SQL Query Rules

These Rules execute a single customizable SQL statement, stored procedure, or a T-SQL block on a specified SQL Server instance/database. In other words, the Argent Query Rules are essentially a product-within-a-product – you can use these Rules to do whatever you want to monitor whatever you want… SQL Server provides a number of “sys*” tables […]

System Service Rules AT

These Rules monitor SQL Server services by default. Other services can be added to the list if required. Service status is retrieved (not running, running, not responding) and compared to the Rule definition. If any condition is satisfied, the Rule is considered broken. Click For Full Size

Argent for Sybase

Argent for Sybase provides Instant Best Practices for monitoring Sybase ASE database servers Argent for Sybase monitors all the important performance indicators of Sybase ASE database server and notifies through Alerts, if the performance metrics are beyond a given threshold Argent for Sybase supports Sybase ASE database installed in UNIX, Linux and Windows platforms With […]

Argent for VMware

Argent for VMware provides Instant Best Practices for ESX/ESXi Hosts and all types of VM Guests. With a vast array of Rules delivered out of the box, Argent is ready to monitor the entire VMware cloud the moment it is installed: Datacenters Clusters Resource Pools ESX/ESXi Hosts VM Guests – Performance Rules, Event Logs, Services, […]

Installation of Argent for VMware

Argent for VMware is available as part of the Argent Advanced Technology family. License File Argent for VMware, like all Argent products, uses a License File. Production customers can apply their existing Argent for VMware production License File. Argent for VMware can only be installed in the designated domain and server specified in the License […]

Initial Configuration

Default VMware Connection Argent for VMware connects to the VMware Infrastructure in one of several ways, depending on the architecture of the virtual environment. A small environment may include several “isolated” ESX/ESXi hosts, with no supporting management infrastructure (i.e. vCenter, or legacy Virtual Center Server). The typical larger environment will include a vCenter server. Very […]

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1 Where can I download the vSphere client? Answer: Where {VI Server} is the VMware Infrastructure server, navigate to: https://{VI Server} Question 2 Where can I download vSphere PowerCLI? Answer: This is available directly from VMware: Question 3 Do I require vCenter in my enterprise to handle ESX/ESXi 4.0 hosts? Answer: No. You […]

Argent for VMware Turbo Mode

Argent for VMware uses PowerCLI to retrieve various VMware performance metrics. In a typical setup, instead of communicating ESX/ESXi hosts, a single vCenter is the interface for the whole VMware environment. PowerCLI is not a lightweight API set. Internally VMware uses web services as communication protocol. The overhead is obvious. For example, a typical logon […]

Configurations Affecting Performance

Connecting to vCenter vs. ESX/ESXi host Generally connecting ESX/ESXi host directly has better performance. But user must be notified with possible impact on production environment. Using vCenter is recommended if it is available. Running Relator in Dynamic Pool vs. Spawning New Monitoring Engine Process The option ‘Spawning New Monitoring Engine Process‘ gives the best isolation […]