Author: Argent Admin

KBI 311610 Enhancement: Multiple Exclude URL from Alerting With Wildcard Or Regular Expression

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1801-A or above Date Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Summary Argent Defender Ultra now supports multiple “Exclude URL from Alerting”, with Wildcard (* or ?) or Regular Expression (RegEx) support Click For Full Size Technical Background “Exclude URL from Alerting” is an existing feature but previously only supported one Regular Expression Customers […]

KBI 311611 Enhancement: Alert Macros In Argent Defender Ultra

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1801-A or above Date Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Summary Argent Defender Ultra now supports Alert Macros Alert Macros can be used in “Alerts To Fire”, “Alerts To Fire When Condition Is Corrected”, and “Alert Escalation Plan” Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1801-A or […]

KBI 311612 Enhancement: New Executable For Repetitive Scheduled Tasks In Argent Products

Version All Argent Products Date Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Summary A new executable has been added to the family of Argent processes called ARGSOFT_LITTLE_EXECUTOR.EXE This process specializes in running repetitive tasks (such as housekeeping or post-processing) Click For Full Size Technical Background This process reduces the stress on existing core processes by running repetitive jobs […]

KBI 311613 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Advanced Session Replay Scheduling

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1801-A or above Date Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Summary Argent Defender Ultra now supports advanced scheduling options for Session Replays, such as: Weekly (Run on Mondays and Thursdays only) Monthly (Run on the 7th of every Month) Every Day Between 00:00 and 23:59, but excluding 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturdays and […]

KBI 311614 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Setup GUI

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1801-A or above Date Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Summary Argent Defender Ultra now has a new Setup GUI for installing, upgrading or deinstalling the product To open the Setup GUI, right click $$_SETUP.CMD and choose “Run as Administrator” Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Defender Ultra […]

KBI 311615 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Tree Toggle

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1801-A or above Date Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Summary Argent Defender Ultra includes a new button to show or hide the Definition Tree To hide, click on the red double-arrow button: Click For Full Size To show, click on the green double-arrow button: Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution […]

KBI 311616 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Trusted Agents

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1801-A or above Date Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Summary Argent Defender Ultra can now install Trusted Agents Click For Full Size Technical Background Before installing Argent Defender Ultra as a Trusted Agent, both the Scheduling Engine and the Trusted Agent requires incoming connections on TCP ports 8022 and 8023 During installation, […]

KBI 311645 Enhancement: Improved Visual Playback

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above Date Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Summary Recorded Sessions may have consecutive actions successfully executed in a short amount of time, say, in less than 1 second Example scenarios may include filling in multiple form fields or clicking multiple items on the same page Argent Defender Ultra’s Visual Playback […]

KBI 311646 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Calendar Definitions

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above Date Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Summary Customers can now create Calendar Definitions to include or exclude the same series of Dates or Date Ranges in multiple Session Replay schedules Right-click on “Calendars” , choose “Create New Calendar…” and give a new Name for the Calendar Definition – For […]

KBI 311647 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Email Screenshots

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above Date Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Summary Customers can now use the new Playback.EmailScreenshot API to send screenshots in their Recorded Sessions to multiple recipients See for detailed documentation and sample usage Technical Background Note: This function requires valid Email configurations, which customers can specify in the Email/SMTP […]

KBI 311649 Issue Addressed: Search Box May Lose Focus While Typing

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1707-A or below Date Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Summary A new ‘Search’ icon is now added Prior to 1804-A, the search box may occasionally lose focus when keyboard becomes idle and the filtered tree eventually steals the focus Customers can now type in their search, then press ENTER or click the […]

KBI 311650 Enhancement: Persistent Column Widths In Scheduled Monitoring Tasks

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above Date Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Summary Column widths in Scheduled Monitoring Tasks are now persistent across sessions of using Argent Defender Ultra – useful for customers using long definition names Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above

KBI 311651 Enhancement: Persistent Definition Tree

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above Date Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Summary Argent Defender Ultra now remembers the last selected tree item across sessions, and opens it the next time you launch Argent Defender Ultra This is useful for customers with large numbers of URL Objects, Session Replays and Recorded Sessions Click For Full […]

KBI 311653 New Feature: Automatic Refresh In Scheduled Monitoring Tasks

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above Date Wednesday, 18 April 2018 Summary Customers can toggle “Automatic Refresh” in Scheduled Monitoring Tasks Click For Full Size Customers can also configure “Automatic Refresh Seconds” in Settings (screen ID D5A) Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Defender Ultra 1804-A or above

KBI 310458 New Feature: Test Relator From Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary A new feature has been added to Argent Global Manager to test Relators. Click on any Relator from tree and select ‘Test This Relator‘ option from right click menu Click For Full Size A new window pops up with list of licensed Servers/Devices and […]

KBI 310459 New Feature: Test Rules From Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary A new feature has been added to Argent Global Manager to test Rules. Click on any Rule from tree and select ‘Test This Relator‘ option from right click menu. Click For Full Size A new window pops up with list of licensed Servers/Devices and […]

KBI 310460 New Feature: Add Monitoring Groups To Views

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary Apart from Servers/Devices, Monitoring Groups also can now be added to Views. To add Monitoring Groups to a View, select a view, select tab ‘Argent AT‘ or ‘Argent XT‘, select tab ‘Monitored Objects‘ and click the add button Click For Full Size A sub-window […]

KBI 310461 New Feature: Add A Device To CMDB-X

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary To add Servers or Devices, select a Network Group and use the right click menu option ‘Add Server or Device‘. The following screen then pops up and the device or server can be added by selecting the appropriate options available as in Argent Advanced […]

KBI 310462 New Feature: CMDB-X In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary CMDB-X of Argent Advanced technology has been incorporated in to Argent Global Manager. CMDB-X is visible only for the Admin users and not available in any views. It can be found just below the Argent Advanced Technology node in tree Click For Full Size […]

KBI 310463 New Feature: Edit Server’s Properties In CMDB-X

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-T1 Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary The details of the Servers/Devices in the CMDB-X list can be edited either by double clicking a particular Server/Device or using the right click menu option ‘CMDB-X Properties‘ after selecting a Server/Device. The following screen pops up to edit the properties All the properties […]

KBI 310464 New Feature: Add Relators To View

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary Relators can now be added to Argent Global Manager Views. To add Relators to a View, select a View, select tab ‘Argent AT‘ or ‘Argent XT‘, select tab ‘Relators‘ and click the add button Click For Full Size A sub-window pops up with ‘Product‘ […]

KBI 310465 New Feature: Shared And Private Definitions In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Friday, 3 May 2013 Summary Two main concepts govern the working of Views. A definition (Monitoring Object, Alert, Rule, Relator) can be either Private or Shared. When a definition is added to a view a message is displayed with option to add it as Shared or Private Click For […]

KBI 310566 Issue Addressed: @ Variables Do Not Appear In SNMP Rules

Version Issue Addressed in Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1307-A Date Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 Summary In Argent Global Manager, ‘@’ variables do not appear for SNMP Rules Technical Background This is a coding error, and has been addressed Click For Full Size Resolution Upgrade to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1307-A or above

KBI 310567 Issue Addressed: Program Rules Add A .EXE Suffix To All Process Names

Version Issue Addressed in Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1307-A Date Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 Summary In Argent Global Manager, Program Rules add a ‘.EXE’ suffix to all process names, while the Argent GUI does not have this This may also cause issues when testing the Program Rule Technical Background This is a coding error, and has […]

KBI 310569 Enhancement: Sorted Use SNMP MIB Drop Down Combo List In SNMP Rules

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1307-A Date Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 Summary The drop down combo list ‘Use SNMP MIB‘ in SNMP Rules (under Argent Advanced Technology -> Rules -> Argent for SNMP -> Network Management) has been sorted and the field made typematic, easing the previously tiresome task in finding a desired MIB Click For […]

KBI 310570 Issue Addressed: Changing Trap Type To enterpriseSpecific Does Not Get Saved

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1307-A Date Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 Summary Addressed an issue where changing Trap Type to ‘enterpriseSpecific‘ does not get saved in SNMP Trap Monitor Rules (under Argent Advanced Technology -> Rules -> Argent for SNMP -> Network Management). Also, the associated number field is modified to support 1 to 6 digits […]

KBI 312005 Enhancement: Argent for Active Directory Enhanced To Support Active Directory 2019

Version Argent Advanced Technology 2207-A and above Date Tuesday, 19 July 2022 Summary Argent for Active Directory 2207-A has been enhanced to support Active Directory in Windows Server 2019 Technical Background Argent for Active Directory now support following Active Directory versions: Active Directory in Windows Server 2003 Active Directory in Windows Server 2008 Active Directory […]

KBI 310675 Issue Addressed: Argent for SQL Server-SQL Job Rules Shows A Message Could Not Be Processed Because Of Conflicting Database Version

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1307-A or below Date Tuesday, 24 Sep 2013 Summary Addressed an issue of getting the message that the Job Rule ‘could not be processed because of conflicting database version‘ in SQL Job Rules Technical Background When changing ‘Rule Is Broken If The Following Condition Is Met By‘ field value between ‘All […]

KBI 310716 New Feature: New Node Property Logical Drives In CMDBX Properties For Windows Servers Added To Argent Global Manager

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 1310-C and above Date Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013 Summary A new node property ‘Logical Drives‘ in CMDBX Properties for following OS types has been added to the Argent Global Manager: Windows Servers Windows Domain Controllers Windows Workstations NT Backup Controllers Windows 9x Systems Following screenshot shows this: Click For […]

KBI 310722 New Feature: Support For Exchange 2013 Added To Argent Global Manager

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 1310-C and above Date Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013 Summary Support for Exchange 2013 has been added to the Argent Global Manager with a new set of Rules under the node ‘Instant Best Practices for Exchange 2013‘ Screenshot displaying the same is given below: Click For Full Size Technical Background […]

KBI 310730 Issue Addressed: Allows Relator Re-check When No Alert Escalation Plan Is Specified

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-B or below Date Monday, 4 Nov 2013 Summary Addressed the issue in Argent Global Manager where Relator recheck setting ‘Stop Rule Re-check When Last Escalation Is Fired‘ is used irrelevantly with no Alert Escalation Plan Technical Background Relator re-check setting ‘Stop Rule Re-check When Last Escalation Is Fired‘ could be […]

KBI 310732 New Feature: Drag/Drop Support For Recheck Settings In Relator

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Monday, 4 Nov 2013 Summary A new feature has been added to Argent Global Manager which allows customers to Drag/Drop Alert Definitions into dialog box of recheck settings Technical Background Some customers find it a lot speedier using Drag/Drop instead of bringing up Alert Browsing […]

KBI 310733 New Feature: Hide Pending Events With Memo In Argent Console

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Tuesday, 5 Nov 2013 Summary Added a new feature ‘Hide Pending Events With Memo‘ in Argent Console which allows customers to hide pending events with memo notes on the Argent Console A1x screens Technical Background Typically, customers cannot answer or resolve pending events immediately Instead, […]

KBI 310739 New Feature: Add New Location From CMDB-X Node Property

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013 Summary A new feature has been added in Argent Global Manager so that customers can now add a new location directly from CMDB-X node property dialog box Technical Background In previous versions, only an existing location definition within the CMDB-X node […]

KBI 310740 New Feature: In CMDB-X Screen A New Alias Column Is Added

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013 Summary A new ‘Alias‘ column is added in Argent Global Manager CMDB-X screen Technical Background Newly added column ‘Alias‘ is useful for customers who read the Argent CMDB-X tables directly Click For Full Size Resolution Upgrade to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C […]

KBI 310741 New Feature: Argent Global Manager Customize Event Console List A1B

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013 Summary A new feature has been added in Argent Global Manager to customize the columns in the Event Console list Technical Background This new option allows customer to customize the columns in the Event Console list Customer can right click on […]

KBI 310742 New Feature: Hide System Events In Argent Console

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013 Summary A new feature ‘Hide System Events‘ has been added in Argent Console which allows customers to hide System Events on the Argent Console A1x screens Technical Background Argent AT system events are fired for various system conditions such as offline […]

KBI 310743 New Feature: Removed Brace Restriction On Keyword OR

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013 Summary Removed additional braces when specifying criteria using keyword ‘OR‘ in Argent Global Manager Technical Background Argent Global Manager used to require additional braces when keyword ‘OR‘ is used in criteria Click For Full Size Some customers find it cumbersome and […]

KBI 310744 New Feature: Show Nodes With Events In Argent Console

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C and above Date Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013 Summary A new feature ‘Show Nodes With Events‘ has been added in Argent Console which allows customers to list only those servers/devices with events on the A1x screens Technical Background Normally all licensed server/devices or all CMDB-X nodes are shown on […]

KBI 310824 Enhancement: Rules Are Grouped Under Specific Folders

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1401-A and above Date Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014 Summary Rules are categorized under related folders in the following products Argent for Active Directory Argent for Oracle Argent for Security Argent for SQL Server Argent for SharePoint Argent Sentry Ultra Argent for Exchange Argent for XenServer Technical Background To be […]

KBI 310825 Enhancement: Option To Add Node Alias In A1A Screen

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1401-A and above Date Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with an option to display Node Alias in the ‘Events and Alerts‘ (A1A) Screen Technical Background Node Alias is an Argent XT behavior that was recently ported to Argent Advanced Technology version 1401-A To […]

KBI 310827 Issue Addressed: Cannot Set Rule Breaking Criteria In SQL Query Rules

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C or below Date Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014 Summary Addressed the issue that rule breaking condition cannot be set in SQL Query Rules Technical Background In SQL Query Rules, OK button in ‘SQL Query Sub Rule‘ window is non functional Click For Full Size This is a script error and it […]

KBI 310829 New Feature: Implemented New Alert Keyword %AGStatus%

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1401-A and above Date Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014 Summary Depending on where the Alert comes from, keyword ‘%AGStatus%‘ is replaced with one of following: Alert Escalated Corrected Technical Background Customer found he had to define three alerts for each alert recipient for Alert, Escalation and corrected condition With this […]

KBI 310830 New Feature: Implemented Search Facility In Monitoring Group Definition Module

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1401-A and above Date Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014 Summary Search Facility is implemented in Monitoring Group Definition Module Technical Background Customer may have difficulty to find specific node when dealing large CMDB-X database Search facility is implemented to make it easier Wildcard ‘*‘ and ‘?‘ are supported as the […]

KBI 310831 New Feature: Implementing Node Specific Alert Using Default Alert

Version Added to Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1401-A and above Date Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014 Summary Implemented ‘Default Alert‘ in both Network Group level and CMDB-X node level in Argent Global Manager Technical Background All the nodes in the Relator use the same alerts when Rule is broken Sometimes customer needs to implement node specific alert […]

KBI 310834 Issue Addressed: Service List From A Remote Server Is Not Fetched When Using The Same User Credentials That Work Perfectly In Argent Advanced Technology

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1310-C or below Date Monday, 17 Feb 2014 Summary Addressed the issue that service list from a remote server is not fetched when using the same user credentials that work perfectly in Argent Advanced Technology Technical Background In Service Rules screens (of all products) and Service Macro screens of Argent Global […]

KBI 310934 Enhancement: Added System File Rules In Argent Sentry Ultra

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1404-A and above Date Friday, 9 May 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with ‘System File Rules‘ in Argent Sentry Ultra Technical Background System File Rules are added which check the following File Exists/Not Exists And Changed/NOT Changed In Past ‘N‘ Minutes Check File Size (In Bytes, KB, MB […]

KBI 310937 Enhancement: Added Runbook Feature In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1404-A and above Date Friday, 9 May 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with Runbook feature for all Argent Global Manager products Rules Technical Background Runbook is an existing feature of Argent Advanced Technology products Rules and it has been added in Argent Global Manager version 3.1A-1404-A onwards A […]

KBI 311066 New Feature: SuperFind Tool For Relators

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Added ‘SuperFind‘ search utility in Relators Technical Background As in the case of Rules and Alerts, SuperFind tool applies on Relators as well They list the Relators configured under different Argent Advanced Technology products Click For Full Size Data can be filtered […]

KBI 311067 New Feature: SuperFind Tool For Rules

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with ‘SuperFind‘ search tool for Rules Technical Background This filtering utility applies on Rules configured under Argent Advanced Technology products This fast and powerful utility is very useful as it does filtering over thousands of Rules […]

KBI 311068 New Feature: SMS Macro For Listing SMS Phone Numbers

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Added a new feature ‘SMS Macro‘ which is a list of phone numbers used for sending Alerts so that they can be reused and managed easily Technical Background SMS Macro is a list of phone numbers to the Alerts are sending Click […]

KBI 311069 New Feature: SuperFind Tool For Alerts In Relators

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Introduced ‘SuperFind‘ search facility for Alerts in Relators Technical Background ‘SuperFind‘ finds the Alerts that are configured in both Production and Test Relators The ‘Filter‘ tab shows three main filtering options – Correction Alert, Notification Alert and Alert Macros and there are […]

KBI 311070 New Feature: SuperFind Tool For Email Alerts

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Added ‘SuperFind‘ search tool in Email Alerts Technical Background SuperFind is one of the worthy features in Argent Global Manager to filter Rules, Relators and Alerts Applying SuperFind in Email Alerts advocates filtering configured Email Alerts and Email Macros There are two […]

KBI 311071 Enhancement: Added A New Product DeviceMagic In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with a new product ‘DeviceMagic‘ to monitor switch host as well as individual ports Technical Background DeviceMagic monitors the following: Up/Down Status In/Out Bandwidth Usage (MBPS) Packet Latency and Packet Loss Multiple thresholds can be defined […]

KBI 311072 Enhancement: Added System File Rules In Argent Sentry Ultra

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Added ‘System File Rules‘ in Argent Sentry Ultra to check the file information such as file exists, not exists, file size, file count, created/modified time etc Technical Background System File Rules are added which check the following File Exists/Not Exists And Changed/NOT […]

KBI 311073 Enhancement: Introduced Global System View In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Added ‘Global System View‘ in Argent Global Manager to apply a new service account and password for Argent Advanced Technology services, for all, or selected Argent Advanced Technology Monitoring Products This feature facilitates to start/stop/restart Argent Advanced Technology services Global System View […]

KBI 311074 Enhancement: Added Datastore Visibility Rule In Argent for VMware

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with ‘Datastore Visibility Rule‘ in Argent for VMware to check if any Datastore is invisible to the ESX Host Technical Background Datastore Visibility Rule compares all the Datastores known by vCenter and the ones visible to […]

KBI 311075 Enhancement: Added NetFlow And sFlow Rules In Argent for SNMP

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced by implementing ‘NetFlow‘ and ‘sFlow‘ Rules in Argent for SNMP Technical Background Implemented a set of Rules – ‘NetFlow‘ and ‘sFlow‘ – of Argent Advanced Technology in Argent Global Manager as well Click For Full Size […]

KBI 311077 Issue Addressed: Argent Global Manager Console Shows Event Time Incorrectly

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1406-A or earlier Date Friday, 12 Sep 2014 Summary Addressed the issue that Argent Global Manager incorrectly showing the Console Event Time Technical Background Some customers may notice that Argent Global Manager displays the Console Event Time incorrectly by swapping the month and date values For example, when considering the date […]

KBI 311129 Enhancement: Expanded Security In Argent Global Manager Via Active Directory

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1412-A and later Date Wednesday, 17 Dec 2014 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with an option to set Security on individual objects or object folders, for Active Directory users/groups Security can be set either explicitly or implicitly Explicitly means Security is applied using Global Security Objects (GSO) or specifying […]

KBI 311173 Issue Addressed: Creating New Monitoring Groups From View Is Slow When Nested Monitoring Groups With A Total Of More Than 150 Monitoring Groups Exist

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1501-A and earlier Date Friday, 27 Feb 2015 Summary Addressed the issue on creating new Monitoring Groups from Argent Global Manager View with nested Monitoring Groups containing a total of more than 150 Monitoring Groups Technical Background Argent Global Manager View becomes slow and at times hangs, on creating new Monitoring […]

KBI 311234 Enhancement: License Manager Option In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1507-A and later Date Thursday, 18 June 2015 Summary Argent Global Manager now has the License Manager screen for licensing Servers or Devices Technical Background The License Manager feature of the Argent Advanced Technology has been added in Argent Global Manager version 1507-A The screen allows to add or remove Node […]

KBI 311235 Enhancement: New Rule Category Instant Best Practices For Standby/ASM Servers In Argent Global Manager Under Argent for Oracle

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1507-A and later Date Friday, 19 June 2015 Summary New Rule category ‘Instant Best Practices For Standby/ASM Servers’ has been added in Argent Global Manager under Argent for Oracle Technical Background Argent Advanced Technology version 1504-T1 introduced ‘Instant Best Practices For Standby/ASM Servers’ in Argent for Oracle This Rule section will […]

KBI 311237 Enhancement: Enterprise Application View Option In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1507-A and later Date Friday, 19 June 2015 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with the ‘Enterprise Application View’ option to show the Global Health of enterprise applications Technical Background Enterprise Application Views allows to group the Events into the components of an application, and determine the Rules that will […]

KBI 311240 Enhancement: CMDB-X Filter Option In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1507-A and later Date Friday, 26 June 2015 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced by implementing Filter option for the servers and devices listed in the CMDB-X screen Technical Background Argent Global Manager version 1507-A implemented the existing feature of Argent Advanced Technology, CMDB-X Node filtering CMDB-X provides complete network […]

KBI 311249 New Feature: Node Wise Listing Of Built-In Variables In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1507-A and later Date Monday, 6 July 2015 Summary Argent Global Manager introduced a powerful feature to list all available built-in variables (%VARIABLE%) for a node at a centralized location Technical Background Argent Global Manager 1507-A now has the ability to list all configured and available built-in variables of Nodes A […]

KBI 311267 Enhancement: Scheduled Monitoring Tasks Option In Argent Global Manager To View Relator Schedules

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1507-A and later Date Friday, 31 July 2015 Summary ‘Scheduled Monitoring Tasks’ option has been added in Argent Global Manager to show the Relator schedules Technical Background Argent Global Manager ‘Scheduled Monitoring Tasks’ screen shows the information of the scheduled Relators of the selected product The screen lists both completed and […]