Author: Argent Admin

Users and Groups

This popup determines which users or groups the security row should apply to. You can have a mixture of both users and groups. Click For Full Size Note the Domain Name at the top. If you’ve installed Argent Commander on a machine in a workgroup, use the local machine’s hostname as the Domain Name. If […]

Allowed Nodes

Allowed Nodes determines which individual nodes and Monitoring Groups the security row has access to. If a Monitoring Group is selected, all nodes that are part of the Monitoring Group will be allowed. Monitoring Groups are much more convenient, and saves you from clicking on many individual nodes. Click For Full Size Nodes also have […]

Rights and Privileges

This popup specifies the different privileges that the security row has. The labels are fairly self-explanatory — but here is an explanation of each: Click For Full Size Add/Edit Maintenance Schedules Allows users to add or edit Maintenance Schedules in the Licensed Servers module (Enterprise Page). If this is unchecked, the link to edit Maintenance […]

Allowed Performance Matrices

Performance Matrices are basically saved page layouts that have been created by various users. There are cases where a particular page layout is useful — e.g. “SQL Statistics” or “IIS Statistics”. With Performance Matrices, you can swap between page layouts quickly and easily. This popup controls what Performance Matrices the user has access to load. […]

Allowed Maps

This popup determines which CeoConsoles, SuperMaps and Enterprise Application Views the security row has access to. Again, the All checkbox provides a blanket solution for allowing all current and future maps Click For Full Size

Value Mappings

All numerical values can be mapped to another value, or text string. For example, if the Interface Status of a Cisco device is ‘3’, this isn’t particularly useful for a human. Mapping the value of ‘3’ to, say, ‘Disconnnected’, and ‘2’ to ‘In Use’, is far more informative. Mappings are grouped into Mapping Sets. Each […]


MasterFind is an alternative method of looking up critical performance data within Argent Commander. MasterFind is essentially a powerful search engine for Argent’s performance data. Some customers like drill-downs, while others want a convenient search facility to pinpoint exactly what they want, across all servers and devices. MasterFind finds all performance data matching a certain […]


Sandbox gives customers the ability to interactively compare graphs across different nodes, in a single pane of glass. Each graph can be customized to any server, device or even Monitoring Group. Sandbox is perfect for big-screen TV monitors, where customers can keep an eye on the most critical metrics on any server or device side-by-side. […]

CeoConsole Page

With Argent’s unique CeoConsole you see — for the first time ever — all key metrics of all your locations worldwide As the newest component of Argent’s acclaimed Argent Commander product line, the CeoConsole gives harried administrators and senior executives a single pane of glass for all your automation and monitoring needs And Argent’s Systems […]

Enterprise Page

Argent Commander’s Enterprise view provides you with a macroscopic view of your enterprise. Argent Commander’s strength lies in taking the power of Argent AT and Argent XT, and condensing all of this critical information into “command modules”: The Enterprise page sports a tree view of all nodes (1307-A or above). The tree remains persistent while […]

Device Drill-down Page

The Device Drill-downs page consists of four modules. There is also a convenient Jump To feature at the top of the page, to quickly jump to another known device. Of course, the Security Manager settings will prevent users from jumping into a device that they do not have access to. Click For Full Size Alerts […]

Top X Page

The Top X page takes the devices that you are allowed to access, and sorts them based on the last available metric. For instance, you could have a Top X module for the Top 10 servers with the highest total CPU usage during the last poll. You could also have the Top 30 servers with […]

Argent Commander Console

The Argent Commander Console provides a full list of all events and alerts for servers you have access to. In Argent Commander 1307-A or above, Argent Commander’s “Console” page has been enhanced with the following features: Full-screen width utilization Filters can be shown/hidden Event Details pane can be shown/hidden All columns are sortable and resizable […]


The SuperMaps provide a visual representation of events in your enterprise. SuperMaps must first be configured in Argent XT and Argent AT, where you can specify the background image, the location of the dots, colors, and hotlinks. All these are faithfully reproduced in Argent Commander, but with a stunning Web 2.0 interface. Click For Full […]

Enterprise Application Views

Enterprise Application Views allow you to group your events into the components of an application, and determine the Rules that will cause a degradation to the total Global Health of the application. Enterprise Application Views must first be configured in Argent AT or Argent XT, and much like the SuperMaps — all dots, colors and […]

Performance Matrices

Performance Matrices are basically saved page layouts that have been created by various users. There are cases where a particular page layout is useful — e.g. “SQL Statistics” or “IIS Statistics”. With Performance Matrices, you can swap between page layouts quickly and easily. Click For Full Size Performance Matrices can be created by any user […]

Configure This Screen

The Configuration screen is used to configure global and user-specific settings that affect your Argent Commander experience. General Log Debug Level This option changes the level of detail in {Username}_LOG.TXT. The logs are located in the LOGS folder of Argent Commander’s installed directory. Note: Setting the Log Debug Level to Highly Detailed causes the log […]

Customization and Languages

Argent Commander can be individually customized for each user account that logs in. While the Database team may be interested in one set of modules, the IT Manager may be interested in another. Customization is done using state-of-the-art Web 2.0 drag-and-drop. Argent Commander remembers each and every setting you make, including the ordering of modules, […]

Device Types and Persistent Settings

Argent Commander makes all changes persistent until you change them again. For instance, if you change the number of entries to display on a particular Top X module from 5 to 100, it will keep that setting everytime you load the page. For the Device Drill-down page, Argent Commander remembers each and every node/device you […]

Web Sessions

Argent Commander uses web sessions to minimize memory usage and the load it puts on the database. Web sessions are automatically created by Argent Commander once a user logs in. The web sessions are destroyed if an inactivity timeout of 20 minutes is reached, OR if the user closes ALL browser windows. (The key point […]

Argent Commander XML Files

This article discusses the structure and purpose of the XML files that are used to store information for Argent Commander. The XML definitions are located in Argent\ArgentCommander\XML Although the Argent Commander setup routine is very quick and painless, it is good practice to backup the XML files if considerable work has been done to configure […]

Argent Commander Configuration Tool

All information critical to Argent Commander is stored in a series of XML files. Take for instance ARGSOFT_CONFIGURATION.XML — this file holds encrypted data on the Argent XT and Argent AT service account, account password, the main engine hostname, and database connection details. What happens if we decide to change the service account and password […]

How To Put 1,000 Nodes Into Maintenance Mode In Two Minutes

Argent Commander allows customers to add, modify or delete Maintenance Schedules in Argent AT directly from within Argent Commander. On the ‘Enterprise’ (C1) page, drill down to the node in the tree and click on the calendar icon: Customers will be able to see a list of existing schedules they can edit or delete Adding […]

Argent Commander CMDB-X

Argent Commander CMDB-X provides an easy, streamlined way to manage critical servers and critical devices, properties and licensing, all in one screen. CMDB-X makes it easy for you to simultaneously add multiple servers and devices as a batch, license them with multiple Argent Products, and assign them to existing or new Locations, Network Groups and […]

Adding New Servers and Devices

The ‘Add New Rows’ section of Argent Commander’s CMDB-X feature allows customers to add a batch of nodes to CMDB-X, and optionally assign them to existing or new Monitoring Groups, and optionally license them with one or more Argent Products. Note: While customers can add as many nodes as they wish into the CMDB-X, licensing […]

Viewing, Editing and Deleting Servers and Devices

The CMDB-X List enables customers to manage existing servers and devices easily. Customers can set filters above the list to narrow down results. This is highly recommended, as it speeds up the browser, and quickly pinpoints the servers and devices customers are looking for. When viewing the list, customers may also see an additional bar […]

XML Options

This chapter discusses some of the more advanced settings and ways to manipulate the Argent Commander XML files.


ARGSOFT_MATRIX.XML stores the Performance Matrices in Argent Commander for all users. Each section, or tag, in the XML defines a screen. ENTERPRISE Enterprise Page DEVICE Device Drill-down Page TOP Top X Page SUPERMAPS SuperMaps Page EAV Enterprise Application View Page Each XML tag holds two useful attributes — the NAME and the CREATOR The NAME […]


ARGSOFT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS.XML stores system-wide configuration values for Argent Commander. Each section, or tag, in the XML defines a value. LOG_LEVEL Specifies the Log Debug Level: 1 – No logging 2 – Low Logging 3 – Medium Logging 4 – Detailed Logging (Default) 5 – Highly Detailed Logging DEBUG_MODE Reserved for debugging purposes SQL_COMMAND_TIMEOUT Specifies the timeout […]

Argent ViewMagic

Argent’s revolutionary new ViewMagic lets you create your own Instant Dashboards, showing ALL your critical servers and devices that you can create, design and control. No more to’ing and fro’ing on countless WebEx sessions or phone calls — now you can create unlimited Instant Dashboards. Simple, quick and revolutionary in its power. Map SNMP counters […]

Value Mappings Argent ViewMagic

All numerical values can be mapped to another value, or text string. For example, if the Interface Status of a Cisco device is ‘3’, this isn’t particularly useful for a human. Mapping the value of ‘3’ to, say, ‘Disconnnected’, and ‘2’ to ‘In Use’, is far more informative. Mappings are grouped into Mapping Sets. Each […]

Editing Playback Date

By default, each View shows live, current data. Customers can change the Playback Date to see what it looked like on a certain date and time — e.g. a historical snapshot This allows customers to see “What happened last night at 10 p.m.?” or “What was the trend two weeks ago for my disk space?” […]

Editing Rotation Playlist

The rotation playlist allows customers to include/exclude different Views into a Playlist, and transition from one View to the next after a defined number of seconds (defined by the View Rotation Seconds field) Click on the Options Icon and choose Edit Rotation Playlist Drag and drop between the ‘Available‘ and ‘Included In Playlist‘ sections. The […]

Editing An Existing View

After creating a ViewMagic View, customers can return to Edit Mode to modify the Views, or duplicate them. Use the pulldown menu to choose the View that needs to be edited. Click on the Options Icon and choose Edit Current Design The View will now enter Edit Mode, allowing customers to drag-and-drop, edit properties, or […]

Creating A New View

Creating a new ViewMagic View is simple and straightforward — here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a simple View. Click on the Options Icon and choose Create New Design Starting off with a brand new View, a single Pane will be shown: Click on the Options Icon above the Pane, and choose Insert Pane A […]

Row Types

Independent Row This is the basic row type — this row type represents a single node. Enumerated Nodes from Monitoring Group Let’s say a customer has 12 nodes to add as individual rows in a Table. The customer could either create 12 Independent Rows manually, or create a single, special row, with the Row Type […]

Column Types

Text Allows any text to be displayed, along with %VARIABLES% that can be added via a pull-down menu. The %VARIABLES% are straight-forward and intuitive — e.g. %NODE_NAME% or %INSTANCE%, etc. Hovering over a text field always shows the actual Node Name for the row. Sparkline Sparklines fetch Argent Predictor data so customers can quickly identify […]


ViewMagic uses straightforward and intuitive design concepts, enabling customers to create their own Views in a matter of minutes. Each of the building blocks used in constructing a View has specific names, as follows: Click For Full Size Each View can have one or more Panes Each Pane can have one or more Tables Each […]

Argent Job Scheduling

These articles explain how Argent Job Scheduling works, the product’s architecture, and important concepts. Argent Job Scheduling consists of two components: Argent Scheduler Argent Queue Engine The important concepts to understand are: Rollover Background Jobs Security Fault Tolerance And Backup Nodes

Affinity Parameters

There are three options for Affinity on the Argent Job Scheduler’s Job Server Group screen (J20C): First Available Server All Servers Specified Above Least-busy Server (Lowest CPU) First Available Server: This option, as the name implies, means that if a job is submitted and there are multiple Argent Queue Engines from which to choose, then […]

Argent Job Scheduler Credentials

Argent Job Scheduler supports several ways to define the log on credentials used when a job is submitted to an Argent Queue Engine server for execution. This help article discusses the supported options and describes several different techniques. Default Queue Engine Account vs ‘Run-As’ Credentials When a job is submitted to Argent Queue Engine for […]

Argent Job Scheduler Migration To SQL Server

Migrate Argent Job Scheduler From CodeBase to SQL 7.0 (or above) Backend Argent Job Scheduler consists of Scheduling Engine and Queue Engine. The Scheduling Engine can use MS SQL server as its database backend. The migration steps are described as follows. Click For Full Size The first step is to back up the Argent Job […]

Argent Queue Engine

Argent Job Scheduling consists of two products: the Argent Scheduler and the Argent Queue Engine. Both products consist of a service and a GUI client. The normal installation will configure a server and use the service account. The Argent Queue Engine is installed on all servers where jobs run – the Argent Queue Engine runs […]

Argent Queue Engine Error Codes

This article explains the error codes produced by the Argent Queue Engine. When you attempt to control a Job you are restricted from or if you attempt to exceed a Queue limit, the Argent Queue Engine provides an error code to explain the condition. Below is the list of Argent Queue Engine error codes and […]

Argent Scheduler

The Argent Scheduler consists of a service and a client GUI. In most cases the service and client GUI are installed on the same machine. You can also install just the client GUI of the Argent Scheduler on the desktops of users who need to schedule jobs regularly. A frequently asked question is, “If I […]

Archived Jobs

Archiving is used to keep track of all the Jobs submitted by Argent Job Scheduler Archival can be done automatically or manually to the default Argent database or separate database configured by the user Archiving is the feature by which Argent Job Scheduler stores and retrieves historical information of all Jobs handled by Argent Job […]

Background Jobs

A job scheduler by nature is designed to run jobs in the background, as opposed to the foreground or interactively. Thus, a program requiring mouse or keyboard input will not run correctly until it is modified. This is by design — any program requiring user intervention cannot be run in the background; how would you […]

Command Reference

While most Argent Customers prefer to manage their jobs through the Argent Scheduler GUI and the Argent Queue Engine GUI, a compete set of commands are provided, so you can programmatically control your scheduling. Each command uses a unique set of qualifiers, or switches. Qualifiers begin with the forward slash character. Many qualifiers can specify […]

Network Usage

You can use all of the commands across the network. There are two different ways to use the commands across a network. The first is to use the /SERVER qualifier every time you enter a command. The second is to set the XS_SERVER environment variable. Example A Using /SERVER qualifier: C:\>QSHOW /SERVER=SULLIVAN Queue Name Status […]


The JSUBMIT.EXE command is used to submit jobs into the current schedule on the Argent Scheduler. Syntax JSUBMIT.EXE /NAME=JobTemplate /PARAMS=Params /SERVER=ServerName /QUEUE=QueueName /ALERT_START=AlertName /ALERT_NORMAL=AlertName /ALERT_ABEND=AlertName /ALERT_LATE_START=AlertName /RUN_AT=dd-MMM-ccyy:hh:mm or hh:mm /EVERY=hh:mm /UNTIL=dd-MMM-ccyy:hh:mm or hh:mm /HOLD Qualifiers /NAMEThis is required and must reference an existing job template definition in the Argent Scheduler where the JSUBMIT.EXE command is […]


The QSUBMIT.EXE command submits a job to a queue in an Argent Queue Engine server. The job is specified by its job file, which is either a command procedure (.cmd or .bat) or executable (.exe) file. If this command is being used on the server, i.e. the server on which the Argent Queue Engine service […]


The QSYSTEM.EXE command allows the System Administrators to control the queue system settings. Most of the functions of this command are, by default, available only to members of the Administrators or Domain Admin Group on the Argent Queue Engine server. Syntax QSYSTEM.EXE /SHOW /START /STOP /PAUSE /CONTINUE /DEFAULT_QUEUE=QueueName /NO_DEFAULT_QUEUE /LOG_SIZE_LIMIT=KBytes /KEY=LicenseKey /NOSTART /MAX_EXEC_JOBS /MAX_JOB_PROCESSES /LICENSE […]


The QCANCEL.EXE command cancels, aborts, or discards a job, depending on the current status of the specified job. Syntax QCANCEL.EXE JobNumber /ABORT /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers If only a job number is provided, the pending job instance is cancelled. /ABORTIf this qualifier is present and the specified job is executing, then the job is aborted. If this […]


The QCREATE.EXE command creates a queue. Various queue properties can be specified when the queue is created, and they can also be changed at a later time with the QMODIFY.EXE command. Default values are used for any attributes that are not specified. The queue name may be up to 16 characters long, and may not […]


The QMODIFY command modifies one or more of a Queue’s properties. Syntax QMODIFY.EXE QueueName /DESCRIPTION=string /PRIORITY=n /PENDING_JOBS=n | /EXECUTING_JOBS=n | /STOP /START /CLOSE /OPEN /AUTO_START=hh:mm /AUTO_STOP=hh:mm /AUTO_OPEN=hh:mm /AUTO_CLOSE=hh:mm /NOWORLDREAD /NOWORLDCONTROL /SERVER=ServerName /DEFAULT_LOGDIR=NewDefautDir /CREATE_DEFLOGDIR /USE_DEFAULT_LOGDIR /NOUSE_DEFAULT_LOGDIR Qualifiers /DESCRIPTIONThis specifies a new description for the queue. /PRIORITYThis specifies a new priority for the queue. This value may […]


The QDELETE.EXE command deletes a queue, canceling any jobs in the queue. If the queue contains any executing jobs, the QDELETE.EXE command will not delete the queue unless the /ABORT_JOBS qualifier is used. Syntax QDELETE.EXE QueueName /ABORT_JOBS /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers /ABORT_JOBSThis instructs the Argent Queue Engine to abort any executing jobs in the queue in order […]


The QOPEN.EXE command opens a queue. When a queue is open, and as long as it is not full, it will accept jobs that are submitted to it. Syntax QOPEN.EXE QueueName /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers /SERVERThis specifies the name of an Argent Queue Engine server. If this qualifier is absent, then the command uses the value of […]


The QCLOSE.EXE command closes a queue. When a queue is closed, it will not accept jobs that are submitted to it. Syntax QCLOSE.EXE QueueName /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers /SERVERThis specifies the name of an Argent Queue Engine server. If this qualifier is absent, then the command uses the value of the XS_SERVER environment variable, if defined. If […]


The QSTART.EXE command starts a queue. When a queue is started, it will execute jobs that are pending in the queue. Syntax QSTART.EXE QueueName /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers /SERVERThis specifies the name of an Argent Queue Engine server. If this qualifier is absent, then the command uses the value of the XS_SERVER environment variable, if defined. If […]


The QSTOP.EXE command stops a queue. When a queue is stopped, it will not execute jobs that are pending in the queue. Syntax QSTOP.EXE QueueName /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers /SERVERThis specifies the name of an Argent Queue Engine server. If this qualifier is absent, then the command uses the value of the XS_SERVER environment variable, if defined. […]


The QREQUEUE.EXE command moves a job from one queue to another queue. Syntax QREQUEUE.EXE JobNumber /QUEUE=QueueName /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers /QUEUEThis specifies which queue to requeue the job to. This qualifier is required. /SERVERThis specifies the name of an Argent Queue Engine server. If this qualifier is absent, then the command uses the value of the XS_SERVER […]


The QSHOW.EXE command displays information about a single queue, a single job, and all queues in the system, or all executing jobs. Syntax QSHOW.EXE /ALL | QueueName /JOBS JobNumber /EXECUTING_JOBS /SERVER=ServerName Qualifiers /ALLThis displays all queues in the system. This is the default if no qualifiers are specified. /JOBSThis can be used with a queue […]

Creating Exit Code Files Using Argent_CC

You can use the Argent_CC.exe utility in your batch jobs to generate an exit code that the Argent Queue Engine can read, to determine if the job completed successfully according to your specifications. Here is an example of using the Argent_CC.exe utility in a batch job. Example: REM JOB3.CMD DIR ARGENT_CC /CC=0004/FILE=%AQM_EXIT_CODE_FILE% This will cause […]

Directory Structure

This series of articles describe the directory structure of the Argent Job Scheduler and the Argent Queue Engine.

Argent Job Scheduler Home Directory

The default value for the root/home directory of the installed program product is typically C:\ARGENT\SchedulingEngine. Customers can change the directory name during product installation. Throughout the remainder of this document, the term “home directory” will be used to refer to the name of the installed product root directory. Sub-Directories The following directories are installed under […]

Argent Queue Engine Home Directory

The default value for the root/home directory of the installed program product is typically C:\ARGENT\QueueEngine. Customers can change the directory name during product installation. Throughout the remainder of this document, the term “home directory” will be used to refer to the name of the installed product root directory. Sub-Directories The following directories are installed under […]

Configurable Standalone Files

Some file processing performed by the Argent Job Scheduler is configurable and is not tied to a specific directory. Configuration Information Files Both the Argent Job Scheduler and the Argent Queue Engine maintain configuration information in three files: hosts.dat timeouts.dat users.dat The hosts.dat and timeouts.dat files contain information about Queue Engine server connections. The users.dat […]

Critical Configuration Settings

This section highlights some Job Scheduler configuration settings that can be critically important in production environments System Options Home Path, Database, ODBC Setup The values for these three prompts can only be changed during upgrade and installation processing. Changing the value of the Home Path, for example, can disrupt production environments by making it impossible […]

Environment Variables

The Argent Job Scheduler supports three important constructs that can be combined to provide great flexibility to customer-developed applications. Environment Strings Environment string support provides a way for a customer to set the value of an environment variable that will be accessible to customer jobs during execution. Environment strings are defined for a job using […]

Fault Tolerance And Backup Nodes

All Argent products are designed for the real world, where not everything goes according to plan all the time… You can define Backup Nodes within Configuration Options to ensure continuity when the primary server running the Argent Scheduler fails. Click For Full Size On the Argent Queue Engine side, you can install separate instances of […]

System Requirements

For Codebase Backup Engine The Primary Engine must be upgraded to the same version as the Backup engine to be installed. For SQL Backup Engine The Primary Engine must be upgraded to the same version as the Backup engine to be installed. SQL 7.0 or Higher One Empty SQL Database on Backup Machine 100 Megabyte […]

How Argent Job Scheduler Codebase Backup Engine Works

In the configuration of main engine, the tab ‘Backup Node‘ specifies the failure-proof path. The main engine writes a live status file ‘TAJSALIV.SVC‘ to the directory, and updates its timestamp in the frequency specified in the same tab. In the configuration of backup engine, the tab ‘Backup Node‘ specifies the failure-proof path as well. IT […]

How To Setup The Codebase Backup Engine

Before the customer begins: The Primary Engine must be upgraded to the same version as the Backup engine to be installed. Customer must be logged on under an account that is in the Administrator’s group. No reboot is needed. On Backup Engine Server From Windows Explorer run setup.exe from Scheduler_Install folder. Click For Full Size […]

How Argent Job Scheduler SQL Backup Engine Works

In the configuration of the main engine, the tab ‘Backup Node‘ specifies the failure-proof path. The main engine writes a live status file ‘TAJSALIV.SVC‘ to the directory, and updates its timestamp in the frequency specified in the same tab. In the configuration of the backup engine, the tab ‘Backup Node‘ specifies the failure-proof path as […]

How To Setup The SQL Backup Engine

Before customers begin: The Primary Engine must be upgraded to the same version as the Backup engine to be installed. One Empty SQL Database on Backup Machine must be created 100 Megabyte Database 100 Megabyte Transaction Log On The Backup Engine Server From Windows Explorer run setup.exe from Scheduler_Install folder. Click For Full Size Click […]

Using MSDE As Argent Job Scheduler Backend

Pre-requisites: IMPORTANT Requirements: W2K SP2 w/MDAC 2.6, IE 5.5 SP2, Access 2000, MSDE (Found on Office 2K CD). NOTE: Unlike SQL Server 7.0/2000, the MSDE has a 2-gigabyte database size limit, doesn’t support Symmetrical Multiprocessing (SMP) on Windows 95 or later, and when using Transactional replication, can’t be a replication publisher (although it can act […]

Installation Of MSDE From Office 2000 CD

The customer starts by navigating to SQL\X86\SETUP\SETUPSQL.EXE and double-click the file name to begin the installation process. Click For Full Size Click For Full Size The customer selects Local Install – Install to the Local Machine then clicks Next to continue. Click For Full Size The customer clicks Next to continue. Click For Full Size […]

Creating a Database for the Argent Job Scheduler To Use

Open up a command prompt on MSDE Server and type “osql -E” Click For Full Size The customer opens a command prompt window on server where MSDE has been installed and types osql -E. The customer then types the following commands. Variable values are highlighted with italics. USE master GO CREATE DATABASE TALC ON ( […]

Creating the DSN for the Argent Job Scheduler

The customer navigates to the ODBC administration tool using Start->All Programs->Administrative Tools->Data Sources (ODBC) as shown in the following example: Click For Full Size The customer clicks the System DSN tab and then clicks Add. Click For Full Size The customer selects SQL Server as shown in the example below. Click For Full Size The […]

Using MSDE As The Argent Backend

If customers are not sure about any steps in the document or are not positive on how to proceed on a certain step, contact Argent Technical Support FIRST. Proceeding with an incorrect step could result in loss of data. Using MSDE as the Argent Backend From the folder where the Argent Job Scheduler install kit […]

Argent Job Scheduler Migration from Codebase To MSDE

Pre-requisites: IMPORTANT Customers who wish to convert to the MSDE backend must upgrade to the most recent version FIRST. If customers attempt to move to the MSDE before upgrading to the current version, the import of fields and tables into the SQL database will fail. ENSURE that the Argent database is experiencing NO Codebase Errors […]

Enhanced Reliability of the Argent Job Scheduler in Tight Core

Background Argent has focused substantial technical and development resources on assessing and improving the effectiveness of Argent Job Scheduler in heavily constrained environments. This document describes unexpected behaviors seen in the Windows operating systems and enhancements Argent has introduced in Argent Job Scheduler to compensate for these Windows problems. Heavily Constrained Environments Under Windows, any […]

Export/Import Tools

Introduction Argent customers need reliable tools to be able to export data from a table in one database and import the data to a different database or server. The ArgSoft XML tools address this need by providing an export tool and an import tool. The export tool is implemented as ARGSOFT_SAVEASXML.EXE. The import tool is […]


ARGSOFT_SAVEASXML.EXE supports the following parameters /SERVER_NAME= The name of the database server where the database table to be exported resides /DATABASE_NAME= The name of the database where the table to be exported resides /TABLE_NAME= The name of the table to be exported /FILTER_EXP= An optional expression that can be used to select a subset of […]


ARGSOFT_LOADFROMXML.EXE supports the following parameters /SERVER_NAME= The name of the database server where the database table to be imported resides /DATABASE_NAME= The name of the database where the table to be imported resides /TABLE_NAME= The name of the table to be imported /INPUT_FILE= The fully-qualified path and name of the disk file where the XML […]

Sample Exported XML Disk File

The following is an example of the contents of the XML disk file created during an export from an origin database table: Click For Full Size The generated XML is compatible with other Argent-provided XML manipulation tools. The high-level tag is the pair. The tag contains attributes that represent the parameter input. Each tag represents […]

Examples JS

Example – Synchronizing Calendars Between Argent XT and Argent Job Scheduler Many Argent customers select both the Argent Extended Technology systems management and monitoring product and the Argent Job Scheduler business process management product for deployment within their enterprises. Both products implement a calendar table. The calendar table has an identical column layout in both […]

Installation JS

The Argent Job Scheduler allows users to launch, control and monitor jobs submitted by the Argent Job Scheduler running in the queue engine server. The Argent Job Scheduler is an enterprise-wide batch job scheduling system for production W200x/UNIX/iSeries/SAP environments. Argent Job Scheduler centralizes control of all batch jobs submitted to W200X and UNIX Queue Engines, […]

Argent Job Scheduler Min Prerequisites

To install Argent Job Scheduler, the following minimum system and hardware requirements need to be met: Hardware Requirements At least two CPU cores 2 GB RAM 1 GB of free disk space 1.2 GHz processor or higher Software Requirements Argent Job Scheduler functions on W2008 or later Argent Queue Engine (XS) functions on W2008 or […]

How To Install Argent Job Scheduler

This section explains the step-by-step procedure for installing the Argent Job Scheduler. Before customers begin, please note: Installation takes less than 2 minutes. Customers must be logged on under an account that is in the Administrators group. No reboot is needed. All customers’ existing Job Classes, etc. will be retained if the Upgrade path is […]

How To Upgrade Argent Job Scheduler

This section explains the procedure for upgrading customer’s current version of the Argent Job Scheduler. About Upgrading Upgrading is different than re-installing; when customers upgrade they are only replacing the executable files. This means that their data files remain intact. All customers existing Job Classes, etc. will be retained if they use the Upgrade path […]

How To Install Argent Queue Engines W200X/NT

This section explains the step-by-step procedure for installing the Argent Queue Engine on Windows machine. After the installation, Argent Job Scheduler engine can be configure to execute jobs on the Argent Queue Engine. Step 1: Run SETUP.EXE from Windows Explorer or from the Start Menu (Type: X:\_ARGENT_INSTALL\SETUP.EXE) If you intend to install the Pre-W200X version […]

How To Install UNIX Queue Engines

UNIX Conventions When using UNIX via its command line interface, UNIX displays a prompt that signifies that it is ready to receive a command from the user. The character(s) used by this prompt can be significant. The standard default prompt for the UNIX Super User, the user with universal permissions, who is usually an administrator, […]

Solaris JS

Installing Argent Queue Engine On Solaris Using pkgadd The Solaris Queue Engine is delivered via a software package that can be installed via the pkgadd utility. By default, pkgadd looks for packages in the /var/spool/pkg directory. Move the Solaris Queue Engine to this directory, then uncompress and expand it into the ARGTqe folder. Then issue […]

Solaris x86

Installing Argent Queue Engine On Solaris x86 Before installation of the Argent Queue Engine you must have a valid license file (tabflicense.dat). Transfer the Solaris x86 Argent Queue Engine file and the license file to the /tmp directory on the host. Instructions Login into the host as the “root” user. Change directory to /tmp. cd […]


Installing Argent Queue Engine Software on HP-UX HP-UX uses the swinstall utility to install software packages called depots. Download and uncompress THE_ARGENT_QUEUE_ENGINE_4_6A_0601_HPUX_DEPOT.TAR.Z. To install the Queue Engine, issue the following command: # swinstall -x ask=true -s /install_dir/ARGTqe.depot ARGTqe Where /install_dir/ARGTqe.depot is the full path name of the Queue Engine depot file. The installation will ask […]