Author: Argent Admin

Registry Entries

These Instant Help pages describe the the Registry entries for each Argent product.

ArgentManagementConsole ArgentDataConsolidator

This registry key contains the following values: CLIENT_ODBC_DSN Default None Description This key contains the ODBC DSN (data source name) for the client installation. It is useful when the local machine is a client installation, and the database backend is ODBC data source. SERVERNAME Default None Description This is the main engine server name.


This registry key contains the following values: ADDITIONAL_EMAIL_NOTIFY Default Empty Description This is a comma-separated string value. When the license has expired or is about to expire, a notification email is sent to Argent Support, the Customer’s email address, plus email addresses specified in this registry value. ARCHIVE_SQL_TIMEOUT Default 30 Description This value is a […]

ArgentDataConsolidator TransferEngine

This registry key contains the following values: ARCH_TO_SQL_IN_BATCH Default 100 Description Record count for a SQL Server batch. DATABASE_ENGINES Default None Description Associated database engines. DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD_IN_SECOND Default 300 Description When an internal worker thread exceeds this time for updating the deadlock detection structure, the deadlock event is fired and the service is restarted. DEBUG_LEVEL Default […]

ArgentDataConsolidator DatabaseEngine

This registry key contains the following values: DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD_IN_SECOND Default 300 Description When an internal worker thread exceeds this time to update the deadlock detection structure, the deadlock event is fired and the service is restarted. DEBUG_LEVEL Default 0 Description Debug level. DISABLE_ODBC_COMM_ERR_POPUP Default 0 Description Boolean value. If it is not zero, an ODBC error […]

Product Downloads

You can download and install any Argent product from this area. All Argent products are the full production products – the only difference is the key you apply. To get a complementary 30-day Evaluation Key, please click here: Get Evaluation Key

Argent AT Minimum Requirements

Download and run this utility now: To install Argent AT, the following minimum system and hardware requirements need to be met: Windows 2008 R2 or above At least two CPU cores 4 GB RAM 10 GB of disk space 2.0 GHz processor or higher Internet Explorer 8 or above Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE […]

Download Argent Advanced Technology

Argent Advanced Technology (AT) is the next generation of Argent’s monitoring and alerting products, combining the same, easy-to-use components with a scalable and reliable architecture. Argent Advanced Technology consists of: Argent for Active Directory Argent for AWS Argent BoardRoom Argent for Compliance Argent Enterprise Argent for Exchange Argent for Java Argent Guardian Ultra Argent for […]

Argent-wide Flag Settings

SERVICE_SERVER_OFFLINE Option To test a Windows service, Argent first needs to connect to the server where the service is located. Sometimes — due to any number of reasons — the server is inaccessible to the Argent server doing the testing. Customers can treat this situation in one of two ways: To ignore the situation, or […]

Argent Conversion Tool

This conversion tool automates 96% of the conversion from the old Argent Extended Technology products to the equivalent Argent Advanced Technology products. The Argent Conversion Tool works with all versions of Argent Extended Technology The second part of this conversion tool is an integrity checker that checks the veracity of the new Argent Advanced Technology […]

Argent Conversion Tool-How To Run

Introduction The Argent Conversion Tool is a set of utilities that can be used to convert Alerts, Rules, Relators etc from Argent Extended Technology to Argent Advanced Technology. Currently this product supports the following products: Argent for Compliance Argent for Exchange Argent for Oracle Argent for SNMP Argent for SQL Server Argent for VMware Argent […]

Optional Linux/Unix/iSeries Agents

While the main install of Argent monitor all iSeries, Linux, and Unix machines remotely, many Customers prefer to install local agents on these machines. Here you can download and install these optional local agents. There is no additional cost to use local agents; Argent’s goal is provide you with the most appropriate solution available AS/400 […]

Download Argent Commander

Argent Commander is an interactive, real-time facility based on Web 2.0 technology that integrates with your existing Argent installation. Argent Commander provides pre-defined “command modules” that report on key performance indicators, Top X charts and tables, as well as event and alert summaries for all the individual servers in your enterprise. Argent Commander 5.0A-2111-A Instant […]

Download Argent Global Manager

Argent Global Manager, based on Web 2.0 technology, is the Web User Interface (WUI) for Argent Advanced Technology Argent Global Manager integrates with the entire Argent Advanced Technology installation, including the Non-Stop Motors, Daughter Engines and Trusted Agents It provides all those functionalities of Argent Advanced Technology and more in a URL that you can […]

Download Argent Omega

</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p> Argent Omega Argent Omega Argent Omega is the next generation of Argent’s monitoring products. Argent Omega provides an easier-to-use interface with integrated AI learning. Argent Omega consists of: Argent Compliance Automator Argent Omega Baseline Argent Omega for Active Directory Argent Omega for Exchange Argent Omega […]

Argent Compliance Automator

This document discusses the benefits of Argent Compliance Automator. Argent Compliance Automator can easily detect and stop hacking from any platform – Windows, Linux, Unix; if the application has a log, the Argent Compliance Automator can monitor it.

Argent Baseline

This document discusses the benefits of Argent Omega. Argent Omega is the next generation of Argent’s monitoring products. Argent Omega provides an easier-to-use interface with integrated AI learning.

Argent for Microsoft 365

This document discusses the benefits of Argent for Microsoft 365. Argent for Microsoft 365 automates the monitoring and management of Microsoft 365. Argent for Microsoft 365 tool sets provides a clear and detailed view into the health of every component of your Microsoft 365 infrastructure, including license details, service health, endpoint status, etc.

Argent for SNMP

This document discusses the benefits of Argent for SNMP. Argent for SNMP is a complete automation solution, automating all the essential but labor-intensive chores that all customers must perform to ensure your SNMP devices run smoothly.

Argent for SQL Server

This document discusses the benefits of Argent for SQL Server. Argent for SQL Server includes Tool Sets for flexible and real time SQL Server monitoring; supported versions are: SQL 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2022. Argent for SQL Server offers out-of-the-box discovery, availability, health, and performance tracking.

Download Argent Web Defender

This document discusses the benefits of Argent Web Defender. Argent Web Defender provides Toolsets for comprehensive monitoring of websites, so that network administrators can collect data related to internet latency, network hop issues, and other metrics to help build a snapshot of the website or web server’s performance. These performance data are then translated into […]

Download Argent Reporter

This document discusses the benefits of Argent Reporter. Argent Reporter is the reporting facility in Argent Omega. Argent Reporter uses RDLC (Report Definition Language Client) to generate reports by taking an RDL file designed with Microsoft Report Builder to generate RDLC files for reporting. The most important aspect of Argent Reporter is that it can […]

Benefits Of Argent Omega Over Argent AT

This document discusses the benefits of Argent Omega over Argent Advanced Technology. Below are the most important features and benefits of Argent Omega Brand-New Argent Omega Super Console. Enhanced And Simplified User Interface. Modernized And Improved Graphical User Interface. Reporting Feature Is Now Out-Of-The-Box. Network Topology Mapping Capability.

Download Argent Job Scheduler

The Argent Job Scheduler consists of two components – the Argent Queue Engine where the jobs actually execute, and the Argent Job Scheduler that schedules jobs to the various queue engines. Both components are in the same zip file. Both products take a total of about three minutes to install. While Argent’s products take only […]

Download Argent Reports

Argent has used industry-standard Crystal Reports in all Argent products for over 15 years To help customers better leverage Web 2.0 in their use of Argent, Argent has created a new customizable reporting product, which we’ve dubbed “Argent Reports” (very imaginative, you say) Argent Reports is a clean and crisp product you can use to […]

Download Argent WorldView

Argent WorldView is a real-time facility based on Web 2.0 technology that integrates with all your Argent Job Scheduler installations Argent WorldView syncs with all your Queue Engines local / remote and will show the live status of Jobs. With drill down feature you can go to any Job instance from a single location. You […]

Argent VMware Guest Utility

Using Argent’s proprietary Rule of 100, Argent often tests on hundreds of VMware guests Creating hundreds or thousands of these guests is a odious and tedious chore As this is often the case for Argent customers as well, Argent has created this free, free-standing CLI to automatically generate dozens or hundreds of VMware guests This […]


New York, USA Tel 212 222 9868 Fax 917 724 0650 ArgSoft Group LLC 30 Wall Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10005 London, UK Tel 44 20 3818 5866 Fax 44 20 3603 4548 ArgSoft Sales and Engineering Limited 20-22 Wenlock Road London, N1 7GU Hong Kong, China Tel 852 2330 0310 Fax 852 […]


North America Tel 212 222 9868 Fax 917 724 0650 ArgSoft Group LLC 30 Wall Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10005 Europe, Middle East and Africa Tel 44 20 3818 5866 Fax 44 20 3603 4548 ArgSoft Sales and Engineering Limited 20-22 Wenlock Road London, N1 7GU UNITED KINGDOM Australia and New […]

KBI 311991 How To Use Argent To Run Scripts Remotely On 400 Servers

Version Argent Advanced Technology — All Versions Date Friday, 6 May 2022 Summary This article describes how to remotely run a script on 400 servers. Technical Background By using Windows Remote Management (WINRS) Argent Guardian Ultra is be able to execute a script, executable, batch file, or command on servers remotely. The script must be […]

KBI 311990 Recommended ViewMagic Dashboard For Smaller Accounts

Version Argent Advanced Technology — All Versions Date Friday, 6 May 2022 Summary This article describes how to build recommended ViewMagic dashboard for smaller accounts Technical Background By using ViewMagic in Argent Commander you can view simple but powerful dashboards Rules to build dashboard must have executed at least one and have the following option […]

KBI 311989 Issue Addressed: Showing Access Denied Message When Copying An Existing Definition

Version Argent Global Manager 5.1A-R18 and below Date Tuesday, 19 April 2022 Summary Argent Global Manager showing access denied message when copying an existing definition. Technical Background When copying an existing definition (Relators, Alerts, Rules, or Network Group), an “Access Denied” error message pops up and a spinning wheel. Click For Full Size Click For […]

KBI 311987 Enhancement: Display Wireless Clients for Meraki Access Point AP

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2204-A and later Date Tuesday, 19 April 2022 Summary Meraki is the cloud-based management protocol for CISCO wireless access points (AP). One common usage is to find out current wireless clients of a selected Meraki device. The feature has been implemented in Argent AT 5.1A-2204-A. Click For Full Size Click For […]

KBI 311986 Enhanced ARGSOFT_GRANT_SCM_ACCESS.exe to Allow Wildcards in Service Name

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2204-A and later Date Tuesday, 19 April 2022 Summary ARGSOFT_GRANT_SCM_ACCESS.exe is the utility to grant remote access of Service Control Manager (SCM) and individual Windows service. It is useful when Argent AT service account is not a local administrator of target machine. See Also: KBI 310557 for detail. ARGSOFT_GRANT_SCM_ACCESS.exe used to […]

KBI 311985 Issue Addressed: Could Not Backup Configuration for Some HP ProCurve Switches

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2204-A and later Date Tuesday, 19 April 2022 Summary Argent for SNMP failed to backup HP ProCurve configuration. A connectivity test shows following result: Click For Full Size Argent AT 5.1A-2204-A has been enhanced to address the issue. New property ‘Enter Key to Dismiss Banner’ is added to Licensed Node Properties. […]

KBI 311984 Issue Addressed: Some AWS Regions Are Missing

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2201-A and earlier Date Tuesday, 19 April 2022 Summary AWS service has added quite a few new service regions since Argent for AWS was implemented. These new regions were not available in Argent for AWS. For example, Africa (Cape Town) was added recently. The issue has been addressed in Argent AT […]

KBI 311983 Argent Reports Failing To Run PDF Reports

Version Argent Reports — All Versions Date Friday, 8 April 2022 Summary Due to Microsoft Server limitations Argent Reports may fail to run PDF reports with the following error HTTP Error 404.17 – Not Found The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler Click For Full […]

KBI 311982 Argent Safe from Spring4Shell Vulnerability

Version All Argent Products — All Versions Date Thursday, 7 Apr 2022 Summary This article describes security concern on the Spring4Shell vulnerability and Argent is safe from the vulnerability. Technical Background A Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux application running on JDK 9+ may be vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE) via data binding. The specific […]

KBI 311981 Win 2022 Is Certified By Argent For Use With All Argent Products

Version All Versions of Argent AT Date Wednesday, 23 March 2022 Summary Windows Server 2022 was released in September 2021. Windows Server 2022 is certified by Argent for use with All Argent products. Technical Background Windows Server 2022 is certified by Argent for use with All Argent products. Please see Microsoft support page for Mainstream […]

KBI 311980 How to Rename a Node in Argent Guardian

Version All Versions of Argent AT Date Wednesday, 23 March 2022 Summary Customer recently updated IP address for a network device and wanted to ensure Argent monitoring is up-to-date. This article describes how to rename a node in Argent Guardian for the above scenario. Technical Background Renaming node in Argent is very easy and can […]

KBI 311979 Apparent Database Error Could Not Query Table

Version All Versions of Argent AT Date Friday, 18 March 2022 Summary This article describes apparent database error interrupting Argent alerts, commonly caused by network issues. Technical Background Database or network connectivity issue can interrupt Argent monitoring even though Argent Service status states “running“. Argent SVC Log contains useful details, for example, the SVC Log […]

KBI 311978 Creating Relator With A Prerequisite

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date Tuesday, 8 March 2022 Summary Argent Advanced Technology has the functionality of Relators having Prerequisite Rules If Prerequisites Rule is broken the main rules will not execute If Prerequisite Rule is set to Alert Never the Relator will not execute any alerts If Prerequisite Rule is set to […]

KBI 311977 Determine If Network Issue When Argent NDE Test Fails

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date Tuesday, 8 March 2022 Summary Argent Advanced Technology has rules to check individual ports on a server The TELNET command should be able to access the server outside of the product Technical Background Argent Advanced Technology can scan a customizable port to test connectivity to a server Click […]

KBI 311976 Working With Secure Website Monitoring Using Argent Sentinel

Version All Versions of Argent AT Date Thursday, 3 March 2022 Summary Google confirmed a zero-day vulnerably in the Chrome browser, documented in CVE-2022-0609. This article describes how to stay secure on website checking using Argent Sentinel. Technical Background Argent Sentinel built-in with Chromium based browser to deliver automated website monitoring. To Confirm Argent Sentinel’s […]

KBI 311975 Argent Omega Supports Secure HTTPS Web GUI

Version Argent Omega 2.2.2202.11 and above Date Thursday, 3 March 2022 Summary This article describes Argent Omega improved support for secure HTTPS web GUI. Technical Background In default setting, Argent Omega web GUI is accessible via http://server_name:6100. Before enabling HTTPS support for Argent Omega web GUI, navigating via HTTPS protocol will returns the following error. […]

KBI 311974 Documenting Shares with Argent Advanced Technology

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Monday, 28 February 2022 Summary Argent Advanced Technology creates network shares to allow Argent Advanced Technology client programs to access Click For Full Size By default, the network shares allow access to everyone Click For Full Size Technical Background Network shares access is required for all users […]

KBI 311973 Enhancement: Argent for SNMP Now Supports Latest Encryptions SHA256 and AES256

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2207-A or above Date Monday, 7 February 2022 Summary Argent for SNMP now supports SHA256 for Authentication Protocol and AES256 for Encryption Algorithm Click For Full Size Click For Full Size Technical Background SNMP V3 setting for some newer version of network devices only allows SHA-256 and AES256 as Authentication Protocol […]

KBI 311972 Managing Argent Omega Active Directory Based Access Control

Version Argent Omega 2.2.2201.19 and Above Date Friday, 4 February 2022 Summary This article describes security feature for Argent Omega’s access control. Technical Background Argent Omega’s access control integrates with Windows Authentication. Access can be granted at Windows User Account and Windows User Group level. In addition, a read-only access can be granted to Demo […]

KBI 311971 Customizing Sender’s Email Address in Argent AT

Version All Versions of Argent AT Date Friday, 4 February 2022 Summary This article describes customizing sender’s email address in Argent AT. A customer wanted to show a different sender’s email address for Argent email alert. Technical Background Argent AT supports customized sender’s email address on SMTP protocol. Customized sender’s name is configurable in Alert […]

KBI 311970 Argent Reports Not Distributed Automatically But Generated Fine Manually

Version Argent Reports All Versions Date Tuesday, 18 January 2022 Summary Report automatic distribution stopped working but manual report preview always works fine. The following error was captured in Argent Reports logs, Could not open database “ARGENT_REPORT” requested by login. Login failed. Invalid connection string attribute. Technical Background The error indicates database connectivity issue. A […]

KBI 311958 Issue Addressed: Argent Global Manager Fails To Load After Changing Regional Format

Version Argent Global Manager 5.1A-R13 or below Date Wednesday, 1 December 2021 Summary Argent Global Manager fails to load some screens, after changing the regional format Technical Background After changing the regional format (changed from English-United States to German-Germany) of the server where Argent Advanced Technology is installed Click For Full Size Argent Global Manager […]

KBI 311957 New Feature Argent Global Manager Support Group Managed Service gMSA Account

Version Argent Global Manager 5.1A-R18 and above Argent Advanced Technology 2104-B and above Date Wednesday, 1 December 2021 Summary Argent Global Manager now supports gMSA account. Argent Advanced Technology must be installed with gMSA before installing Argent Global Manager. Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) is Microsoft’s free tool that simplifies service credential management. Configuring a […]

KBI 311955 Combine Multiple Reports By Argent Reporter Into Single Report

Version Argent Omega 2.2.2110.30 and above Date Friday, 19 November 2021 Summary This article describes how to combine multiple reports created by Argent Reporter into single report. Technical Background Argent Reporter supports Report Group feature to combine multiple reports created by Argent Reporter into single report. The Report Group feature allows customer to optionally configure […]

KBI 311921 Working With Agent SMS Alert Over 4G Networks

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Monday, 12 Apr 2021 Summary This article describes how to setup a 4G SMS Modem and Argent Console for SMS alerting Technical Background Requirements 1. An active mobile service supporting 4G networks and SMS service 2. Healthy 4G signal coverage 3. A compatible 4G SMS Modem and […]

KBI 311919 Argent Products Support Group Managed Service gMSA Account

Version Argent Advance Technology 5.1A-2104-A and above Argent Commander 5.0A-2103-A and above Date Wednesday, 24 Mar 2021 Summary Argent Advanced Technology and Web products now support gMSA account. Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) is Microsoft?s free tool that simplifies service credential management. Configuring a service only requires entering the user name, while the password field […]

KBI 311884 USB Modem Passthrough In VMware ESXi

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Friday, 13 November 2020 Summary USB Modem Passthrough in VMware ESXi Argent supports various types of SMS relays For pure SMS notifications (non-internet-based relays), a GSM modem is required to relay the message via cell phone towers This is important feature texts a customer when the internet […]

KBI 311872 Enhancement: Option To Update Vital URLs In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 5.1A-R13 and above Date Tuesday, 29 September 2020 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced to provide the option to update vital URLs from the Node Properties window of Argent Sentry Ultra License Manager screen Technical Background Prior to version 5.1A-R13 of Argent Global Manager and version 5.1A-2010-A of Argent Advanced […]

KBI 311840 New Feature: How To Send Argent Advanced Technology Email Alerts Using Microsoft 365

  Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2007-A and above Date Tuesday, 16 June 2020 Summary The recommended method for sending/receiving Microsoft 365 email is to use Exchange Web Service (EWS), which is supported since Argent AT 5.1A-2001-A Initially EWS used Basic Authentication of logon and password However, Microsoft has decided to discontinue Basic Authentication for Microsoft […]

KBI 311825 Enhancement: Added Custom Color For Threshold Lines In Argent Reports Graphs

Version Argent Reports 7.0A-2004-A and above Date Friday, 24 April 2020 Summary Argent Reports have been enhanced with custom color threshold lines in Graphs Technical Background Argent Reports (Graph) supports 3 threshold lines in a graph In versions prior to 7.0A-2004-A, the colors of these threshold lines were hardcoded Argent Reports have now been enhanced […]

KBI 311819 Enhancement: Added Purge Option For Events In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 5.1A-R11 and above Date Tuesday, 21 April 2020 Summary Argent Global Manager has been enhanced with options to purge the Events from the “Consoles” screen Technical Background The option to purge Events allows customers to get rid of irrelevant and false Events to clean up the database The new option is […]

KBI 311798 Variables Available In Argent Advanced Technology

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2001-A or above Date Wednesday, 4 March 2020 Summary This note contains documentation for all variables that can be used within Argent Advanced Technologies. Technical Background %VARIABLES% Sometimes you need to add a variable to an Alert for parameters, such as the name of the server being tested-hard-coding each server name […]

KBI 311797 Disabling TLS 1.0/TLS 1.1 In Argent Products

Version All Argent Products Date Monday, 2 March 2020 Summary Customers are compelled to upgrade to TLS 1.2 for secure communication because of security vulnerabilities that have been reported against SSL and earlier versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS). Because of this, customers must disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and only allow TLS 1.2 […]

KBI 311087 Argent WorldView User Guide

Version Argent WorldView all versions Date Friday, 15 Nov 2019 Summary User Guide for Argent WorldView Technical Background Argent WorldView is a Web 2.0 application that integrates with all of your existing Argent Job Scheduler installations and serves as a web interface for the schedulers By introducing Argent Job Scheduler into a web GUI, customers […]

KBI 311750 Enhancement: Added Download Option In Job Log Screen Of Argent WorldView

Version Argent WorldView 7.0A-R3 and above Date Monday, 6 May 2019 Summary Download Option added in Job Log screen (JW4A) in Argent WorldView Technical Background Argent WorldView has been enhanced with a new ‘Download’ option in JW4A screen to download Job Log Click For Full Size Resolution Upgrade to Argent WorldView 7.0A-R3 or above

KBI 311749 Enhancement: Added Column Job Class In JW4 Screen Of Argent WorldView

Version Argent WorldView 7.0A-R3 and above Date Monday, 6 May 2019 Summary Added column ‘Job Class’ in JW4 screen of Argent WorldView Technical Background Argent WorldView has been enhanced with a new column field ‘Job Class’ in JW4 screen Click For Full Size Resolution Upgrade to Argent WorldView 7.0A-R3 or above

KBI 311254 Argent for Compliance Cleanup CLI Tool

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Thursday, 11 April 2019 Summary ARGENT_FOR_COMPLIANCE_CLEANUP_CLI tool has been introduced to clear piled up archival data of Argent for Compliance from related database tables To download ARGENT_FOR_COMPLIANCE_CLEANUP_CLI tool: Technical Background Apart from monitoring, Argent for Compliance also has an option to archive the logs such as Windows Event […]

KBI 311720 Enhancement: Argent Reports Now With TLS 1.2 Support

Version Argent Reports 7.0A-1901-A and above Date Tuesday, 23 October 2018 Summary Several known security vulnerabilities have been reported against SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and earlier versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS) Due to this, many customers are being required by security auditors to upgrade to TLS 1.2 for secure communication Argent Reports 7.0A-1901-A has […]

KBI 311705 Enhancement: Argent Commander Now With TLS 1.2 Support

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1809-B and above Date Wednesday, 12 September 2018 Summary Several known security vulnerabilities have been reported against Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and earlier versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS) Due to this, many customers are being required by security auditors to upgrade to TLS 1.2 version for secure communication Argent Commander 5.0A-1809-B […]

KBI 311704 New Feature: Saving Performance Data To Argent Predictor Ultra

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-1810-A and above Date Monday, 10 September 2018 Summary Argent Predictor Ultra is the new generation of data archiving and trend analysis product Compared to existing Argent Predictor, it does database Sharding, data compression and supports multiple data stores It is designed especially for handling extremely large volume of data It […]

KBI 311696 Careless Upgrade Of The TLS To Version 1.2 Can Affect Argent Products

Version All Argent Products – All Versions Date Thursday, 9 August 2018 Summary Upgrading TLS to version1.2 without making required changes in the configuration of Argent products, shall end up with unforeseen issues Technical Background Argent Advanced Technology, Argent Commander, Argent Reports, Argent Global Manager, Argent Job Scheduler and Argent WorldView all uses ODBC for […]

KBI 311692 ODBC Connection Failure After Enabling TLS v1.2 And Disabling TLS v1.0

Version Argent Job Scheduler – All Versions Date Tuesday, 24 July 2018 Summary Argent Job Scheduler has issues while connecting to SQL Server database after enabling TLS v1.2 And Disabling TLS v1.0 Technical Background Customers are compelled to upgrade to TLS 1.2 for secure communication because of many security vulnerabilities that has been reported against […]

KBI 311672 New Feature: Dynamic Email Address And SMS Mobile Numbers

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-1807-A and above Date Monday, 4 June 2018 Summary This feature can become very confusing Feel free to contact Argent Technical Support to learn how to properly use this feature Email addresses used in Email Alerts are usually hardcoded However, the user might want to dynamically generated email address based on […]

KBI 311622 Issue Addressed: Argent WorldView Prerequisite Check Fails With Errors

Version Argent WorldView Version 7.0A-R1 and below Date Thursday, 22 February 2018 Summary Argent WorldView fails to install with the following error Click For Full Size Following lines are seen in the setup log file * ERROR * Could not found ‘DATABASE=’ in ODBC data source * ERROR * Failed to parse Argent Job Scheduler […]

KBI 311568 Argent for SQL Server Fails To Start Monitoring Engine After Upgarde

Version Argent Advanced Technology Version 5.1A-1610-A or above Date Tuesday, 22 August 2017 Summary A Customer had been monitoring SQL Server 2008 machines fine for years with all matching version of SQL prerequisites installed on the Argent server. However, after upgrading to Argent Advanced Technology version 5.1A-1610-A or above, the Relator Trace Log shows that […]

KBI 311562 Linux/Unix Rules Script Timeout Is Not Honored

Version Argent AT 5.1A-1610-B or above Date Monday, 7 August 2017 Summary The ‘Script Timeout’ field in Linux/Unix Rules is not honored for customers using Argent AT 5.1A-1610-B or above. Regardless of the value specified, the script will always internally stop after 60 seconds. Click For Full Size Technical Background From Argent AT 5.1A-1610-B onwards, […]

KBI 311556 SMS Alert Definition Test False Error On Windows Server 2016

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date Tuesday, 18 July 2017 Summary Argent current supported 3G Modem for on-premise SMS Alert solution incorporates with MultiConnect ® Cell 100 Series ( The modem works well overall in Windows 2016 with Argent Advanced Technology. This KBI covers two topics. Driver compatibility on Windows Server 2016. Potential false […]

KBI 311521 Argent Console Settings May Prevent Legitimate Alerts From Being Sent

Version Argent AT – 3.1A-1401-T6 or later Date Tuesday, 28 February 2017 Summary This is an Early Warning about an incident that occurred which prevented legitimate Alerts from being sent out. A setting in the Argent Console ‘Maximum Pending Events To Fire Alerts‘ was set to ‘200‘ In this one instance, a customer had a […]

KBI 311520 Email Alerts Stop Working After Upgrading Argent AT

Version Argent AT – 5.1A 1610-A and above Date Thursday, 16 February 2017 Summary Email Alerts may stop working after upgrading to Argent AT – 5.1A 1610-A and above Technical Background Argent AT – 5.1A 1610-A introduces the following new feature to support additional SMTP settings; KBI 311474 New Feature: Support SMTP And POP3 Servers […]

KBI 311497 Much Improved Linux/UNIX Monitoring With SSH Secure Shell

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-1610-D and later versions Date Friday, 30 December 2016 Summary Argent AT 5.1A-1610-D has been enhanced to include built-in SSH functions It no longer needs PLINK to monitor Linux/UNIX Comparing with old implementation, Argent AT has been much improved in following areas: Greatly enhanced performance When PLINK is used, monitoring Engine […]

KBI 311484 Failed To Connect To SQL Database After Converting To Use TLS 1.2

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Tuesday, 6 December 2016 Summary Several known security vulnerabilities have been reported against SSL and earlier versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS) Due to this, many customers are being required by security auditors to upgrade to TLS 1.2 for secure communication This recommendation can cause issues with […]

KBI 311479 How To Configure USB Modems On Hyper-V Guests For SMS

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Thursday, 24 November 2016 Summary Configuring USB modems on Hyper-V Guests (unlike VMware) can be a challenge Without the assistance of third-party software, Hyper-V cannot perform pass-through operations for USB modems to a guest that may have the Argent Console or Argent Alert Executor installed Using a hardware […]

KBI 311477 New Feature: Copy/Clone Jobs In A Job Class

Version Argent WorldView 2.3A-R6 and later Date Monday, 14 November 2016 Summary Argent WorldView has been enhanced with a new option ‘Copy Job Class’ Technical Background This feature allows to copy all ‘Job Templates’ from one Class to another Class with a new name Jobs in the copied Job Class are prefixed with the new […]