Author: Argent Admin

KBI 312007 Missing Alerts For Compliance Penetration Testing Events

Version Argent for Compliance — All Versions Date Thursday, 11 August 2022 Summary This is about Argent for Compliance monitoring on Windows Security Events A customer was preparing security penetration testing and found the number of Argent alerts appeared ‘way smaller’ than the number of simulated events Technical Background Argent for Compliance enables customer to […]

KBI 312006 How To Change IP Addresses For Wireless Access Points

Version Argent for SNMP — All Versions Date Thursday, 11 August 2022 Summary Changing IP addresses for Wireless Access points in Argent for SNMP can be accomplished in two ways Option one is using a command line interface Option two is using Argent for SNMP GUI Technical Background N/A Resolution Option One: Command Line Interface […]

KBI 310907 New Feature: Prevent Flood Of Events From Crippling Argent AT Engines

Version Added to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1401-T6 and later Date Wednesday, 9 Apr 2014 Summary Ill-configured Argent AT Monitoring Products can generate flood of Events that can severely cripple Argent AT Engines A typical example is that customer configures Event Log Rule that breaks on every record of Windows Security Log Considering a typical Domain […]

KBI 310909 New Feature: Argent AT Remote Installation Package

Version Added to Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1401-T5 and later Date Wednesday, 9 Apr 2014 Summary Argent AT 3.1A-1401-T5 and later allow customer to create a Remote Installation Package for Trusted Agent or Daughter Engine of selected products Compared to the original Argent AT setup package, Remote Installation Package is significantly smaller, and installs selected products […]

KBI 310913 Issue Addressed: Calendar Using EVERY Definition May Not Be Working

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1401-E or below Date Wednesday, 9 Apr 2014 Summary EVERY definition is working if the option ‘Specific Days‘ is used Any Calendar definition using such EVERY definition will not be calculated properly Click For Full Size Technical Background It is a coding error The issue is addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1401-T7 […]

KBI 310919 Issue Addressed: 404 Error Cannot Be Excluded Unless Other Errors Is Excluded

Version Argent Defender 3.1A-1401-E or below Date Wednesday, 16 Apr 2014 Summary Customer sometimes wants to exclude all 404 errors in Argent Defender TEST But 404 error is always alerted unless ‘Other Errors‘ is also unchecked Click For Full Size Technical Background It is a coding error and addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1401-T8 Resolution Upgrade […]

KBI 310920 Issue Addressed: Argent Defender Failed To Detect Down Sites

Version Argent Defender all versions Date Monday, 21 Apr 2014 Summary Argent Defender failed to detect Down Sites, especially when the Site has a long timeout because of partial connection Even though customer can see ‘Fatal exception event detected‘ and multiple web session retries in the Task Log, no Down Site Event is fired Click […]

KBI 310925 Enhancement: Added System File Rules In Argent Sentry Ultra

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A and above Date Friday, 2 May 2014 Summary Argent Advanced Technology has been enhanced with ‘System File Rules‘ in Argent Sentry Ultra Technical Background System File Rules are added which check the following File Exists/Not Exists And Changed/NOT Changed In Past ‘N‘ Minutes Check File Size (In Bytes, KB, MB […]

KBI 310926 Enhancement: Option To License Windows Servers In Argent Sentry Ultra

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A and above Date Friday, 2 May 2014 Summary Argent Advanced Technology has been enhanced with an option to license Windows Servers in Argent Sentry Ultra Technical Background In versions prior to Argent AT 3.1A-1404-A, it is not possible to license Windows Servers as they do not get listed in the […]

KBI 310928 Issue Addressed: Connectivity To Exchange Mailbox Server Fails

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1401-E or below Date Friday, 2 May 2014 Summary Addressed the issue that Exchange Mailbox Server Fails to connect in Argent for Exchange Technical Background In Argent Advanced Technology 1401-E and below, Argent for Exchange fails to connect to Mailbox Server 2010 This issue has been addressed Resolution Upgrade to Argent […]

KBI 310929 New Feature: Argent AT System Management Automation

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-T1 and later Date Monday, 5 May 2014 Summary The most common questions asked by Argent AT administrators include following: Is Argent AT running properly? Are all servers/devices being monitored properly? How to configuring Argent AT to monitor a new server/device or an application? Is there anything wrong with monitoring a […]

KBI 310930 New Feature: Simplifying Management Of Daughter Engines With Direct Access

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-T1 and later Date Monday, 5 May 2014 Summary A Daughter Engine is generally implemented at a remote office It is common these days that the Daughter Engine can actually be accessed through Service Manager, Registry Editor and Network Share This does not mean the Mother/Daughter architecture is obsolete — the […]

KBI 310946 New Feature: Keyword %AGProductName% To Display Product Name In Alert Definitions

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-T3 or earlier Date Monday, 26 May 2014 Summary New keyword ‘%AGProductName%‘ is implemented to display product name in Argent AT 3.1A-1404-T3 The keyword is available in Alerts of Email, SMS, Pager, Network Message, Event Log Message, SQL, Tweet and System Command Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade […]

KBI 310950 New Feature: Fire Event Log Alerts With Combined Messages In Detail

Version Argent for Compliance 3.1A-1404-T3 or earlier Date Wednesday, 4 June 2014 Summary Argent for Compliance has always been able to combine Alerts into a single Alert for Event Logs See KBI 310512 Combining Alerts Into A Single Alert For Event Logs in Argent AT Though the Combined Events have the same Event ID and […]

KBI 310951 New Feature: Find Out Alert Firing Status In Argent AT

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-T3 or earlier Date Wednesday, 4 June 2014 Summary Argent AT 3.1A-1404-T3 has been enhanced to log firing status of each Alert in SQL table ARGSOFT_AAC_ALERTS_FIRED Global System View provides a quick search screen to display the audit information Customer can use context menu to show detail of selected Alert in […]

KBI 310953 New Feature: System Down Rule Is Enhanced With New Option Ping Blast’

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-T3 or earlier Date Thursday, 5 June 2014 Summary System Down Rule is enhanced in Argent AT 3.1A-1404-T3 with Ping Blast option to test Packet Loss and Packet Latency It is very useful for testing slow or unreliable connections such as satellite link Packet Loss Threshold can be specified in loss […]

KBI 310955 New Feature: Argent for VMware Datastore Visibility Rule

Version Argent for VMware 3.1A-1404-T3 or earlier Date Monday, 9 June 2014 Summary This new Rule Alerts on any Datastores invisible to the monitored ESX host Click For Full Size Technical Background The logic behind this Rule is to compare all the Datastores known by vCenter and the ones visible to the monitored ESX host […]

KBI 310956 New Feature: Exclude Option In Argent for VMware Datastore Rule

Version Argent for VMware 3.1A-1404-T3 or earlier Date Monday, 9 June 2014 Summary It is very difficult to compose Regular Expression to exclude some patterns But it is common to exclude some Datastores as they may be offline for maintenance or not be made visible to the ESX host to begin with New Exclude option […]

KBI 310961 New Feature: Monitor VMware Using Trusted Connection

Version Argent for VMware 3.1A-1404-T3 or earlier Date Wednesday, 11 June 2014 Summary VMware environment is usually monitored through vCenter, which typically just a Windows VM with proper VMware software installed Unlike ESX host, customer connects to vCenter using Windows account, and Argent AT service account can be assigned with the rights as well When […]

KBI 310966 Issue Addressed: Unable To Save Argent Predictor Data With Very Long Counter Name

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A or earlier Date Tuesday, 17 June 2014 Summary Argent Predictor database stores Performance Object, Counter and Instance names up to 256 characters Sometimes custom script may generate names longer than that ODBC exception error ‘String Truncation‘ is resulted Argent Predictor data is not saved Argent AT 3.1A-1404-T4 has addressed this […]

KBI 310967 Issue Addressed: Unable To Set Trusted Agent Global Settings At Main Engine

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A or earlier Date Wednesday, 18 June 2014 Summary Trusted Agent has many important system settings saved in registry The common ones include following: MAX_ENGINE_MEMORY_MB_USAGE – Maximum memory usage allowed MAX_ENGINE_HANDLE_USAGE – Maximum handle usage allowed MAX_ENGINE_CPU_USAGE – Maximum CPU usage allowed RULE_ENGINE_MAX_RUN_SECONDS – Maximum running time for shared Monitoring Engine […]

KBI 310970 Issue Addressed: Node Specific Default Alert Is Not Available For Escalation

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A or earlier Date Thursday, 19 June 2014 Summary Node specific Default Alert was introduced in Argent AT 3.1A-1310-A It can be used in Relator alert setting, but it is not available for escalation The issue is corrected in Argent AT 3.1A-1404-T4 Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade […]

KBI 310972 Issue Addressed: Automatic Export Of Mother Control Information Does Not Work When Trusted Agent Is Installed

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A or earlier Date Friday, 20 June 2014 Summary Argent AT can be configured to export Control Information automatically by setting registry HKLM\Software\Argent\{PRODUCT}\ AUTO_EXPORT_MOTHER_CONTROL_INFO to non-zero It is the value of time period in seconds that Mother Engine should export the Control Information since last time when Control Information is changed […]

KBI 310974 New Feature: Record And Test Web Session On Argent Defender Trusted Agent

Version Argent Defender 3.1A-1404-T4 or above Date Tuesday, 24 June 2014 Summary Customer may have to deploy Argent Defender Trusted Agents in order to test websites from certain network segment A typical example is to view website from Internet externally Sometimes the website behaves differently when viewing from different network segment If customer records the […]

KBI 310992 Issue Addressed: SYSLOG Rule Does Not Filter Properly On Message Facility

Version Argent for Compliance 3.1A-1404-A or earlier Date Wednesday, 25 June 2014 Summary SYSLOG Rule in Argent for Compliance does not filter Message Facility correctly Click For Full Size SYSLOG messages may end up as unhandled messages Customer can see the messages in file UNHANDLED\SYSLOG_MSG.TXT Click For Full Size The issue has been addressed in […]

KBI 311002 New Product: Device Magic Monitoring Devices

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A Date Tuesday, 8 July 2014 Summary Customer now can use the new Device Magic product to monitor switches without dealing with individual explicit MIBs and OIDs Device Magic monitors the following for switch host as well as individual ports: Up/Down Status In/Out Bandwidth Usage (MBPS) Packet Latency and Packet Loss […]

KBI 311008 New Product: Total Web Integrity

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Monday, 21 July 2014 Summary A new product has been added to the Argent Sentry framework with the introduction of ‘Total Web Integrity‘ product Technical Background With the new Total Web Integrity product customers can now not only monitor critical websites and intranets for hacking, but can […]

KBI 311011 New Feature: Expanded Global Security Objects For AT Objects

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Tuesday, 22 July 2014 Summary Argent AT has common objects shared among all Argent AT products The shared objects include CMDB-X Monitoring Groups Alerts Macros Calendar Automatic Report Distribution Click For Full Size Each Argent AT product has its own System Administrator, who has full access to […]

KBI 311012 New Feature: New Argent Console Alert Keyword %AGNodeDesc%’

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Tuesday, 22 July 2014 Summary New keyword ‘%AGNodeDesc%‘ is implemented in Argent AT 3.1A-1407-A It stands for the Node description defined in CMDB-X Node Properties Click For Full Size The keyword can be used in message text of following Alerts: Email SMS Network Message Event Log Message […]

KBI 311013 New Feature: Remote Trusted Agent With Reversed TCP Connection

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Wednesday, 23 July 2014 Summary Customer installs Remote Trusted Agent to monitor remote network that either has slow link or blocked by firewall By default, Remote Trusted Agent initiates TCP connection to exchange information with the Main Engine This default architecture has the minimum configuration on network, […]

KBI 311014 New Feature: Daughter Engine With Reversed TCP Connection

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Thursday, 24 July 2014 Summary Customer installs Daughter Engine to monitor remote network connected with slow or unreliable link By default, remote Daughter Engine initiates TCP connection to exchange information with the Mother Engine This default architecture has the minimum configuration on network, because customer only needs […]

KBI 311018 New Feature: Bulletproof Monitoring Engine Usage In Relator

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 25 July 2014 Summary The Monitoring Engine setting in Relator not only decides which Monitoring Engine should run the task, it also controls where the task is scheduled In the environment of Mother Engine and multiple Daughter Engines, it is the controlling Supervising Engine of the […]

KBI 311024 New Feature: Fire SNMP Trap Events With Combined Messages In Detail

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Wednesday, 30 July 2014 Summary SNMP device can send a batch of trap messages of related condition For example, INCA device can send a link down trap for each offline channel If the device is unplugged, it can fire hundreds of traps, one for each subscribed channel […]

KBI 311044 Issue Addressed: Lose High Volume SYSLOG Archive Data

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Thursday, 7 Aug 2014 Summary When archiving high volume SYSLOG data, Argent for Compliance might lose some data This can happen frequently especially when archiving SYSLOG data from many network devices at the same time The issue is addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1407-T1 Technical Background Argent for […]

KBI 311047 Issue Addressed: Device Magic Rules Do Not Find All The Switch Ports

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-T2 and later Date Thursday, 14 Aug 2014 Summary Device Magic is a new Argent product introduced in Argent AT 3.1A-1407-A It automatically finds all the switch ports and query the port status The results are display in Devices and Ports in real time Sometimes ports are not found for some […]

KBI 311053 Issue Addressed: Argent AT Motor Cannot Start And Home Path In Registry Is Wrong

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 Summary If Argent AT Motors are installed in different drives, some Motor service may not start Checking registry HKLM\Software\ARGENT\{PRODUCT}\HOME_PATH, customer can see it points to a wrong drive The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1407-T1 Technical Background Argent AT Motors store […]

KBI 311054 New Feature: Ignore Errors Of All URLs Other Than Target URL And Subfolders

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-T3 and later Date Monday, 1 Sep 2014 Summary Argent Defender has been using explicitly specified URLs to exclude errors about the URLs Some web sites may display some randomly selected content such as ads web sites The new option ‘Ignore Errors of All URLs Other Than Target URL and Subfolders‘ […]

KBI 311055 Issue Addressed: Lost Relator Pre-requisite Settings After Deleting A Rule

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and earlier Date Tuesday, 2 Sep 2014 Summary When customer deletes a Rule, the pre-requisite settings in Relator might be lost The settings include following: Pre-requisite Rules Run Pre-requisite Rules on Custom Node Do NOT Apply The Rules In The Relator To An Inaccessible Node Click For Full Size The […]

KBI 311060 Issue Addressed: Randomly Lost CMDB-X Or Licensed Nodes On Main Engine And Lost Monitoring Groups And Alerts On Daughter Engine With Daughter Engine Installation

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and later Date Friday, 5 Sep 2014 Updated: Friday, 26 Sep 2014 Summary Customer has found CMDB-X or Licensed Nodes lost on Main Engine, partially or completely lost at random occasions, and also lost Monitoring Groups and Alerts on Daughter Engine resulting in Daughter Engine Relators missing Monitoring Groups from […]

KBI 311064 New Feature: New Argent Console Alert Keyword %AGPriorityCaps%’

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-T4 and later Date Thursday, 11 Sep 2014 Summary New keyword ‘%AGPriorityCaps%‘ is implemented in Argent AT 3.1A-1407-T4 It stands for the Event priority text in uppercase The keyword can be used in message text of following Alerts: Email SMS Network Message Event Log Message Twitter ODBC Query SNMP Trap Message […]

KBI 311065 Issue Addressed: Relator Recheck Is Not Executed On Schedule In Argent Non-Stop Monitor Environment

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A and earlier Date Thursday, 11 Sep 2014 Summary If Relator recheck is configured using option ‘Recheck Every xxxx Minutes‘ in Argent Non-Stop Monitor environment, when Rule is broken for some server/device, customer might find the Relator rechecks are not executed on schedule Two discrepancies are possible: The first recheck starts […]

KBI 311084 Issue Addressed: Auto Event Resolving In Argent Defender Does Not Work Sometimes

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A or earlier Date Monday, 29 Sep 2014 Summary Argent Defender TEST can be configured to resolve Events automatically It is found that the mechanism does not work occassionally The issue has been addressed in Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-T5 Technical Background Argent Defender RTP session can be configured with re-run option […]

KBI 311090 Issue Addressed: Running System Down Rule With NetRemoteTOD Option For Remote Machine Can Cause High CPU Usage In Windows 2012 Server

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A or earlier Date Tuesday, 21 Oct 2014 Summary If Argent AT is installed on Windows 2012 server, running System Down Rule with NetRemoteTOD option for a remote machine with very long network latency can cause very high CPU usage The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1407-T6 Technical Background […]

KBI 311091 New Feature: Network Hop Scanning

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-T6 and later Date Tuesday, 21 Oct 2014 Summary New Feature to help determine if a server should be considered “Local” or “Remote” Feature is located in Screen G1 (License Manager), Right click to bring up the menu: After the scan, Argent updates the server’s node properties in SQL with the […]

KBI 311095 Issue Addressed: Event Of Stalled Service Is Not Resolved Automatically

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A or earlier Date Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 Summary Argent AT Service Rule can be configured to check ‘stalled‘ service that cannot be controlled by Service Control Manager (SCM) If option ‘Fire Separate Events For Each Broken Service‘ is not checked, the Event of stalled service cannot be resolved automatically Note: […]

KBI 311111 Enhancement: Added Java Rules In Argent for SAP

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1410-A And Later Date Monday, 17 Nov 2014 Summary Argent for SAP has been enhanced with Java Rules that monitor the performance of Application Server Java system activities It provides important performance metrics such as response time, memory consumption, process statistics, thread statistics, session statistics etc Technical Background SAP started writing […]

KBI 311114 Issue Addressed: Cannot Do Connectivity Test By Daughter Engine

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A And Earlier Date Monday, 17 Nov 2014 Summary When customer does connectivity test in Licensed Node Properties, he can select GUI, Main Engines or Trusted Agents, but not any Daughter Engine The issue has been addressed in Argent AT 3.1A-1410-A Click For Full Size Technical Background Argent AT internal code […]

KBI 311115 New Feature: Custom Internal Event

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1410-A And Later Date Monday, 17 Nov 2014 Summary Customer can program external programs in WMI, PowerShell, CMD and EXE binary to monitor the health of Argent AT system When a condition is detected, the program can fire Custom Internal Events through an easy-to-use Work Order file in XML format All […]

KBI 311118 Issue Addressed: Notification Of Resolved System Event Is Not Sent

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1407-A And Earlier Date Monday, 17 Nov 2014 Summary Argent AT sends out system Events for offline distributed components, such as Motor, Daughter Engine and Trusted Agent When the component comes back online, the Event is resolved, but no notification is sent out The issue has been addressed in Argent AT […]