Author: Argent Admin

Turbo Mode

When Turbo Mode is off (default), VMware object is monitored one by one within monitoring engine process. As mentioned earlier, PowerCLI is an expensive API set. When dealing with large VMware environment, user usually observes following symptoms: Schedule tasks run severely late. For example, a VM is scheduled to be monitored every 10 minutes, the […]

Small VMware Environments

Single ESX/ESXi host with less than 30 VMs. In this environment, user usually does not have vCenter. The default installation is generally sufficient for monitoring.

Medium/Large VMware Environments

Sometimes user only concerns about ESX/ESXi hosts, and monitors only a few vital VMs. In this case, turning on Turbo Mode does not buy too much. User should focus on turning the pool size, dynamic scheduling and maybe adding motors. If user monitors 100+ VMware objects, Turbo Mode should be turned on. User can verify […]

Argent for Xen Server

Argent for XenServer provides Instant Best Practices for monitoring XenServer hosts and guests All versions of XenServer are supported Here are just a few of the areas you can monitor with Argent for XenServer: Resource Pool Status, Performance and Summary Storage Repository physical/virtual allocation and free space Host CPU and Memory usage Guest Power State […]

Argent Guardian Ultra

The Argent Guardian Ultra is the world’s most scalable monitoring solution for all Windows, UNIX, and iSeries applications, monitoring the health and performance of all critical business applications through a unique architecture – Argent provides the same level of monitoring with or without agents, and there is no cost difference. When issues arise, actions are […]

W200x Rules

Argent comes with over 2,500 pre-defined Rules. This is one reason Argent can be fully implemented to monitor 250 servers in just a few days – everything you need is built into the product. And there is no ‘chatter’ with Argent – Rules are not all enabled by default, so you won’t be flooded with […]

Active Directory Rules

You can test all three critical aspects of Active Directory within each Rule: DNS Resolution User Authentication LDAP Query

DNS Resolution

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a directory service. It is the method computers use to translate names into IP addresses. When a computer cannot access DNS, your web browser will not be able to find web sites, and you will not be able to send or receive email. DNS resolution of any address type […]

User Authentication

Active Directory user authentication confirms the identity of any user trying to log on to a domain and lets users access resources (such as data, applications, or printers) located anywhere on the network. The Argent Active Directory Rules verify this important foundation is working properly. Example: Let’s say you have an account that runs all […]

LDAP Query

Active Directory is an implementation of LDAP directory services. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) allows for the dynamic storage and retrieval of a huge number of specific attributes about your users and computers. Lucky for you, Argent interacts with this vast repository. Argent can run custom queries to extract specific attributes contained within Active Directory. […]

KBI 312013 Required Permissions To Monitor Microsoft 365 Audit Logs

Version All Versions of Argent Omega Date Monday, 12 September 2022 Summary Argent has the capability to monitor Microsoft 365 Audit Logs for compliance reasons Technical Background Argent application (created earlier) will be configured with “AuditLog Read all”, and “Directory Read all” permissions from the Microsoft Graph API Resolution Navigate to directly or click […]

Performance Rules

Performance Rules use W200x performance counters. Over 2,000 counters are available and both Microsoft and third-party products add additional counters. For example, if you use Oracle, then Oracle adds over 300 counters related to the performance of the Oracle databases. Performance counters are arranged in a tree structure, as is shown in the following chart. […]

Program Rules

Program Rules are closely related to Service Rules – both monitor processes. The difference is how the process was started; Service Rules test just processes running as a service and use the Service Control Manager. In contrast, Program Rules are more flexible in how they monitor process execution – Program Rules look at any process […]

Service Rules

Service Rules interact with the Windows Service Control Manager to check the status of services. Service Rules are generally used in conjunction with Service Alerts – the Service Rule finds an issue and the Service Alert automatically takes the action to correct it. Service Rules not only test services but they also optionally take actions […]

System Command Rules

In conjunction with System Command Alerts, System Command Rules are a product-within-a-product – using just these two facilities you could conceivably monitor much of your enterprise. You will find the same about the other scripting twins: the WMI Rules and WMI Action Script Alerts. It would be very labor intensive and time consuming, but it […]

System Down And SLA Rules

System Down Rules and SLA Rules combine to build an extremely powerful set of tests to determine if a server or device is up or offline. First: what is the right way to check a machine or device with Argent? The answer is: Yes. In other words, it’s courses for horses – in your environment […]

System Printer Rules

System Printer Rules are more or less self-explanatory: you can test printers for a number of conditions, and you can optionally save the test results to the Argent Predictor, Argent’s trend analysis and capacity planning product. Click For Full Size

System File Rules

System File Rules enable you to check the presence or absence of a file or directory, as well as the size or the age of a file. In the first section of the System File Rule, you can specify the tests for the presence or the absence of a file or a directory, and you […]

System WMI Rules

WMI Rules permit extremely flexible monitoring, since it is done through a custom VBScript. What makes WMI Rules so powerful and useful is their obvious ability to run any WMI script. WMI Rules can be used in the following situations: The monitored object is only exposed through a WMI interface. This is becoming more common […]

Service Pack Rules

Service Packs are large updates from Microsoft to correct bugs and errors. Service Packs must be applied and it’s essential your production servers are at the same Service Pack level. You can check all servers in your enterprise using the Argent Service Pack Rules. Click For Full Size Real World Example SharePoint just stopped accepting […]

Server Connectivity Rules

Windows applications speak to other applications on the network using Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). If this functionality stops working, the associated applications stop working. Server Connectivity Rules verify this important foundation is working properly. Click For Full Size Real World Example You use a watchdog application that starts services on remote servers. The watchdog communicates […]

Registry Rules

Windows and Windows applications store the majority of their settings and options in the Windows Registry. This database contains information about the hardware, software, and most user preferences and settings. Argent can check the value of any Registry key. Click For Full Size Real World Example Since early 2000, Spyware has become a real threat […]

Unix Rules AGU

Unix servers often run your most critical applications. Why? Because of the stability that Unix offers… But let’s be honest. Unix is complicated. The stability Unix provides exists because the underlying operating system is far more complex. Thankfully, Argent automates even the most complicated application monitoring routines. Applications running on Unix servers are monitored using […]

Linux The 12 Items You Must Monitor

Here are the most important items to monitor Linux. CPU Memory Available Swap Space Disk Space Network Connectivity Bandwidth Running Processes Zombies Logged-in Users Network Connections Presence Of Critical Services Access To Critical Services All these Rules are part of Argent. Of course you can add as many additional Rules as you like – the […]

1: CPU

Use SCP_LINUX_CPU_OVERLOAD to monitor CPU. Because CPU usage can spike, CPU rules should be broken only if the test fails two or three times in a row; this Rule is set to three consecutive failures before the Rule is considered broken. Click For Full Size

2: Memory

Parkinson’s Law explains why RAM seems to be always shrinking – and the more is added, the more gets chewed up. The Argent Rule LINUX_FREE_MEMORY_64M is effective at monitoring your Linux servers’ memory. Because memory usage is the opposite to CPU, there is no need to test multiple times – memory slowly increases. When this […]

3: Available Swap Space

Swapping is part of any virtual storage system – it is the activity of writing copies of blocks of RAM out to disk to free up the RAM for other applications’ use. When the block of RAM on disk is needed, it is read back into RAM (these two activities are called ‘Swapping Out‘ and […]

4: Disk Space

The most common cause of system crashes on all platforms, from SQL Server on Windows to Solaris to Linux? You guessed it. Same as the most common reason cars stop by the side of the road – out of gas. So clearly disk space is an essential commodity. The best approach is to have different […]

5: Network Connectivity

“No Man Is An Island” — said John Donne Ditto that for Linux servers… There are two classes of Argent checks for Linux servers connectivity: The cheap and The effective. The cheap is a simple ping. Use NDE_TCPIP_PING. The effective is SCP_ LINUX_WRITE_CYCLE. This Argent Rule creates a small text file, reads out its contents […]

6: Bandwidth

Being on the network is half the battle – it’s good the Linux servers are on the net, but just as important is to ensure they have the needed bandwidth. If network bandwidth is over 30%, you’ve got a problem. Not 90%, 30%. Why? Same as waiting for a bus (or – never happened to […]

7: Running Processes

In direct contrast to bandwidth, this Rule is extremely difficult to specify clear numbers – 50 processes on one machine may be pegging it, while on another 300 processes are fine. Of course the profile of the processes are critical; most machines, even Windows ones, can support 200 “Hello Worlds” all waiting for a carriage […]

8: Zombies

Zombies are indicative of more serious issues. Argent can delete Zombies for you but you need to get to the root cause. First some background. Captivating as its name is, a Zombie process is one that has terminated, but its entry is still in the process table, taking up a process ID number. More Zombies […]

9: Logged-in Users

It’s important to monitor the number of concurrent logged on users. Outside the normal range typically indicates issues in your logoff processing. Worse than a logoff issue, your Linux servers could be under attack. In both cases Argent can warn you. But the first step is to use the Argent Predictor to create a baseline […]

10: Network Connections

Network connections count can easily grow – especially in the case of DoS attack or malfunctioning of an application or service. As with Logged-in Users, start with the Argent Predictor to get a baseline. Then use the Argent Rule SCP_LINUX_MAX_CONNECTIONS. It’s likely you will need to take copies of this Rule to create different variables […]

11: Presence Of Critical Services

Based on server role, a crucial set of services is defined. Use the Argent Rule SCP_LINUX_DAEMON_* to ensure critical processes are running. New Rules are easily created from existing ones by modifying a single variable ($DAEMON). In addition to this, the operational status of these services must be checked. Click For Full Size

12: Access To Critical Services

Each service is defined by its operational characteristics, generally different from one service to another. The way to determine if a particular service is in operational state varies based on service type. NDE_PORT_CHECK rules can be used to determine basic TCP port connectivity (for example, a HTTP server would normally be listening on port 80). […]

iSeries Rules

The Argent Guardian Ultra offers comprehensive performance and status monitoring of your iSeries systems. Anything from CPU and auxiliary storage pool utilization, to jobs in message waiting status, to subsystem status can be monitored with just a few mouse clicks. Just like other Rules in the Argent Guardian Ultra for Windows or Unix systems, the […]

Performance Rules AGU

Performance Rules do just that — monitor the performance of various aspects of your iSeries systems. Example Let’s say you want to know if the CPU usage of your iSeries servers is over 85 percent. In addition, you want to be able to report how the CPUs have been used over time. (That, by the […]

Job Monitoring Rules

With job monitoring rules, you can monitor many aspects of iSeries jobs, including status and performance. If an iSeries job is in MSGW state (Message Wait), it requires some sort of interaction from a user to continue. For things that are supposed to be running smoothly in the background, that’s not a good thing. The […]

Status Rules

The status Rules allow you to monitor the status of various aspects of your iSeries systems, such as subsystems and system objects. The Argent Guardian Ultra includes a number of pre-built iSeries Rules for status monitoring. For example, AS400_SBS_NOT_ACTIVE breaks if any subsystem is not active. Click For Full Size Another very useful pre-built iSeries […]

Argent Sentry Ultra

The Argent Sentry Ultra ensures performance and availability of web applications, remote email servers, and FTP sites. With the Argent Sentry Ultra the following areas are included: Connectivity Web Site Changes Web Site Response Time Web Site Reliability Email Performance And Reliability FTP Sites

Web Site Scanning Methods

The Argent Sentry Ultra provides three methods for scanning a website: Traditional: Used for testing basic HTML content. This method has the lowest overhead, but may not support dynamic content, such as Javascript. Dynamic HTML: Adds support for Dynamic HTML content, with slightly higher overhead. Internet Explorer: Uses Internet Explorer to parse the content of […]


These Instant Help pages describe the Rules for Argent Sentry Ultra.

Connectivity Rules

These rules check a Web Site is available and accessible over the network. The Rules provide the following options for checking connectivity: Ping TCP/IP port scan (HTTP Port 80 for example) Win32 API call response Windows Internet Connectivity APIs When performing a Windows Internet Connectivity test, the Windows Internet (WinINet) application programming interface (API) is […]

Web Site Change Rules

The Argent Web Site Change Rules test the availability of a web site or check if a page is modified. When checking for change, the Argent Sentry Ultra compares the downloaded content with the information stored in License Manager > Licensed Servers > Properties > URL Object. Click For Full Size When Sync With Web […]

Web Site Response Time Rules

The Argent Web Site Response Time Rules ensure a web site is fully loaded within a given number of seconds. The Do NOT Check Base URL option is for checking ONLY the lower level URLs listed. Click For Full Size Use this to create a unique response threshold for each page. Example: In this example, […]

Web Site Reliability Rules

The Argent Web Site Reliability Rules check EVERY hyperlink within a website. This feature goes through a website checking for broken links, missing images, etc. You can adjust the depth of the scan by setting the two control variables below: Control Variable 1: The Maximum Number Of Levels To Traverse Set the number of levels […]

Email Performance Rules

The Argent Email Performance Rules monitor the email sending and receiving capabilities of a SMTP/POP3 application and test round-trip email performance. The performance data is saved for trend analysis using the Argent Predictor. A round-trip email is a synthetic email message generated by Argent. Then Argent sends the email to the sending account (i.e. to […]

FTP Site Rules

The Argent FTP Site Rules test the existence of a file by downloading files from an FTP server. The Rule is broken if one of the specified files doesn’t exist, or optionally does exist, depending on the Rule settings. Files At FTP Site To Download For This Test (Wildcards Allowed) Specifies files to be downloaded […]

Argent AT Mother/Daughter Architecture

Argent AT’s Mother/Daughter architecture is the architecture of choice for distributed enterprise networks. Mother/Daughter addresses the following issues, which are all related to the nature of restricted bandwidth and/or unreliable connections between geographic locations: In the case that the connection to the main office is not available, remote offices should be monitored continuously. In the […]

Deploying Daughter Engines

Before deploying Daughter Engines, users should consider the following: Is it justified to have the complexity of a Daughter implementation? The main consideration should be unreliable or slow network connections between Main Engine and monitored servers. What database should be used for daughter engine? SQL Server or Oracle should be considered if local reporting is […]

Mother/Daughter And Network Firewalls

The Mother engine is a TCP server listening on a specific port. Daughters initiate TCP communications to the Mother. The port used is controlled by the registry: HKLM\Software\Argent\{PRODUCT}\MOTHER_PORT. For example, Argent Guardian Ultra uses port 6700. Click For Full Size Sometimes it is difficult to remember which port is used. The easiest to find out […]

Scanning And Merging Daughter Networks

Daughter networks are usually physically separated from the Mother site. Network scanning at the Mother site may not discover servers at the Daughter site. Instead, network scanning can be done at daughter site and upload the result to the central CMDB-X. To do so, start up main GUI at daughter server, go to CMDB-X and […]

Deploying Trusted Agents

Trusted Agents can be easily pushed out from the Daughter Engine or run SETUP.EXE at the agent machine. The agents connected to Daughter Engines are controlled by the specific Daughter. Any configuration will have to be done on the GUI at the Daughter server. This is understandable as Windows connections to the agent server may […]

Monitoring Nodes With Daughter Engines

Customers define Relators to associate Monitoring Groups with a Monitoring Engine, which controls where the nodes included in Monitoring Groups should be monitored. Mother/Daughter Supervising Engines determine if a node should be monitored locally using the following logic: If associated with an explicit Monitoring Engine under control of a Supervising Engine of the same site, […]

High Availability Of Daughter Engines

Daughter Engines can be implemented as a Motor (a la Argent Non-Stop Motors). It can be done by specifying so during installation, or promoted when it is already installed. Click For Full Size When Daughter Engines are implemented as Motors, the Daughter’s SQL backend becomes the single failure point. It can be easily addressed by […]

Centrally Managing Daughter Engines

Sometimes, it is difficult to remotely access the Daughter site to do daily management. Two common tasks can be easily handled from Mother Site: View Daughter service logs. It can be done by clicking the ‘Download Log‘ button on the Supervising Engine screen. Adjust Daughter Engine settings. It can be done by clicking the ‘Configuration‘ […]

Argent Alert Executors/Backup Consoles

The reason to implement Argent Alert Executors is that some alerts must be executed from a particular location. The most common situation is to send pager or SMS messages from a particular location to avoid long distance call rates. There is another important consideration. In Argent AT Mother/Daughter architecture, the Daughter Supervising Engine fires events […]

iSeries Agent

The Argent Agent for iSeries is a native TCP/IP server program running on customers’ iSeries machines. It accepts and validates incoming requests from Argent’s monitoring engines and returns performance metrics and other important system information to the monitoring engine. Collecting information about customers’ systems and monitoring for conditions that exceed enterprise policies require that the […]

Available Functionality

The Argent Agent for iSeries collects and reports information about the parts of customers’ systems that need careful management. The Argent Agent for iSeries collects and reports: General system status information such as percent CPU utilization and the system ASP utilization. The performance characteristics of system memory pools Allocation and utilization of system disk storage […]

The Three Agent Processes

The Argent Agent for iSeries runs on customers’ systems as three processes: The Monitor Daemon The Listener The Worker process that handles requests from the Argent’s monitoring engine Each of these processes has a specialized role and has been developed to meet the highest standards of product quality, reliability, and security. The Monitor Daemon The […]

Installing The Argent Agent For iSeries

To install the Argent Agent for iSeries, customers must be signed on as the system security officer. This is the QSECOFR user profile. The installation must be performed under this user profile. You’ll also need to be familiar with manipulating iSeries save file objects and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Before beginning the installation procedure, customer […]


Prior to using the Argent Agent for iSeries, it must be configured. To do this customers use the CFGARGAGT command. The CFGARGAGT command simply gathers and stores some of your preferences about how the Argent Agent should operate on the system. While CFGARGAGT has many variables, simply entering CFGARGAGT by itself will configure the agent […]


Integration With iSeries Security The Argent Agent for iSeries is completely integrated with normal iSeries security. In secure environments, the system security officer will typically manage the authority to use certain powerful commands using the RVKOBJAUT command or the EDTOBJAUT command. In an environment where the policy is to prevent use of the DLTLIB command, […]

The ARGENT Subsystem

A subsystem description object is supplied with the Argent Agent for iSeries. The subsystem is named ARGENT and resides in library ARGENT. This subsystem description object contains a job queue entry specifying a job queue named ARGENT. The default job description object is also named ARGENT and references job queue ARGENT. When you first install […]

Routine Agent Operations

This section describes normal operations of the Argent Agent for iSeries. Starting The Argent Agent For iSeries The Argent Agent for iSeries can be started in one of two ways: Automatically started when the ARGENT subsystem is started Manually, when the ARGENT subsystem is already active, but the agent has been ended. To start the […]

Special Library List Considerations

Throughout this document, there have been references to the ADDLIBLE ARGENT command. Over time, many iSeries system administrators prefer making a permanent change to the system so as to avoid these extra keystrokes. Once you have implemented the Argent Agent for iSeries and deployed it in a production environment, you may want to consider making […]

Argent Agent For iSeries Messages

The Argent Agent for iSeries generates messages about the progress and operation of the agent. These messages are sent to the message queue named defined in the agent configuration. When you first install and configure the agent, the name of this message queue will typically be *SYSOPR. This value is interpreted by the Argent Agent […]

Argent Agent For iSeries Log File

The Argent Agent for iSeries stores information about the internal processing performed by the agent in a log file. The Argent Agent for iSeries log file is named LOG and resides in library ARGENT. To view the log file, use the DSPPFM ARGENT/LOG *LAST command. A display similar to the following is shown: Click For […]

Obtaining the iSeries Agent Log File

To assist in troubleshooting an issue in the Argent Agent for iSeries, customers may need to obtain the service log from the target iSeries or AS400 machine. The Argent Agent for iSeries service log is named LOG and resides in library ARGENT. From an iSeries command line, customers issue the following command:    DSPPFM ARGENT/LOG *LAST […]

Interrogating the Security Audit Journal

As of Argent XT Agent for iSeries8.0A-1011, Argent now supports retrieving information from the iSeries security audit journal QAUDJRN. The iSeries security audit journal can now be interrogated by Argent Data Consolidator to retrieve information about security failures such as failed logon and object authorization failures. Displaying iSeries Security Auditing Settings To display the current […]

Unix And Linux

These articles contain installation guides for the Argent on Unix and Linux.

Unix Monitoring

Argent offers seven options for monitoring Unix systems: Telnet SSH Secure Script Agent Shell Script Agent Linux/Unix Daemon SSH Relay Agent Linux/Unix Rule Engine Each of these options provides different features and benefits. For example, Telnet and SSH are agentless options; nothing needs to be installed on the monitored server. Telnet communication, of course, is […]

Seven Options

Here you can find out about the seven options Argent provides to monitor Linux and Unix.


You can use Telnet to monitor your Unix servers with Argent. By using Telnet, you don’t have to install anything on the monitored system. As long as the system has a Telnet server running, and you have an account with login access, you can use this option. Important Notes: By default, the “root” account cannot […]


You can use SSH to monitor your Unix servers with Argent. By using SSH, you don’t have to install anything on the monitored system. As long as the system has an SSH server running, and you have an account with login access, you can use this option. Important Notes: By default, the “root” account cannot […]

Secure Script Agent

As an alternative to Telnet and SSH, you can install a local Linux monitoring agent on the Linux/Unix systems you wish to monitor. Argent’s Secure Unix Agent provides a dedicated communication channel for transferring the Rule (a shell script) to the monitored system and executing it. The local monitoring agent can also, for example, reduce […]

Shell Script Agent

As an alternative to Telnet and SSH, you can install a local Linux/Unix monitoring agent on the Linux systems you wish to monitor. Argent’s Shell Script Agent provide a dedicated communication channel for transferring the Rule (a shell script) to the monitored system and executing it. The local monitoring agent can also, for example, reduce […]

Linux/Unix Daemon

The Argent Unix Daemon has the exact functionality as Argent Guardian Secure Unix Agent (even using the same port 3060 by default). The only difference is that Argent Unix Daemon starts as standalone TCP server daemon while Argent Guardian Secure UNIX Agent requires INET or XINET to function. Daemon Components The Argent Unix Agent Daemon […]

SSH Relay Agent

The SSH Relay Agent enables you to do agentless monitoring of your Unix machines using SSH. Install packages are available for download for the following UNIX platforms by clicking here: SunOS 2.8 (Solaris 8) or later on SPARC hardware SUNOS 5.10 (Solaris 10) or later on Intel hardware HP-UX 11.x or later AIX 4.3 or […]

Linux/Unix Rule Engine

The major differences between Telnet, SSH, Secure Unix Agent, Shell Script Agent on one hand and the Argent Unix Rule Engine on the other hand are the network traffic direction and the authentication requirements. In the cases of Telnet, SSH, Secure Unix Agent, Shell Script Agent the Argent Guardian periodically initiates a TCP/IP connection to […]


This section describes the Linux and Unix Monitoring Agents.


Installing the Linux Secure Agent and/or the Linux Shell Script Agent takes only a few minutes. Download the appropriate file from the under the Optional Monitoring Agents section. Optional Monitoring Agents Transfer the file you downloaded to the Linux system you want to monitor, using FTP, SSH, or another file transfer method. For this […]


Installing the AIX takes only a few minutes.. Download the appropriate file from the under the Optional Monitoring Agents section. Optional Monitoring Agents Transfer the file you downloaded to the AIX system you want to monitor, using FTP, SSH, or another file transfer method. For this example, we’ve placed the downloaded file in the […]


Installing the HP-UX takes only a few minutes. Download the appropriate file from the under the Optional Monitoring Agents section. Optional Monitoring Agents Transfer the file you downloaded to the HP-UX system you want to monitor, using FTP, SSH, or another file transfer method. For this example, we’ve placed the downloaded file in the […]


Installing the Solaris takes only a few minutes. Download the appropriate file from the under the Optional Monitoring Agents section. The files for a Solaris system running on an Intel processor are different than those for one running on a SPARC processor. Make sure you download the right one. Optional Monitoring Agents Transfer the […]

How Do I Install A AIX Rule Engine?

Logon to the AIX machine as ‘root‘. If this is a fresh install, prepare directory /opt/Argent/UNIX, then go to step 6. If an older version is installed, stop the daemon by running: ag_re -stop Verify the Unix Rule Engine stops by checking: ps -e | grep ag_re Remove the whole directory /opt/Argent/UNIX to wipe out […]

How Do I Install A HP-UX Rule Engine?

Use swinstall to do the following: Logon to the HP-UX machine as ‘root‘. If this is a fresh install, then go to step 6. If an older version is installed, stop the daemon by running: ag_re -stop Verify the Unix Rule Engine stops by checking: ps -e | grep ag_re Use swremove to remove the […]

How Do I Install A Linux Rule Engine?

Logon to the Linux machine as ‘root‘. If this is a fresh install, prepare directory /opt/Argent/UNIX, then go to step 6. If an older version is installed, stop the daemon by running: ag_re -stop Verify the Unix Rule Engine stops by checking: ps -e | grep ag_re Remove the whole directory /opt/Argent/UNIX to wipe out […]

How Do I Install A Solaris Rule Engine?

Use the Solaris installation package pkgadd and do the following: Logon to the SunOS machine as ‘root‘. If this is a fresh install, go to step 6. If an older version is installed, stop the daemon by running: ag_re -stop Verify the Unix Rule Engine stops by checking: ps -e | grep ag_re Use pkgrm […]

How Do I Install A SSH Relay Agent?

The SSH Relay Agent enables you to do agentless monitoring of your Unix machines using SSH. Install packages are available for download for the following UNIX platforms by clicking here: SunOS 2.8 (Solaris 8) or later on SPARC hardware SUNOS 5.10 (Solaris 10) or later on Intel hardware HP-UX 11.x or later AIX 4.3 or […]

Twitter Alerts

Argent introduces Twitter Alerts in Argent AT 2.0A-1204. Twitter Alerts allow posting custom messages to a user’s Twitter account. Firstly, customers should be reminded to use Twitter Alerts carefully. Twitter can easily be flooded with Argent AT messages, and Twitter does NOT have a built-in facility to remove Tweets easily. After installing AT 2.0A-1204, a […]

Creating Twitter Application

Before using Twitter Alerts, users must prepare their Twitter account as follows: Create a Twitter account if the customer does not have one yet. To do so, logon to and sign up. Click For Full Size Create a Twitter application if the customer does not have one setup yet. To do so, point the […]

Configuring Twitter Alerts

The Twitter account and application fields are self-explanatory. User can either hardcode the Tweet text or use Argent AT %Variables% to create customized Tweets. Click For Full Size It is recommended to use the option ‘Prefix Tweet With Timestamp‘. Twitter does NOT allow duplicate Tweets within a short span of time. By using this option, […]

Troubleshooting Twitter Alerts

After configure a Twitter Alert, always test it using the ‘Test‘ button. Possible issues include: Incorrect logon credential or consumer key/secret pair. Twitter application is read-only. Duplicated Tweet text. Twitter overloaded. The following is the screenshot when a bad Twitter account is used. Click For Full Size Customers should check the Argent Console Engine log […]

Argent Commander

Argent Commander is an interactive, real-time facility based on Web 2.0 technology that integrates with your existing Argent Extended Technology and Argent Advanced Technology installation. Argent Commander provides pre-defined “command modules” that report on key performance indicators, Top X charts and tables, as well as event and alert summaries for all the individual servers in […]

Installation of Argent Commander

Argent Commander is designed to provide the simplest installation possible. There are no .NET libraries or other dependencies required. Argent Commander installs into IIS, creating the virtual folder, application pool and all the various options automatically for you. No database or database setup is required to install Argent Commander. Setup Simply run SETUP.EXE and follow […]

Upgrading Argent Commander

Upgrading Argent Commander is extremely straightforward. Also note that Argent Commander can be upgraded separately from Argent AT — this means ALL versions of Argent Commander are compataible with ALL versions of Argent AT 1. Download and extract the latest Argent Commander setup files. Run SETUP.EXE and choose Upgrade Argent Commander: 3. Note that IIS […]

Security AC

After installing Argent Commander, the first thing to do is to configure access privileges for various users. If you try logging into Argent Commander using any account apart from the Argent service account, you will see messages along the lines of “You do not have privileges to access this page”. This is because, after a […]