Author: Argent Admin

KBI 311907 New Features: Exclude Some File Extensions in File Audit Events

Version Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2101-B and later Date Thursday, 28 January 2021 Summary When file audit is turned on for some folders, any file changes in the folders would generate security events for file audit. For example, MS Word can create temporary files (~*.tmp) while editing a Word doc if auto saving feature is turned […]

KBI 311915 New Feature: Send Task Log as Attachment of Email Alert

Version Argent Sentinel 5.1A-2104-A and later Date Monday, 15 Mar 2021 Summary Argent Sentinel has been enhanced to have option to send Task Log as email attachments. Of course, to use the feature, Email Alert must be used in TEST. Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Advanced Technology 5.1A-2104-A or […]

KBI 311916 New Feature: User Confirmation Before Rebuilding Web Session Script

Version Argent Sentinel 5.1A-2104-A and later Date Monday, 15 March 2021 Summary If user might accidently chooses context menu option ‘Rebuild Session’, when he exits the recording session, he could find current Web Session Script is replaced. Click For Full Size At this point, if user selects ‘Undo’ from context menu, he can get the […]

KBI 310583 Enhancement: Argent Commander Uses Full Screen Width

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander has been enhanced to use the full-screen real-estate Technical Background One of the core tenets behind Argent Commander 3.1A-1307-A and above is to ensure the full-screen real-estate is used, so there are no unnecessary large white areas All modules will automatically […]

KBI 310584 New Feature: Argent Commander Enterprise Tree Pane

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s “Enterprise” and “Device Drill-down” pages have a new tree interface for drilling into nodes Technical Background In previous versions of Argent Commander, drilling-down into a node from the Enterprise page would take customers away from the master list of nodes This […]

KBI 310585 New Feature: Rules and Argent Predictor Data Drill-Downs

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s tree interface allows customers to list and drill-down into Rules and Argent Predictor Data related to a node Technical Background Argent Commander automatically checks and calculates all Rules related to the node that is being expanded in the tree: Click For […]

KBI 310586 New Feature: Node/Monitoring Group Lookup Module

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s Enterprise page has a new feature called “Node/Monitoring Group Lookup” module This new module can be added to the Enterprise page by clicking on “Configure This Screen” Technical Background This module provides a fast and accurate method of looking up nodes […]

KBI 310587 New Feature: Cross-Reference Module

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s Device drill-down pages have a new “Cross-Reference” module This new module can be added to the Device drill-down pages by clicking on “Configure This Screen” Technical Background This module allows customers to quickly see ALL associated Rules, Relators, products and Last […]

KBI 310588 New Feature: Argent Predictor Data Module

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s Device drill-down pages have a new “Argent Predictor Data” module This new module can be added to the Device drill-down pages by clicking on “Configure This Screen” Technical Background This module allows customers to see all saved Argent Predictor data for […]

KBI 310589 New Feature: Configure This Screen Features and Benefits

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s “Configure This Screen” has been enhanced with better drag-and-drop performance, increased functionality, and better integration with Performance Matrices Technical Background Customers can now undo and redo drag-and-drop actions while arranging the modules. When configuring node drill-downs, the list of modules also […]

KBI 310590 New Feature: Argent Commander Console Improvements

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s “Console” page has been revamped with the following features: Full-screen width utilization Filters can be shown/hidden Event Details pane can be shown/hidden All columns are sortable and resizable “Auto-fit” feature for columns, to ensure all columns fit on the current screen […]

KBI 310591 Enhancement: Console Set Checked To Feature Now Applies To ALL Events

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary The ‘Set Checked To’ feature in the Argent Commander Console allows customers to change the status of multiple events at the same time This enhancement ensures the checkbox to “Check All” truly means ALL matching the current filter and selection — not just […]

KBI 310592 New Feature: Rotation Playlists

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander now has “Rotation Playlists” that allow customers to specify the order and inclusion of maps to rotate for the Argent SuperMaps, Enterprise Application Views, and CeoConsoles Click For Full Size Technical Background Different users are granted access to different sets of […]

KBI 310593 New Feature: Configurable Dot Dimensions for SuperMaps and EAVs

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander SuperMaps and Enterprise Application Views (EAVs) now have an option to configure size of the “dots”. This is configured from the “Configure This Screen” button Technical Background The dot images have base dimensions of 24 x 24 pixels When maps are […]

KBI 310594 New Feature: Configurable Maximum Map Width for SuperMaps, EAVs and CeoConsoles

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary All Argent Commander map-based features such as Argent SuperMaps, Enterprise Application Views (EAVs), and CeoConsoles now have an option to configure the maximum width and height allowed for all map modules before scaling occurs Technical Background When maps are overly large, they are […]

KBI 310595 New Feature: Toggle Options Off for Node and Top X Modules

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary A new option to ‘Toggle Options Off/On’ is available on the Top X and Device Drill-down pages These options allow customers to hide the Argent Predictor objects/counters/instances pull-down selection options to preserve screen real-estate This option is persistent on a per-user basis Technical […]

KBI 310596 Enhancement: Argent Commander Performance Improvements

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander’s page load time has been significantly optimized, especially for large accounts with many servers and devices Customers with nested Monitoring Groups or Monitoring Groups using custom queries will also see an enormous speed difference for features that involve any sort of […]

KBI 310597 Enhancement: Argent Commander Support for Argent AT Global EAVs

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander now supports Global Enterprise Application Views, introduced in Argent AT 3.1A-1301-E or above Previous versions of Argent Commander only supported the per-product Enterprise Application Views Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.1A-1307-A or above

KBI 310598 Enhancement: Archived Logs Module Supports Argent for Compliance

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander now supports Argent for Compliance data lists in the ‘Archived Logs’ module Previous versions only supported Argent Data Consolidator (XT) and Argent for Security (AT) data lists Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.1A-1307-A or above

KBI 310599 Issue Addressed: CeoConsole Does Not Change Dot Color Correctly

Version Issue Addressed in Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander CeoConsoles don’t show the correct color for the “dots” when the appropriate thresholds are met Technical Background This is caused by a coding error — the Argent Predictor data points being returned were being compared against the thresholds […]

KBI 310600 Issue Addressed: Timeout When Searching for Users In Security Manager

Version Issue Addressed in Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary When searching for Active Directory users in the Security Manager, some customers experienced timeouts and the users list would never load Technical Background This is caused by a coding error — Argent Commander would end up in the branch that […]

KBI 310601 New Feature: Resync Argent Definitions Without Restarting Browser Session

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-A and above Date Wed, 3 July 2013 Summary Argent Commander has a new menu item called ‘Resync’, available to all users, that essentially resyncs data from Argent AT or Argent XT if new definitions have been added. Technical Background Argent Commander’s speed improvements rely on the ability to load seldom-updated information […]

KBI 310625 Issue Addressed: Argent Commander Console Loads Forever

Version Issue Addressed in Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B and above Date Thursday, 1 Aug 2013 Summary Argent Commander Console loads infinitely — no events appear at all Technical Background The Console’s sort order and sort column are persistent settings stored in each user’s _OPTIONS.XML file The sort column is saved in the ‘CONSOLE_SORT_FIELD’ XML node — […]

KBI 310627 Issue Addressed: Insufficient Privileges or Incorrect Security Privileges After Web Session Expires

Version Issue Addressed in Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B and above Date Thursday, 1 Aug 2013 Summary Argent Commander shows incorrect security permissions (e.g. missing tabs or “Insufficient Privileges to Access Argent Commander”) after the browser’s web session expires Refreshing does not resolve the issue, but closing the browser and restarting it resolves the issue Technical Background […]

KBI 310846 Issue Addressed: Not Authorized To Drill-down Into Nodes

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B or below Date Friday, 28 Feb 2014 Summary Customers may see a “Not Authorized” message in Argent Commander when drilling-down into a node Alternatively, customers may not see Monitoring Groups when they are explicitly allowed in the Security Manager Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.0A-1401-A or above

KBI 310849 Issue Addressed: Maintenance Schedules Incorrectly Display No Entries

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B or below Date Friday, 28 Feb 2014 Summary When clicking on the Maintenance Schedules icon for nodes, the Maintenance Schedule will incorrectly display no entries Technical Background This is caused when the casing of the node is not all-uppercase Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.0A-1401-A or above

KBI 310855 Issue Addressed: Node Aliases Do Not Appear In Argent Commander

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B or below Date Friday, 28 Feb 2014 Summary Aliases for nodes may not appear in Argent Commander Technical Background This issue is caused by a coding error Aliases normally appear next to nodes wrapped with rounded brackets If no aliases are detected, Argent Commander does not show the alias name Resolution […]

KBI 310856 New Feature: Hide Unwanted Performance Counters In Argent Commander

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B or below Date Friday, 28 Feb 2014 Summary New Feature: Ability to Hide Performance Counters from Pull-down Menus in Argent Commander This feature may be used for customers who don’t want specific OBJECT/COUNTER/INSTANCE entries from appearing as selectable metrics in Argent Commander Technical Background This is configured on an enterprise-wide (NOT […]

KBI 310858 Issue Addressed: Performance Matrices Not Loading

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B or below Date Friday, 28 Feb 2014 Summary Performance Matrices may not load properly in Argent Commander Technical Background This issue is caused by a coding error Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.0A-1401-A or above

KBI 310859 New Feature: Ability to Customize Graph Data Intervals In Argent Commander

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B or below Date Friday, 28 Feb 2014 Summary New Feature: Ability to Customize Graph Data Intervals In Argent Commander This feature is useful for customers who want specific granularities of data for different metrics This feature also ensures the time scale is linear, so customers can spot outages in performance data […]

KBI 310860 New Feature: Ability to Mass-Apply Maintenance Mode To Console Events

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1307-B or below Date Friday, 28 Feb 2014 Summary New Feature: Ability to Mass-Apply Maintenance Mode To All Or Selected Console Events This feature allows customers to select multiple or all console events, and mass-apply Maintenance Mode to these events Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.0A-1401-A or above

KBI 311000 New Feature: Argent Commander Graphs With Specific Time Ranges And Intervals

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1401-T1 and above Date Monday, 30 June 2014 Summary A new option for the ‘Range‘ of Argent Commander Graphs has been added, called ‘Specific Range‘ This invokes a popup box that allows customers to choose the following: Interval The frequency between data points – all data points are averaged into ‘buckets‘ of […]

KBI 311001 Enhancement: Argent Commander Automatic Refresh And White Screens

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1401-T1 and above Date Monday, 30 June 2014 Summary In previous versions, for all screens except the ‘Console‘ tab, Argent Commander’s Automatic Refresh option will due a full page refresh During the refresh, most browsers will display a blank, white screen until the page is fully refreshed and rendered For customers using […]

KBI 311037 New Feature: View Runbooks In Argent Commander Console

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1407-A and above Date Friday, 1 Aug 2014 Summary Argent Commander Console tab now allows customers to view Runbooks they have created for each Rule This is located in the Event Details (bottom) after clicking on the relevant Event row Note: This is purely read-only – Runbooks cannot be modified within Argent […]

KBI 311038 Enhancement: Argent Commander Console Shows Application Field

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1407-A and above Date Friday, 1 Aug 2014 Summary Argent Commander Console now shows the ‘Application‘ field, which is useful for sorting and grouping Events by a certain type of Application The Application field is generally populated by the Rule itself, and is not configurable Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent […]

KBI 311039 Enhancement: Argent Commander Console Bar Visualization

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1407-A and above Date Friday, 1 Aug 2014 Summary Argent Commander Console now has a bar that visualizes the Unanswered, Answered, Resolved, and Events in Maintenance The figures are purely based on the filter criteria, and the (?) button reminds customers what the abbreviations mean This is useful as a way of […]

KBI 311042 New Feature: Events And Alerts Pie Chart On Argent Commander Enterprise Tab

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1407-A and above Date Friday, 1 Aug 2014 Summary Argent Commander has a new module called “Events and Alerts” under the “Enterprise” tab This module shows a pie chart similar to the Argent GUI – the pie chart visualizes the count of Nodes that are ‘OK‘, ‘Handled‘ and ‘Outstanding‘ Click For Full […]

KBI 311100 New Feature: MasterFind In Argent Commander

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above Date Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014 Summary Argent Commander has a new tab called “MasterFind” MasterFind is an alternative method of looking up critical performance data within Argent Commander MasterFind is essentially a powerful search Engine for Argent’s performance data Some customers like drill-downs, while others want a convenient search […]

KBI 311101 New Feature: Graphs By Monitoring Group In Argent Commander Sandbox

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above Date Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014 Summary Sandbox now has a special feature to allow Monitoring Groups to be plotted When a flag is set, the Monitoring Group pull-down will appear, and the Node will include ‘*‘ as a selectable option Click For Full Size Warning: For large Monitoring Groups […]

KBI 311102 New Feature: New JavaScript Graphs In Argent Commander

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above Date Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014 Summary The new JavaScript-based graphs will work in any mobile browser, and no longer requires Flash There are a slew of benefits with the new graphs, including: Increased performance Support for ‘irregular time intervals‘ – this means data that does not follow a regular […]

KBI 311103 New Feature: Argent Commander Graphs Now Automatically Stretch To Width Of Module

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above Date Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014 Summary To maximize real-estate, graphs will now automatically stretch to the width of its container This means less useless ‘white spaces‘ and better scaling for customers using different resolutions and monitors Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above

KBI 311104 Enhancement: Argent Commander Top X Scrollbar Controls

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above Date Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014 Summary Argent Commander’s Top X tab now allows customers to decide whether scrollbars should be added within the module via the ‘Use scrollbars‘ checkbox This setting is persistent on a per-user basis Some customers want all the data to be displayed without scrolling within […]

KBI 311105 Enhancement: Argent Commander Top X Filters And Scope

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above Date Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014 Summary Argent Commander’s Top X tab now allows customers to specify a scope for all of their Top X modules, persistent on a per-user basis Click For Full Size This means customers can view the Top X constrained within a SuperConsole, Monitoring Group, or […]

KBI 311106 Issue Addressed: CeoConsole Within Range Settings Shows Validation Errors

Version Argent Commander 3.0A-1410-A or above Date Wednesday, 12 Nov 2014 Summary When configuring dots in a CeoConsole, if customers choose the ‘Within Range‘ setting, validation errors may occur even though the numbers appear valid This issue is caused by a coding error, and has been addressed Technical Background N/A Resolution Upgrade to Argent Commander […]

KBI 311202 Enhancement: Argent Commander Sandbox Customization Features

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1501-B or later Date Thursday, 12 Feb 2015 Summary Argent Commander Sandbox now has the following features: Graph width/height customization Toggling borders Toggling title bars ‘Apply To All’ feature to apply properties to all Sandbox graphs on the page Graph properties can now be activated on mouse hover over the graph Technical […]

KBI 311203 Enhancement: Argent Commander Supports Argent AT 3.1A-1501 or later

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1501-B or later Date Thursday, 12 Feb 2015 Summary Argent Commander now supports Argent AT 3.1A-1501 or later Argent AT 3.1A-1501 has a change in the way certain values are stored (no longer using the registry) Argent Commander now detects if the database registry values are present, and if not, it looks […]

KBI 311260 Enhancement: Argent Commander Default SQL Timeout Changed To 120 Seconds

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1507-G or later Date Thursday, 23 July 2015 Summary Argent Commander’s default (and minimum) SQL command timeout changed from 15 seconds to 120 seconds Technical Background The SQL command timeout controls how long Argent Commander waits for a SQL query execution before declaring a timeout. The SQL command timeout is controlled in […]

KBI 311263 New Feature: ViewMagic

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1507-G or later Date Thursday, 23 July 2015 Summary Argent’s revolutionary new ViewMagic is a single screen showing ALL your critical servers that you can create, design and control. No more to’ing and fro’ing on countless WebEx sessions or phone calls — now you control your own Single Pane of Glass. Simple, […]

KBI 311264 New Feature: Value Mappings

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1507-G or later Date Thursday, 23 July 2015 Summary Argent Commander has a new value mapping interface that applies to CeoConsoles and ViewMagic. For example, if the Interface Status of a Cisco device is ‘3’, this isn’t particularly useful for a human. Mapping the value of ‘3’ to, say, ‘Disconnnected’, and ‘2’ […]

KBI 311265 New Feature: CMDB-X-Add New Servers and Devices and License Them In A Single Click

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1507-G or later Date Thursday, 23 July 2015 Summary Argent Commander’s CMDB-X feature allows customers to add multiple servers, assign properties, add to Monitoring Groups, and license them in a single click. Click For Full Size Technical Background See the Argent Commander CMDB-X articles on for more in-depth information. Resolution Upgrade […]

KBI 900002 Enhancement: Argent Commander Supports Nested Active Directory Groups

Argent Commander 5.0A-1607-A and later Date Tue, 5 July 2016 Summary Added support for nested Active Directory groups for security privileges Technical Background An example of a nested Active Directory group is as follows: “Bob” is a member of “Group A”, and “Group A” is a member of “Group B”. “Bob” is therefore a member […]

KBI 900005 Enhancement: Improved Performance For Customers WIth Large Number of Servers

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1610-B or later Date Tuesday, 8 November 2016 Summary Initial loading times of Argent Commander have been greatly enhanced for customers with 300+ servers. Technical Background For customers with many servers, the initial load time may take minutes to complete. This is caused by an optional Argent Commander feature that loads and […]

KBI 311522 Enhancement: Time Range Option In Argent Predictor Canned Page

Version Argent Commander 1701-A and above Date Wednesday, 8 March 2017 Summary Argent Commander allows customers to configure the time range on one of the graphs in Argent Predictor Canned Page Click For Full Size Technical Background This enhancements adds a pull-down menu on the “Past 24 Hours” graph, to change the time range anywhere […]

KBI 311523 Enhancement: Dynamic Scaling In Argent Commander’s Dashboards

Version Argent Commander 1701-A and above Date Wednesday, 8 March 2017 Summary Argent Commander allows customers to configure the Y-Axis of dashboards between “Start At Zero” (default) and “Dynamic” The option is available per-graph, and is persistent for that graph Click For Full Size Technical Background Choosing “Start At Zero” helps to ensure comparisons in […]

KBI 900009 Enhancement: Automatic Adjustment of Time Zones In ViewMagic

Version Argent Commander 1707-A and above Date Tuesday, 15 August 2017 Summary Customers with Daughter Engines in different time zones may find that they can’t see the ‘latest data’ on a particular server in ViewMagic. Technical Background Argent AT saves all data based on the time zone of the Supervising Engine that handled the data. […]

KBI 311679 Issue Addressed: Argent Commander Tree Load Error In Enterprise Tab

Version Argent Commander – 1804-A or below Date Thursday, 14 June 2018 Summary Customers may see a “Load error” on the left tree in Enterprise Tab of Argent Commander For example: Click For Full Size One known cause is invalid line breaks or invalid characters in Argent AT Object Names such as SuperConsole or Monitoring […]

KBI 311725 Enhancement: Argent Commander Integration With Argent Predictor Ultra

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1901-A and above Date Tuesday, 15 January 2019 Summary Integration of Argent Commander and Argent Predictor Ultra Technical Background Argent Advanced Technology has been enhanced to provide an option to save data to Argent Predictor Ultra from versions 5.1A-1810-A and later In the past customers who were unable to use Argent Predictor […]

KBI 311743 Issue Addressed: ViewMagic Show No Data On Certain Metrics After Version Upgrade

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-1901-A Date Tuesday, 2 April 2019 Summary Argent Commander ViewMagic screen showed ‘No Data’ after version upgrade to 5.0A-1901-A An example of this is shown below Click For Full Size Technical Background On adding support for Argent Predictor Ultra in Argent Commander, the code was enhanced to accommodate an additional field ‘Resolution’ […]

KBI 311822 Enhancement: Removed Flash Control From Argent Commander

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-2004-A and above Date Thursday, 23 April 2020 Summary Argent Commander has been enhanced to work without the help of Flash controls Technical Background Major browsers have been slowly stopping support for Adobe Flash Adobe itself announced that it would be stopping development and support in December 2020 On account of this, […]

KBI 311823 Enhancement: Argent Commander Integration With Argent Sentinel

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-2004-A and above Date Friday, 24 April 2020 Summary Argent Commander now fully supports Argent Sentinel Technical Background In the past, customers were unable to view the performance data captured by Argent Sentinel in Argent Commander dashboards To overcome the shortcoming, Argent Commander has been enhanced to display the performance data from […]

KBI 311862 Enhancement: Enhanced Argent Commander With New Skin

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-2006-A and later Date Friday, 21 August 2020 Summary Argent Commander has been enhanced with new skin Technical Background MasterFind Click For Full Size CeoConsole Click For Full Size Enterprise Click For Full Size Sandbox Click For Full Size Top-X Click For Full Size Console Click For Full Size SuperMaps Click For […]

KBI 311876 Issue Addressed: Argent Commander Displays The SuperMaps Dot Incorrectly

Version Argent Commander 5.0A-2006-A and below Date Wednesday, 14 October 2020 Summary Argent Commander displays the SuperMaps dot in a different position than the configured position in Argent Advanced Technology Argent Advanced Technology SuperMaps Click For Full Size Argent Commander SuperMaps Click For Full Size Technical Background The issue occurs only when increasing the “Map […]

KBI 311500 Auto-Resolving Events And Sending Correction Alerts

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1611-C and later Date Wednesday, 4 January 2017 Summary Argent Defender Ultra allows customers to set “Alerts To Fire When Condition Is Corrected” on screen D3C This way, customers can have an email automatically sent whenever an issue is no longer present Additionally, Argent Defender Ultra will automatically mark Unanswered/Answered Events […]

KBI 311501 Housekeeping-Controlling Data Retention In Argent Defender Ultra

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1611-C and later Date Wednesday, 4 January 2017 Summary Argent Defender Ultra allows customers to control how much historical data to keep – this prevents the database from ballooning and using up too much disk space Click For Full Size Technical Background As a rough estimate, each individual script execution stores […]

KBI 311502 Error Counts For Ended Tasks In Argent Defender Ultra

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1611-C and later Date Wednesday, 4 January 2017 Summary Argent Defender Ultra has implemented a new feature that displays the number of errors encountered for each completed task, in red, for emphasis: Click For Full Size Technical Background There are two main types of errors: HTTP Errors Step Timeout Errors The […]

KBI 311503 Preventing False Positives Or Alert Flooding In Argent Defender Ultra

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1611-B Date Wednesday, 4 January 2017 Summary The ability to control how Alerts behave is key to preventing false positives and Alert flooding Argent Defender Ultra has two critical Alerting options at the Session Replay level to give customers this control: Post Event Even If Same Event Is Still outstanding (Unanswered) […]

KBI 311518 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Alert Escalation

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1701-A and above Date Friday, 3 February 2017 Summary Argent Defender Ultra allows customers to set an “Alert Escalation Plan” on screen D3G. This way, customers can have an email automatically sent whenever an issue has “no response” after a certain amount of time. Additionally, customers can drag-and-drop to reorder the […]

KBI 311547 Argent Defender Ultra Production Tasks Fail To Run

Version Argent Defender Ultra 1701-E and below Date Thursday, 22 June 2017 Summary Production tasks in Argent Defender Ultra fail to run. For fresh installs, the installation may have displayed error messages such as ‘Microsoft Exception Detected’ briefly. For existing users, production tasks may have run fine before, but suddenly stop running after a Windows […]

KBI 986010 New Feature: Argent Defender Ultra Waterfall Lookup

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1707-A or above Date Tuesday, 15 August 2017 Summary Argent Defender Ultra has implemented a Waterfall Lookup facility that allows customers to easily lookup pertinent data related to a particular execution instance. Data includes the Waterfall, logs, and relevant screenshots if any errors occurred. Searching can be done by the execution […]

KBI 986011 New Feature: Custom HTTP POST or HTTP GET Function In Argent Defender Ultra

Version Argent Defender Ultra 6.1A-1707-A or above Date Tuesday, 15 August 2017 Summary For customers who wish to add custom HTTP POST or HTTP GET functions into their Recorded Sessions, Argent Defender Ultra has a simpler method to do this: Playback.Get = function (IN_szURL, IN_objParameters) Playback.Post = function (IN_szURL, IN_objParameters) Sample Usage: Playback.Post(‘’, { ‘page’: […]