Author: Argent Admin

Argent Guardian Benefits

This document discusses the benefits of the Argent Guardian and its server/application monitoring capabilities.

Argent Hogs Benefits and Features

How can an administrator know who is consuming the bandwidth of the organization? How can the specific user and machine be determined? How can the consumption be classified into good and bad? How can applications or devices that are consuming most of the bandwidth be determined? Argent Hogs monitors and analyses network traffic by capturing […]

Argent Integration with Puppet

This document discusses the powerful command-line tools that Argent provides to integrate with all automation and configuration management software, including the venerable Puppet software

Best Practices with Argent

This document discusses the best practices of what to monitor using Argent’s patented and award-winning products.

Monitoring Java

This document discusses how Argent provides complete monitoring for all aspects of Java.

Monitoring Microsoft Clusters

This document discusses the various Microsoft cluster objects, and how Argent licenses and monitors all cluster components.

Monitoring SAP

This document discusses how Argent provides complete monitoring for all aspects of SAP.

Oracle RAC Monitoring

This document discusses how Argent provides complete monitoring for all aspects of the Oracle RAC environment.

Reporting Examples

This document demonstrates how you can use Argent Reports to create essential reports for trend analysis and capacity planning.

SNMP Overview

This document discusses how Argent provides complete monitoring of your SNMP-compliant network.

SQL Server Monitoring

This document discusses the best practices for monitoring performance and health metrics of SQL Server.

Synthetic Application Monitoring

This document discusses how Argent can simulate synthetic transactions to monitor the user experience of your critical web sites, as well as mimic database read/write operations for database application monitoring.

Total Monitoring for iSeries

This document discusses how Argent provides total monitoring for all aspects of iSeries, as well as a set of best practices for different stages of monitoring.

Unix Monitoring Overview

This document discusses Argent’s comprehensive monitoring and architecture for all the major flavors of Linux and Unix.

Weekly SLA Report Sample

This document is a sample weekly report that Argent generates for a large European bank. This report is bound and printed by Argent, and copies are sent by FedEx each Friday to arrive on the CIO’s desk every Monday morning. For more information, please email

How Do I Get My NetBIOS Domain and Server Name?

Worldwide, administrators are overworked To make your job easier Argent has created this utility This utility sends to Argent the information needed to create your license key It also ensure your Argent server has the necessary prerequisites A copy of the information is written to C:\ (You can change this with the /OUTPUT= parameter) Run […]

How Do I Update My Argent AT License?

Once you receive a new Argent AT license file (with the .LIC extension), follow these steps: First, save the .LIC attachment to a folder. Example: C:\ARGENT\ARGENT_AT_24_FEB_2010_12_00_AT_LICENSE.LIC Updating Licenses For All Argent AT Products – Global License Updater The Argent Global License Updater can apply Argent AT licenses to all Main Engines or Non-Stop Motors for […]

How Do I Update My Argent Commander License?

If your license has expired, you can request a new license file through your Account Manager or Argent Instant Help. After receiving the new ARGSOFT_COMMANDER.LIC file, place this file in the path where Argent Commander was installed, e.g.    C:\Argent\ArgentCommander\ARGSOFT_COMMANDER.LIC Close all open browsers, restart the browser and login. Argent Commander should now have its license […]

How Do I Update My Argent Job Scheduler License?

Once you receive a new license file (with the .LIC extension), follow these steps to update the Argent Job Scheduler. Save the .LIC attachment into the following folder: drive:\ARGENT\SchedulingEngine\_KEY Example: c:\ARGENT\SchedulingEngine\_KEY\Argent_31_May_2007_09_04_Argent_Job_Scheduler_License.LIC Click For Full Size Launch the Argent Job Scheduler GUI. Goto the Settings menu, and select Configuration Options. Click For Full Size Click on […]

How Do I Update My Argent Queue Engine License?

Argent Queue Engines can be installed on multiple platform types:    * Windows    * Linux/Unix    * iSeries Special “Enterprise” Queue Engine Keys For “Enterprise Argent Queue Engine keys”, an extra QE_KEY.BIN file is provided along with a single serial key which can be applied across all Argent Queue Engines The QE_KEY.BIN file needs to be copied […]

How Do I Update My Argent Reports License?

If your license has expired, you can request a new license file through your Account Manager or Argent Instant Help. After receiving the new ARGSOFT_REPORTS.LIC file, place this file in the path where Argent Reports was installed, e.g.    C:\Argent\ArgentReports\ARGSOFT_REPORTS.LIC Close all open browsers, restart the browser and login. Argent Reports should now have its license […]

How Do I Update My Argent WorldView License?

If your license has expired, you can request a new license file through your Account Manager or Argent Instant Help. After receiving the new ARGENT_WORLDVIEW.LIC file, place this file in the path where Argent WorldView was installed, e.g.    C:\Argent\ArgentWorldView\_KEY\ARGENT_WORLDVIEW.LIC Close all open browsers, restart the browser and login. Argent WorldView should now have its license […]

Do License Keys Support Failover?

Argent has a failover system for their main engines, known as backup engines. The license file is propagated from the main engine to these backup engines. When a backup engine takes over, there would be no licensing issues, as the backup would have an exact copy of the production license in its local file system. […]

Current Versions Of Argent

Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1404-A Argent AS/400 and iSeries Agents 8.0A-1207 Argent Unix Agent For AIX 8.0A-0801 Argent Unix Agent For HP-UX 8.0A-0801 Argent Unix Agent For Linux 8.0A-0801 Argent Unix Agent For Solaris 10 Intel 8.0A-0801 Argent Unix Agent For SunOS Solaris 8.0A-0801 Argent Unix SSH Relay Agent For AIX 8.0A-0801 Argent Unix SSH Relay […]

What Is Argent’s Upgrade Policy?

New releases of Argent come out every quarter. There are two components to the product’s release version code — the functional and the quarter. The functional level describes the feature set of the product, such as 8.0A. The quarter is the release’s quarter in the form of 0701 – 07 = 2007, while 01 = […]

Do Monitoring Engines Consume A License?

No Only the servers being monitored need a license You can have unlimited Monitoring Engines and Consoles without affecting your license usage unless you also want Argent products to monitor these servers as well

Critical Error Codes 404 / 403

You may see the following message within the Argent Console service log, followed by Error Code 404 or 403 messages. ********************************Warning******************************************** * A Critical error affecting the integrity of the Argent product has been detected. * Argent Console service will be shut down in 28 days if this condition persists. * Please contact Argent at […]

My License Key Expired. Why?

One of the most common causes is a restore. Here’s what happens: You get a production key. You apply it. Life is good. Then someone does a restore of a disk; the restore has an OLD KEY. Five months later the license key expires. The problem with this is it so insidious and so hard […]

I Want A New License

You will be automatically redirected to the Argent web site to obtain a license key in 5 seconds. To not wait, please click the button below.

Common Questions and Answers

Here you can read the common questions and answers customers have about Argent products. After reading, if you’re still unsure please email us or use Argent’s Instant Help. Remember: you can use the Search facility to quickly find the topic or subject of interest.

What Microsoft Operating Systems And Databases Are Argent-Certified?

All releases of Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 are Argent-certified for use with all Argent products Argent has certified SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016 ,SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2022 […]

What TCP Ports Does Argent Use?

Initial network traffic flows from the INITIATOR toward the LISTENER. If a firewall is present, you should permit inbound traffic to the LISTENER port. Argent AT Argent AT Daughter Engines AND Trusted Agents are always the INITIATOR contacting the Mother Engine or Motors as the LISTENER Daughter Engines connect to the Mother Engine periodically to […]

What Argent Housekeeping Is There?

Argent has a number of optional housekeeping facilities for you. These are: Purge Argent Predictor data Run a batch command file Run a SQL script All three are optional and are independent of each other. As the contents of the batch command file and the SQL script are completely under your control you can do […]

How Can I Answer Events Or Suspend Nodes Via Email?

This is one of the coolest features in Argent – you can answer Events through email without having to go into Argent Both MAPI and POP3 email systems are supported MAPI is the natural choice for enterprises with an Exchange environment, while POP3 is the most popular protocol for reading Internet email The first step […]

Why Is A Ping Close To Useless?

This depends. Depends on what you want to do. If you simply want to check the network card, then a Ping is fine, as checking the network card is all a Ping does. First, some background. The transport protocol Argent uses is called TCP/IP, as the letters suggest it is actually a combination of two […]

What And Where Is Maintenance Mode?

On the surface, the terms “Maintenance“, “Maintenance Schedule“, “Maintenance Mode“, and “Suspend Servers or Devices” seem to mean the same thing However there are important differences This article explains where and how these features are used within the Argent Advanced Technology products and the possible effects they have on reporting Question:   What is a Maintenance […]

How To Test Ports?

The easiest and most effective way to test connectivity between your Argent engines is to use the standard Telnet utility that comes with Windows For example, assume the Argent Console Client is installed at, and a main Argent Console server at Use the following command to verify the connectivity telnet 3100 If […]

How Do I Keep My Argent SQL Backend Running Smoothly?

Here is a cookbook of what to do. While this applies to the Argent backend, it is applicable to just about any SQL Server database. There are lots of performance counters you can watch. In Argent’s experience with over 2,000 Customers worldwide, here’s what we suggest. SQLServer : Memory Manager : Total Server Memory SQLServer […]

How Do I Monitor Clusters?

You can monitor clusters with the Argent Guardian using System Down Rules and SLA Rules, and by Argent Exchange Monitor using Connectivity Rule. There are five types of cluster objects, which are Cluster Node Cluster Group Cluster Resource Cluster Network Cluster Network Interface To monitor a cluster object, you first add the object to Master […]


Sometimes you need to add a variable to a Rule for parameters, such as the name of the server being tested – hard-coding each server name would be a huge amount of needless work For Rules that need variables there is a %VARIABLE% button This help page is a master list of the variables and […]

How Do I Collect SNMP Data With The Argent Data Consolidator?

You can use the Argent Data Consolidator to collect SNMP Trap messages from any number of devices. Even better… all the SNMP Trap messages can be placed in an SQL Server database for centralized storage and reporting purposes. Easy to do. Here’s how: Configure the server used for Argent Data Consolidator Transfer Engine as a […]

How Many Servers Can One Server Monitor?

When remote monitoring is used, there are a number of factors that determine how many remote servers can be monitored. Some factors are: the capacity of the server, how many Relators are being run, the network speed, etc. The single most significant factor is the amount of monitoring required. Some servers require very modest monitoring, […]

Configuring SMS Alerts Using A GSM Device

On the Argent server, connect your GSM modem to the serial port. Verify the COM port is working correctly. Click For Full Size Within the Argent Console, right-click and select New SMS Alert Because Argent Alerts are shared by all Argent products, you can select any Argent product, in this case we’re using the Argent […]

Can I Enter 1,500 Servers Into The Master Catalog?

Argent Advanced Technology provides two mechanisms for adding servers to CMDB-X Using: Import Network XML Import Computer Text File Import Network XML Click For Full Size If you have a file of your servers and devices, just convert it to XML and import the XML file into the Argent CMDB-X If you need assistance in […]

How Do I Setup Regional Monitoring Agents?

The main reason you use regional Monitoring Agents is to reduce the workload of administrating your Argent installation – you can have just one Administrator to oversee the monitoring of the complete enterprise worldwide. You can use the command line setup Setup.exe to let you install monitoring agents without the GUI access. But you still […]

Which Is Better-Local Or Remote Monitoring?

That’s an easy one. Yes. That’s the answer. In other words, it depends on your needs. Most Customers are just like you, their servers are on a bell curve: at the left side there are the Nice-To-Know machines, these are the ones where it’s nice to know if the server is offline – perhaps print […]

How Do You Monitor Without Requiring A Local Agent?

Actually it’s surprisingly simple – we don’t understand why all monitoring vendors don’t do the same. We’ll break the story up into the main players. Windows Servers And Vista, Etc Microsoft did a good job of providing network-enabled application-level APIs for everything we need to monitor. Here are some examples: For services, the Windows Service […]

What Virtual Products Can I Monitor?

Argent can monitor all virtualized servers, from Microsoft Virtual Server to VMware ESX. Argent helps you identify and resolve virtual server performance and availability issues. As virtualized servers become more common in Enterprise IT organization, the need to monitor and manage virtual resources become even more important. Argent Monitor For VMware is a comprehensive and […]

Benefits Of Unix Rule Engines

The major differences between Telnet, SSH, Secure Unix Agent, Shell Script Agent on one hand and the Argent Unix Rule Engine on the other hand are the network traffic direction and the authentication requirements In the cases of Telnet, SSH, Secure Unix Agent, Shell Script Agent the Argent Guardian Ultra periodically initiates a TCP/IP connection […]

Should The Database Be On A Different Machine?

This is one of the questions that always raises the temperature of the discussion, akin to Local versus Remote monitoring, or Case-Sensitive Filenames versus Case-Insensitive Filenames, or Ginger versus Mary Ann. And the reason is there are benefits to both approaches. The main benefit is having the Argent database on a separate machine is distributed […]

How Can I Ensure My Argent TCP/IP Connection Is Secure?

Remember, Argent is the choice of Intelink – Google ‘Intelink’ to see just who these bad boys are. Argent has a Built-in Encryption Algorithm The CRC-64 built in the packet prevents any external data manipulation Using the built-in encryption mechanism further prevents external data peeking Argent provides ECB and OFB algorithms The encryption seed changes […]

How Do I Use SQL Express 2005 As The Argent Backend?

This article shows you how to use SQL Server 2005 Express as the Argent backend database. Technical Requirements Operating Systems For SQL Server 2005 Express Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 Service Pack 1 […]

How Do I Stop ALC_ArcEvtLog Table Growing?

This Argent database table contains the information the Argent Data Consolidator gathers from your servers by default. The more you consolidate the larger this table will grow. Depending on your requirements for keeping this data, you can regularly delete records from this table using a SQL script based on the EVENT_TIME column. Alternatively you can […]

Do Monitoring Engines Consume Licenses?

No Only the servers being monitored need a license You can have unlimited Monitoring Engines and Consoles without affecting your license usage unless you also want Argent products to monitor these servers as well

How Do I Configure The SSH Relay Agent?

Argent AT To use the SSH Relay Agent in Argent AT, visit the License Manager and right-click on the server to configure an SSH Relay Agent for. Note: The SSH Relay Agent should be installed on the Linux/Unix machine, and communication from the Argent Main Engine or Motors to port 3062 on the SSH Relay […]

Migrating XT To A New Server

To move an existing Argent XT installation to a new server, do the following: Backup all Argent Products using the Tools | Backup Database option from within the Argent GUI as shown below: Change the above options as needed for your situation. Repeat the above for EACH Argent product. Stop all Argent services as shown […]

How Can I Consolidate A Unix SYSLOG?

Argent for Compliance has a built-in SYSLOG Server It listens on UDP port 514 by default The port can be re-configured to any number by adjusting the registry for Argent for Compliance HKLM\Software\Argent\ARGENT_FOR_COMPLIANCE\SYSLOG_SERVER_PORT Or For 64 Bit servers, registry setting can be located here HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Argent\ARGENT_FOR_COMPLIANCE\SYSLOG_SERVER_PORT When Argent receives a UDP message, it first checks if […]

How Do I Create Crystal Reports With WMI?

Do the following to create a new WMI-Based Argent Report in Argent AT Select “Reports” Click For Full Size Choose WMI Reports, then Right Click and select ‘New Report‘ from the menu Select WMI Report from Report Category and enter a Report Name Now click OK button Click For Full Size A new WMI Report […]

How Can I Limit What Users Can Do?

You can select any or all of the following and limit users: Start/Stop Service Backup/Restore Database Apply License View Console And Change Console Settings Answer Pending Events And Purge Events Manually View/Modify Engine Settings Fire Event Through Total Support Interface Maintain Master Catalog Install/Modify Argent SuperMaps View/Modify General Database Information Put Relator To Production Mode […]

How Can I Create Crystal Reports?

Crystal Reports is the industry standard for report generation, and it’s available in Argent. Not only can you generate Crystal Reports, but Argent can automatically email the reports with the Automatic Report Distribution feature You can create reports in the Argent Guardian or using WMI. This help topic discusses the Argent Guardian, to generate reports […]

How Do I Add SMS?

Short Message Service (SMS) is a global service that sends alphanumeric messages between mobile subscribers and external systems such as email, pagers, and voice-mail systems. A distinguishing characteristic of SMS is that an active mobile handset is able to receive or send an SMS message at any time; independent of whether a voice or data […]

How Can I Use Oracle As The Argent Backend Database?

There are some important pre-requisites you need to be aware of. You must upgrade to the most recent version of Argent FIRST. If you try to move to the Oracle back-end before upgrading to the current version, the import of fields and tables into the Oracle database will fail. Be sure the Argent database is […]

How Do I Integrate Remedy With Argent?

Before we start, here’s a summary of the internal work flow between Argent and Remedy: Forward Argent Console Events To Remedy When the Argent Console forwards events to Remedy, Argent spawns a process to run the following command: AAC_HPDScript.exe PCKEY /forward PCKEY is the unique identifier for the event record. Internally, the forwarding script AAC_HPD_Forward.vbs […]

How Do I Use The Command Line Utility XTNetworkXML.exe?

A real pain when doing a network scan at the branch office is the lack of an Argent GUI at the branch office. And… You may have only the telnet or SSH access owing to the slow network link. But the Argent command line utility XTNetworkXML will save you a lot of hassle. The XTNetworkXML […]

Argent TCP/IP Timeout Registry Settings

The registry hive is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Argent Argent Console Send timeout:ArgentManagementConsole\TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT Receive timeout:ArgentManagementConsole\TCP_RECV_TIMEOUT Affects: Firing Events Replication of shared databases Replication of control information Argent Data Consolidator Scheduling Engine Send timeout:ArgentDataConsolidator\TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT Receive timeout:ArgentDataConsolidator\TCP_RECV_TIMEOUT Affects: Transfer engine Replication of control information Transfer Engine Send timeout:ArgentDataConsolidator\TransferEngine\TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT Receive timeout:ArgentDataConsolidator\TransferEngine\TCP_RECV_TIMEOUT Affects: Database engine Replication of control information Argent Exchange Monitor Send […]

How Can I Correct Any Product or App Memory Leaks?

Help is at hand Argent can very easily address this until the vendor provides a release that does not have memory leaks This applies to any product or application Here’s the deal: Define a Performance Rule Checking the Amount of Memory Used The following screenshot shows you what to do, just replace the Spooler service […]

Configuring SMS Alerts Using A Serial Modem

On the Argent Main Engine server, you first need to install and configure the modem, modem driver, and the set the dial properties. Click For Full Size Click For Full Size Within the Argent Console, right-click and select New SMS Alert Because Argent Alerts are shared by all Argent products, you can select any Argent […]

How Do I Add A Server Or A Device To Monitor?

Adding a server or a device to be monitored requires two steps. Step 1: Add To The Argent Master Catalog The Master Catalog is the list of all servers and devices Argent knows about. Once a server or device is added to the Master Catalog, you can then add it to one or more Monitoring […]

How Can I Integrate Argent With A Framework?

Argent offers powerful, robust monitoring and alerting capabilities. And you likely have a framework product, like HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, or CA Unicenter. There are two ways to integrate Argent with a framework : direct integration or with SNMP traps. This integration isn’t limited to simply sending events from Argent to the framework. You can […]

What Are Runbooks And SuperLinks?

Runbooks A Runbook is the optional text file to explain to the reader what to do when the Rule is broken It’s a simple text file created by the person who creates or updates the Rule For example, if a Rule breaks when there is less than 30% disk free space on the server, the […]

How Do I Use The Argent MIB Viewer?

The Argent MIB Viewer lets you easily understand both the syntax and semantics of OIDs (Object IDentifiers) The information gathered from the compiled MIBs also helps when you define an SNMP Rule, an SNMP Alert, as well as an SNMP Trap Monitor For example, a read-only OID can use the SNMP Rule but not an […]

How Does The Argent Unix Rule Engine Work?

The Argent Unix Rule Engine is a self-contained monitoring agent running on all common Unix platforms. The Argent Unix Rule Engine downloads control information from the Argent Guardian main engine, runs the Rule Scripts as scheduled, and uploads the results (including Argent Predictor data) to the main engine. The Argent Unix Rule Engine has four […]

How Can I Optimize The Network Performance Of Argent?

TCP/IP is the standard communication protocol used by Argent. And there are a lot of things you can do to optimize the performance; here are some of the more important ones. TCP Send And Receive Timeout Setting the right timeout value for TCP send and receive operation is essential to get good responsiveness for both […]

How Do I Use The AG_ME_TOOL.exe Command Line Utility?

You can use the AG_ME_TOOL.EXE utility to administer Argent Guardian Monitoring Engines from a command prompt. The utility is located in drive:\ARGENT\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentGuardian. You can get it from the Installation zip file. Commands /LIST Lists all visible Monitoring Engines. /INSTALL /TARGET=machine Installs the Monitoring Engine Service on the target server and adds an entry to the […]

How Do I Setup SSH Equivalence?

Log in as the user who will be running the Argent Unix Rule Engine Note that this user should not be “root“. Generate public key files. To make your life easier (“good…”), we will generate and use all three key types, taking the default values in all cases and not supplying a passphrase. Note that […]

Which Servers And Devices Are Supported?

Essentially the rule of thumb is: If It Uses Electricity Argent Monitors It. More specifically, Argent monitors all common operating systems platforms. These include: All Windows Operating Systems, Vista, Windows 200x, XP, 4.0, 3.50, 3.51, Windows 98 Solaris SCO AIX HPUX All Linux iSeries With over 2,500 Rules, Argent monitors all aspects of your operating […]

What Are The Argent Batch Utilities?

Argent provides a number of free-standing batch utilities to help manager your Argent installation. Argent_DBCheck.exe Run the database integrity as a batch command from the command line. An interactive window can be used, or you can use parameters on the command line. See Also: Argent_DBCheck — How Do I Run The Argent Database Integrity Check? […]

How Do I Check Windows Connectivity?

The server ‘Connectivity Test‘ button has been relocated in Argent AT Click For Full Size Go to License Manager( Screen G1) Click For Full Size Highlight the server you are interested in, double click to bring up the Properties TAB Click For Full Size Click the “Connectivity Test” button Click For Full Size Argent will […]

How Do I Use The Argent Security Manager?

The Argent Security Manager lets you control how your users work with the Argent Console by letting you assign various level of permission granted to the users System Administrator System Administrator can change any aspect in the product And only System Administrator can change the security settings You can assign multiple users as System Administrators, […]

How Can I Make Argent SuperMaps Images Crisper?

The quality of the Argent SuperMaps images depends on a number of factors, here are the most important: Bitmap (BMP) provides the best image and you should use BMP format The resolution of your display or monitor determines how well images can be displayed Toggle Argent to full screen (use the right-click menu option) Click […]