Author: Argent Admin

How Do I Apply A Security Setting To A Monitoring Group?

You use the Security Manager They can also do it in Monitoring Group definition screen as well Click For Full Size Monitoring Group Security Setting This option provides the ability to configure security settings for all the servers/devices in the selected Monitoring Group When the Monitoring Group Security Setting button is clicked, it will activate […]

How Can I Create a Master Catalog For An Enterprise Network?

An Enterprise Network can consist of central offices, branch offices, DMZ’s etc. Each network segment can be separated by routers, VPN’s and dial-up links. They can also be protected by firewalls. All these can make composing the Master Catalog a complicated task. But – of course – we’ve got a solution for you…Actually we’ve got […]

How Do I Debug An Alert Not Being Sent?

The best place to check why an Alert was not executed is the Alert Engine log. This can be found at: *:\ARGENT\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentAlertConsole\LOGS\AAC_ENGINE_LOG.TXT Tue Jan 09 14:48:21.812 SEV1 User Alert EMAIL_GENERAL (E000008) is fired successfully. Argent Guardian Main Engine Is Back Online Thu Jan 11 08:40:22.387 SEV1 User Alert EMAIL_GENERAL (E000174) is fired successfully. Argent Guardian […]

Unix Rule AG_RE.OPT File Configuration

This is the configuration file used by the Argent Guardian Unix Rule Engine. It’s located in /opt/Argent/UNIX on the Unix machine. Use it to set the desired options. Blank lines and lines starting with ‘#‘ are skipped The text after ‘>‘ on a line is ignored. Following the Argent Standards, tags (words surrounded by ‘<‘ […]

Unix Rule Engine Control File Format?

The Unix rule engine control file contains the Relator, the Rule Script and the schedule to enable the Rule to be executed on a remote Unix machine. The file is created by the Argent Guardian supervising engine, and is then pushed out to the remote Unix machine. The file’s name has the format of: UNIX_RULE_ENGINE_{UNIX_HOST_NAME}.CTRL […]

How Do I Backup Argent?

Backup Argent is a very simple process Note: Ensure the process listed below is repeated for all products Argent AT has a standard Backup option called “Export Data” in each Argent product Click For Full Size Click For Full Size Select the Backup file location Click Ok

Can I Use Vista, Windows 2000 Pro Or Windows XP?

These three operating systems are all Argent Certified – Argent has tested all three and found them to operate correctly Nevertheless, the use of these three workstation operating systems is strongly discouraged and not recommended There are many issues, such as differences in service management, differences in the way the registries work, and limited network […]

How Do I Re-check A Rule In Alert Escalations?

Escalation and condition re-checking are two powerful and closely related features But they work with different Argent products Escalation Escalation is implemented in the Argent Console Escalation is when additional Alerts are fired because the original event is still outstanding The classic example is the person stuck in traffic – they get the first Pager […]

How Can I Measure Activity On Ports?

Argent performs comprehensive server availability checks; in particular the Argent Guardian provides the ability to scan the listening TCP/IP Ports many products use for communication, specifically: TCP Port 25 (SMTP) TCP Port 80 (WWW) TCP Port 389 (LDAP) TCP Port 3268 (Global Catalogue) Note: The above ports are merely common examples — Argent can ensure […]

What iSeries Keywords Are In Argent?

There’s a wide array of iSeries keywords available in Argent, to enable you to take corrective action on your iSeries servers for both the Argent Guardian Ultra and the Argent for Compliance The keywords below are selected using the %VARIABLE% button in the Argent GUI Keyword Explanation %AGiSeriesJobName% Job name %AGiSeriesJobUser% Job user name %AGiSeriesJobNumber% […]

What is A Unix SYSLOG?

SYSLOG is the standard Unix logging mechanism. SYSLOGs are not only on full-blown Unix servers; most mid-range to high-end network devices also implement this logging mechanism. SYSLOG consists of client and server based on UDP protocol. The default UDP port is 514. Each UDP packet contains one line of SYSLOG message. The message format is […]

How Can I Enter Special Characters #@$%! In Argent Fields?

Good news, it’s simple Argent implements sophisticated field input text control, so you can customize fields to take just about any special character OK But why do I have to do this? Why do I have to explicitly specify these characters? Well, it’s a tradeoff – by default we treat these special characters as errors […]

How Does Argent Detect A Stalled Service?

W200x services all run under the control of the Windows Service Manager. Argent explicitly queries the status of the specific service. If a service is running or not running, the Windows Service Manager can always respond. However when the service is stalled or hung the Windows Service Manager cannot respond on behalf of the queried […]

How Do I Use The Argent SuperConsole?

The Argent SuperConsole gives you an overview of multiple Argent Consoles. Here are two examples: You have multiple installations of Argent and you want a single, central monitoring facility to see the health of the all of the network from all the Argent installations. You’re a consulting company with lots of clients, all of whose […]

Is Vista Argent-Certified?

Vista was Argent-certified for use with all Argent products in February 2007. Do remember Vista is not really a server operating system. While Vista is Argent-certified, Argent recommends using the W2003 Server operating system.

Argent HP OVSD Integration

Overview The following document describes the customisation that is to be configured to allow Argent Extended Technology to integrate with HP OVSD. The following diagram shows an overview of the data flow of the Integration. Click For Full Size Red Data Path A relator triggers an alert (Incident.cmd) this calls a vbscript (Incident.vbs) and passes […]

Can I Add Instructions About An Alert?

A Runbook is an optional text file describing what to do when the Rule is broken Each Rule can have its own Runbook The Runbook is simply a small ASCII text file Typically the Runbook is created when the Rule is created, but can be created at any time, as well as updated For example, […]

How Does Argent Defender Secure Its Communication?

This article explains how the Argent Defender communicates with remote Argent Defender Trusted Agents. The Argent Defender Trusted Agent listens on port 3209 by default. Sensitive information from each recorded transaction is securely stored within the Argent Defender’s local database. When a test is submitted to a Trusted Agent, the Argent Defender maintains the security […]

Installed Unix Rule Engine, Next Step?

After you have done the heavy lifting of installing the actual Unix Rule Engine, the next step is simple There is an option Use Unix Rule Engine on the Unix server setting This can be “(local)“, in which case the Rule Script is simply run on the local machine Alternatively, the option can be set […]

Security Enhanced PLINK And PSCP

Argent provides seven different and independent means of monitoring Unix and Linux (UNIX Monitoring) Customers can use PLINK and PSCP when monitoring UNIX and Linux hosts with Secure Shell Unfortunately, the official release of PLINK and PSCP accepts clear text password from command line with option ‘-pw‘ The other issue user may run into is […]

KBI 312010 Issue Addressed: Argent Guardian System Down Rule GUI Issue

Version Argent Guardian Ultra 2207-A and Earlier Date Friday, 26 Aug 2022 Summary This is about a minor GUI issue in System Down Rule of Argent Guardian Ultra. Rule option Include TCP/IP Ping Response Time became not selectable and unable to save related changes. Click For Full Size The symptom only causes more clicks to […]

What Can You Monitor On Apple?

Argent can monitor Apple computers via SNMP monitoring. All the common metrics, such as CPU load, disk free space, files and folders can to be monitored.

Using Regular Expressions In Argent Products

Overview What Are Regular Expressions? The term Regular Expressions refers to a nomenclature set that allows for powerful string matching in computer programs Various languages offer support for the concept of Regular Expressions, and Argent employs the Microsoft Visual Basic Script implementation of Regular Expressions in our products Which Products Use Regular Expressions? All the […]

How Does The Node Security Work?

The Node Security setting allows or prevents users from: Viewing events for a specific server/device in Argent Console (Events and Alerts) screen (A1A) Click For Full Size Put Relator containing a specific server/device into production mode or test mode The algorithm of calculating an object for Allow All, View-Only or Deny All is: If current […]

What Is The Shortest Ping Available?

Argent Rules vary widely, some perform complex and involved tests requiring considerable resources For example, System File Rules use considerable resources In contrast, the System Down Rules simply determine if a server’s network card or a device is online To just see if the server’s network card or device is online, then you can use […]

How Do I Run The Argent Database Integrity Check?

The following screen shows the GUI for the Database Integrity Checking program Click For Full Size Select the ‘Check Database Integrity‘ Option Click For Full Size Database Inegrity Check in progress Click For Full Size Database Integrity Check is completed

How Can I Send Email Alerts Using Lotus Notes?

To send email alerts from Argent using Lotus Notes, first check to ensure you have these Lotus DLLs: Nextpwd.dll Lcppn21.dll You also need the Argent executable AANPNotes.exe The utility is located in drive:\Argent\ARGENT\ArgentManagementConsole\ To send Email Alerts with Notes, do the following: Install Notes Client on the main Argent Console server Close the Notes application […]

Why Are Some Argent Leaves Red And Other Blue?

Shared components are in RED, while components that are local to a single product are in BLUE. In this screenshot you can see the shared Alerts and Monitoring Groups are in RED, while the product-specific Rules and Relators are in BLUE Click For Full Size

Running Groups Of Relators

You can combine two or more Relators to enable a series of Rules to be run. A good example of this is the lightweight SLA Rule in the System Down And SLA Rules. In this case, a lightweight SLA ping is used to check the server or device every second. Naturally this check does nothing […]

Can A Device Be In Multiple Monitoring Groups?

Yes. A server or device can be in an unlimited number of Monitoring Groups. And you can define Monitoring Groups to help organize your monitoring. For example, a production SQL Server machine located on Wall Street in lower Manhattan could be in the following Monitoring Groups: MG_NYC MG_SQL_SERVER MG_PRODUCTION The first one is by geographic […]

VMware Monitoring Basics

Question #1 Can you create a new rule that will take the percentage of free memory from physical memory? Answer: There is a built-in Rule that monitors Free MB of Memory falling below a specified threshold (100 MB by default). Click For Full Size You can create additional Memory Rules by selecting the square button […]

Changing the SQL Server Backend Database Password

Some Customers need to use explicit SQL Server account and password for the Argent backend database. (Argent recommends using SQL Server’s Trusted Connection option). Argent stores SQL Server password in the registry, one entry per licensed product. Argent Management Console And Argent Console HKLM\Software\Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\SQL_PASSWORD Argent Guardian HKLM\Software\Argent\ArgentGuardian\SQL_PASSWORD Argent Exchange Monitor HKLM\Software\Argent\ArgentExchangeMonitor\SQL_PASSWORD Argent Data Consolidator HKLM\Software\Argent\ArgentDataConolidator\SQL_PASSWORD […]

How Do I Monitor Domino Servers?

First the Bad News… Domino Server (version 5.0.9 and above) doesn’t allow monitoring of its performance counters remotely. Now the Good News… You can still monitor Domino with the Argent Guardian installed locally, and this help topic shows you how. You need to check the Relator option of Execute Performance Counter Routines In The Separate […]

What Is The Total Support Interface?

The Total Support Interface allows you or third-party products and vendors to send Events directly to the central Argent Console and to use the Argent Console’s 15 different types of Alerts. The Argent Console can process up to 72,000 Events per hour, and can act as a backbone for your point solutions. With the Total […]

How Can I Change The Port To Monitor SQL Server?

The default TCP/IP port for SQL Server is 1433. When a different TCP/IP port is used, a SQL Server client needs be defined. This configuration is done outside of any ODBC program. Nothing needs to be changed in the Argent product. Do the following the Argent Guardian Monitoring Engine server. Start Client Network Utility. Click […]

Can I Use Argent As A Framework?

Yes. Argent can be used as a framework solution as well as a point solution. But first let’s define some terms. Point Solution A point solution typically means monitoring a part of the enterprise, such as all Windows servers, or all SNMP network devices, or all Linux machines, etc. There are three leading point solutions: […]

What Reports Does Argent Provide?

Argent includes over 100 real reports that you use as templates – you can copy and rename these then customize the new report And the reports do cover many of the most common requirements Customers have Argent will create additional reports for you at no cost And you can have any of these reports automatically […]

Argent for VMware Disk Space Reporting

In Argent Extended Technology, Argent Monitor for VMware 8.0A-0804 does not report free disk space of VMware “VMFS” file systems The VMware ESX product has a “VMFS” file system that is not used in other Linux/Unix variants This file system is optimized for Virtual Machines and is the default file system on SCSI disks The […]

Can The Primary Argent Server Monitor Itself?

Yes You can monitor the primary Argent server exactly the same way as you would monitor any other server using Argent Argent also does self-monitoring for errors and issues such as when the Argent monitoring server gets low on free disk space The settings for alerting can be adjusted for EACH individual Argent AT product […]

What Are Master Catalog Objects?

Objects are a different kettle of fish to servers and devices. Just to review: a ‘server’ is a named server or machine – a computer in the traditional sense, such as W2003, Solaris, Linux, etc; a ‘device’ is a network device accessed by an IP address – a hub, router, switch, network printer. Now you […]

How Does The Argent Alert Executor Work?

The Argent Alert Executor is used to send Alerts from another Argent AT console Alerts are picked up from the MAIN Argent Console, and fired at the Remote Argent Alert Executor, the communication is via the Argent Console TCP Port 3079 The basis architecture is shown below Click For Full Size This is achieved by […]

Can You TermServ Or WebEx To My Argent Server?

Increasingly, Argent Field Engineers and support personnel use TermServ and WebEx to assist Customers. Naturally the server in question needs internet access. For WebEx, the server needs to have an ActiveX component installed; this typically occurs automatically when WebEx is first used on the server. Once the WebEx session is established, then support can be […]

Stopping Relator In Argent for Exchange?

Internal Relator is shown on the Argent for Exchange screen Click For Full Size You can disable this Relator on the Argent for Exchange screen by making following settings in License Manager Click For Full Size Set the ‘Enable Account Tracking‘ to False Click For Full Size

Benefits Of Argent Defender

Web and intranet sites using latest technologies, including ASP.NET, PHP, AJAX, cookies, etc, can all be monitored Web and intranet sites are recorded within the true IE session with full support of JScript, ActiveX and Java Applet etc Users can record a lengthy or complicated web session in as many recording sessions as he wants […]

How Do I Create A Unix Group?

If you’re familiar with the administrative tools (smit, sam, System Management Console, sysadmin, etc), use them to create the argentguardian group, and add this group to the group list of the users who run the Argent Unix Rule Engine. To do this, first determine the number of the user id of the user: Log in […]

How Does Argent Automatically Optimize TCP/IP?

Argent does a lot behind the scenes to automatically optimize TCP/IP performance for you. Here are some of the more important ones. The timing for periodical connections to the TCP/IP server is fully randomized. In other words, if an Argent product needs to connect to an Argent service over TCP/IP once a hour to send […]

What Are The Blue Codes In The Top Right Corners?

These are screen identification codes or screen IDs used to help describe the screens when you are working with Argent For example the main console screen of the Argent Console is screen A1B Click For Full Size Screen IDs tend to be grouped by prefix letter, for example, the Argent for VMware screens start with […]

Is Windows Server 2008 Argent-Certified?

All releases of Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 Server Core are Argent-certified for use with all Argent products. Argent products, even those that are SOAP-based or use .NET, use Argent’s patented technology to support CPU affinity and processor load balancing.

How Do I Add An Application With Its Own Performance Counters?

The Argent Guardian Performance counters can be augmented with a file of exported counters from a specific application (Applications can create their own specific counters and then export these counters to a PDF file; this file can be imported into the Windows performance counters) The following is an example of importing performance counters for a […]

How Do I Consolidate AIX ALOG Files?

To successfully perform consolidation of AIX log files, Argent Data Consolidator uses the getlog utility. The reason is AIX servers maintain two types of log files: one is accessible using standard file commands (such as cat or tail), while the other is accessible only through the alog command. The utility is written in Perl, and […]

What Is ICMP And How Is It Used?

ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol, and it is used by Argent in scanning of networks for loading the Argent Master Catalog ICMP is one of the six options you can use to update the Argent Master Catalog Click For Full Size

Can Events Have Different Severity Levels?

Yes You set this in the Advanced Feature tab of each Relator There are three standard settings; Critical, Medium, and Low as well as Custom Text option that lets you put any string you like Click For Full Size

How Is Exchange 200x Different From Exchange 5.5?

There are a lot of changes, and here are some Exchange 5.5 administrators will be familiar with the previous Exchange three-tiered architecture of Organization, Site, and Server name With Exchange 200x, the Site definition has been replaced with Administrative Groups and Routing Groups Administrative Groups are a logical grouping of servers that make permissions easier […]

How To Install The Argent Ninja Behind A Firewall

Overview In situations where the Argent Ninja has to be accessed from the public network and customers have a security policy that defines public accessible web sites must be in a secure DMZ, the following article describes how the Argent Ninja and associated infrastructure components must be configured. Technical Background The Argent Extended Technology Main […]

Can I use the SQL Compact Edition Database in Production?

One reason Argent installs in under 10 minutes is the use of a small SQL-based database engine. Thus you need not fight the battle to get SQL Server or Oracle tables added. But the small SQL-based database is not designed for production use. The purpose of using the small database is to allow prospective Customers […]

How To Set UNIX Rules To Fire Events For Individual Objects

The Argent UNIX Rules are typically configured to fire a single event for the condition as a whole – the entire Rule’s script is treated as a Boolean Pass or Fail For example, take the bundled SCP_LINUX_DISK_SPACE_20 This Rule is broken if any file system tested by the Rule’s script has less than 20% free […]

How To Set System File Rules

System File Rule contains main logic and sub-rule logic. While extremely powerful, this power can lead to some complexity. Click For Full Size These actual Rules are in 8.0A-0804 and later versions. You can import these 10 Rules. This article has three cases and 10 Rules to describe each combination. Case No No *.TXT file […]

Using OR

You can use the OR statement to provide alternative tests in the same Rule Example System Command Rules let you test the output generated from the program Often you need to test a number of different strings Here you can use the OR parameter Click For Full Size In this example the Rule is broken […]

How Do I Create A Rule To Look For Locked Out Accounts?

The Argent for Compliance product can easily be used to accomplish a task such as this The steps to do this are shown below: Select ‘Control Information‘ tab on the left pane Click For Full Size Create a ‘New Windows Event Log Rule‘ Click For Full Size Please enter a Name for the Rule and […]

How Do I Use The Argent Data Consolidator Wizard

The Argent Data Consolidator has a powerful wizard to automate most of the steps for creating Rules for parsing ASCII files. There are a few steps need to be performed manually. This article explains how to use the wizard. Let’s assume you want to create a Rule to analyze the C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log on a Windows2003 Server. […]

How Do I Do Work Load Balancing With Non-Stop Monitoring?

The Weight option is used for controlling the frequency of how often an Argent Motor within an Argent Motor pool is used. Note: This can be useful if some servers being used as Argent Motors are older and have less capable hardware than another Argent Motor server which is based on newer hardware. In this […]

How Do I Disable UAC In Windows Server 2008?

Windows UAC (User Account Control) can prevent user accounts that are members of Administrator groups from performing functions that they have permissions to perform. E.g. Starting a Windows service with a “net start” command. It appears that Microsoft have decided an Administrative user is not an Administrative user. It is recommended that UAC is disabled […]

How To Rebuild XT Main Engine

Say existing XT main engine has machine name A, pointing to SQL database B at server C. If you have the same hardware, simply clone the machine A, and you are done. Otherwise, take following steps to rebuild the main engine. Prepare new server X with necessary server software such as SQL client etc. Shutdown […]

How To Set SQL Query Rules To Fire Events For Individual Rows

A typical SQL Query Rule looks like this: Click For Full Size A SQL Query can return between zero and n rows – 0 rows, a single row, or multiple rows Customers have the option to treat the whole query result as a single entity, or to treat each row independently, that is, to treat […]

Execute Performance Counter Routines In The Separate Process

Background The Argent XT Relator Basic tab has an option, “Execute Performance Counter Routines In The Separate Processes”. Customers are sometimes unsure when to use this option. If this option is checked (the default setting), Argent uses a separate process for each performance-monitoring task. You will notice that when using this setting, you will see […]

How Can Argent Recycle An IIS 6.0 Application Pool Or IIS 7.0 Application Pool?

You can create an Alert System Command referring to a .cmd file using the following: For IIS 6.0: @echo off IISAPP /a DefaultAppPool /r For IIS 7.0: @echo off %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe recycle AppPool “DefaultAppPool” “DefaultAppPool” can be substituted for any application pool name Once you have your .cmd file created and added to Argent as a […]

How Does The Argent Queue Engine Store Information?

This article explains how internal information is stored by the latest release of the Argent Queue Engine The Argent Queue Engine stores information about jobs, queues, and job templates within four data store files: drive:\ARGENT\QueueEngine\JobsSlot.bin drive:\ARGENT\QueueEngine\QueueSlot.bin drive:\ARGENT\QueueEngine\JobTemplate.bin drive:\ARGENT\QueueEngine\PerfData.bin These memory-mapped files maintain information about jobs within the queues, queue settings, and job templates within the […]

How To Customize Alert Text Using SQL Query Information

When an event is fired for the Query Rule in either the Argent SQL Monitor or the Argent Monitor for Oracle, all the query result is included in the event detail. At times, you may not want to include the bulk of query result in an Argent Email Alert, or you may want to pass […]

How Can I Integrate With Tivoli?

Overview Argent Extended Technology integrates with IBM’s Tivoli (TEC) Server, providing the ability to synchronize Argent Events with Tivoli Option 1: Default Event Posting Method To configure the Argent Alert Console to send Events to your Tivoli server, open the Argent Console, select the “Event & Alerts” tab, Administration icon, and “Main Engine” in the […]

How Do Relator Time Zones and Maintenance Schedules Work?

The Time Zone option is a global option that interacts with various Argent Guardian Extended Technology features. The purpose of this article is to present two scenarios to show how these features interact. For all of the below scenarios it is assumed that the Argent infrastructure being used consists of a Main Engine (Atlanta) and […]

Optimizing SSH

Argent Guardian includes the ability to do secure UNIX/Linux monitoring using the Secure Shell protocol. By default, SSH monitoring is a four-stage operation, which is fine for most implementations. However if you are monitoring several hundred UNIX\Linux servers, or simply want to reduce the number of required SSH connections from the Argent server, you will […]

How Do I Install The ASP Handler On IIS 7 Windows 2008)?

IIS 7 is the default version of IIS on W2008 machines. There are significant differences in IIS 7 and previous versions of IIS. By default, IIS 7 does NOT support the execution of ASP files. Certain Argent products, such as Argent Commander, use ASP technology. To ensure your ASP files can be executed, you need […]

How Do I Customize Report Trees?

Each Argent Guardian Extended Technology products has a special XML file that allows the tree hierarchy that you see for the Reports screen (R2) to be customized to meet your company’s needs. The files that are available use the following naming convention: xxx_reports.xml where xxx is the prefix for the product being customized. Example: ag_reports.xml […]

Argent for Compliance: Event Time And Time Recorded’

A common Customer question is “Why they have repeated sending alerts?” An example of this is as follows: “At 12:41 we were bombarded with old alerts from the Argent for Compliance in Remedy Nothing had happened in the logfile for 4 hours and the event time is set correctly” The reason behind this occurrence is […]

Linux And Wine

Argent does not support Wine. When installing real Windows products, the current release of Wine (0.9.60) running on Ubuntu Desktop Linux 8.0.4, generates numerous errors occur such as: “Could not register ActiveX dll …” “Could not read information for ActiveX object …” “Failed to load (file) …” With limited technical support, it is difficult to […]

How Can I Monitor IBM WebSphere MQ Channel?

Background Customers running IBM WebSphere typically use the WebSphere MQ Explorer on Windows systems to a) define message channels and associated objects; and b) monitor and control message channels This document reviews how to automate the monitoring of WebSphere MQ Channels using the Argent Guardian Part One, The Test: Argent Guardian System Command Rule First, […]

How To Use The ArgSoft Large File Transfer Facility

When a file is ready for download, configured users receive an email with the download link. Click For Full Size The name of the file will be specified in the email. Users can download the file just by clicking the link or by pasting the link in to a web browser. The email also contains […]

How Do I Use The Advanced Import Feature of the Master Catalog?

The Master Catalog’s Advanced Import Feature allows you to import a large number of servers provided: 1. You create a properly formatted text file; 2. You name the file “COMPUTERS.TXT” and place it into the correct folder; and 3. You locate and run the Advanced Import Feature. So What Format Does The File Need To […]

How Do I Make Argent Reports Work With SQL Server 2000?

Argent Reports supports SQL Server 2000 when used as a backend for Argent’s monitoring products SQL Server 2000 is missing some of the more fancier SQL syntax seen in SQL Server 2005 and above Thus, a “flag” needs to be set in Argent Reports to ensure Argent Reports knows it is executing SQL statements aganist […]

Argent Services Recycle At Midnight, Why?

While Argent’s code has no memory leaks (we test for this in the Quality Assurance process), some versions and patches of Microsoft operating systems do have “issues”. A good example is local heap exhaustion – google “Microsoft Local Heap Exhaustion” and you can spend a day or two reading. As there is no alternative in […]

Unix Rules Performance Improvement; How?

Argent has developed new technology that enables SSH Rules to run up to 75% faster. Secure Shell or SSH is one of the most popular ways customers monitor remote UNIX and Linux machines. Many customers prefer remote monitor rather than installing the Argent monitoring agent on each separate UNIX and Linux machine. Of course, there […]

What Is Alert to Fire If Queue Engine Is Halted’?

The Alert To Fire Queue Engine Is Halted option can be found on the Service Restart tab under Configuration Options as shown below: Click For Full Size The above option makes very specific internal application programming interface (API) calls to assist in determining if an Argent Queue Engine on a Windows platform is halted Note: […]

Common Questions on Argent Job Scheduling

Active Directory The Argent Job Scheduler security implementation is fully-compliant with Active Directory User accounts and passwords used by Job Scheduler are defined through Windows tools Argent Job Scheduler does not have a separate or private mechanism to define user accounts or passwords Fail Over Procedure Customers can easily configure alternate Argent Queue Engine servers […]

What Are The Unique Product Codes for Argent Product Tables?

Each Argent AT product has its own set of tables in SQL Server. For example, the Argent Predictor Mother table for Argent Guardian Ultra is ARGSOFT_ARGENT_GUARDIAN_ULTRA_PRD_MOTHER, while the same table for Argent for Exchange is ARGSOFT_EX_PRD_MOTHER. The unique name for each product is as follows: Product Database Table Prefix Argent for Active Directory ACTIVE_DIRECTORY Argent […]

Enabling 32-bit Processes on Windows 2008 64-bit

On a Windows 2008 64-bit machine, IIS can be configured to run 32-bit and 64-bit worker processes simultaneously. In products such as Argent Commander, the ability for IIS to run 32-bit processes is required in order to function. Here’s how: 1. Open IIS, click Application Pools Click For Full Size 2. Select the DefaultAppPool Click […]

Why is the Test Email Alert Button Disabled/Grayed Out?

The screenshot below shows that the Test Email Alert Button on the C5 screen is disabled/grayed out: Click For Full Size This occurs because certain Argent Console GUI features are only enabled when using the Argent Console GUI on the actual Argent server. Solution: Access the Argent server using the Microsoft Remote Desktop tool or […]

Conditional Alerts For Servers In A Monitoring Group; How?

Use the Default E-Mail Address feature (as defined in License Manager for the desired node) along with the %DefaultNode% variable when defining an E-Mail Alert. The steps to do this are shown below: Start the Argent Console and select the Administration icon as indicated below: Select License Manager as indicated below: Select the Licensed Servers […]

What Is Protected By Firewall’?

Currently this option is only used for informational purposes. In the future, this information will be used to determine the best monitoring mechanism. For example, internal nodes might be directly monitored through the Windows network whereas external nodes might be monitored through a Monitoring Engine/agent.

Monitoring Bandwidth Utilization in Argent SNMP Monitor

Introduction: Korean Business News Ltd. wanted to monitor/trend the bandwidth utilization on the switches connecting two disparate networks. Visualize as LEFT and RIGHT: LEFT and RIGHT are connected by 6Mbps pipes Each network segment contains two switches. two switches in LEFT are 24 port switches two switches in RIGHT are 48 port switches all four […]

Optimizing Desktop Heap

On a heavily-loaded server, you may experience issues running a large number of jobs on an Argent Queue Engine, or simulating virtual concurrent users using Argent Defender. All of these tasks involve a large number of processes that run in the background, with each process consuming its share of resources. When issues arise, you may […]

How Do I Alert On Ping Response Time?

Customers are often interested in sending an Alert when the PING Response time of a device exceeds a predefined threshold A typical PING command will provide Approximate Round Trip times as part of the PING command line statistics as shown below Click For Full Size Argent XT and Argent AT – Standard System Down and […]

Does Argent Job Scheduler Run On 64-bit Windows?

Increasingly, Argent customers are migrating to 64-bit platforms and computing environments Many customers contact Argent and ask: “Does Argent Job Scheduler run on 64-bit Windows platforms?” Answer: Yes This help article discusses detailed topics and concerns that customers considering migrating to 64-bit Windows platforms should consider Windows Server 2000 No Longer Supported Microsoft has withdrawn […]

What Are Trusted Agents in Argent for Exchange and Argent for SharePoint?

Argent for Exchange and Argent for SharePoint’s “Trusted Agent” is the equivalent of a remote monitoring engine. However the current implementation only allows Trusted Agents to be installed on the local network — (e.g. not behind a firewall, for example). The reason is because these Trusted Agents read the work orders from the Main Engine […]

Argent’s Export Control Classification Number

Forty countries apply controls to exports of products, technology, and software. The purpose is to improve security and to combat terrorism, using the Wassenaar Arrangement – surprisingly, this is not the name of a spy novel. The full name is: “The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies”), which […]

Remote Registry Access: 64-Bit Machines

A Windows machine can access the registry of a remote Windows machine if the Windows Remote Registry Service is started on the destination machine and permissions allow. When MACHINE_A connects to the registry of SERVER_B all registry access is transparent. After connecting, all Windows Registry APIs work identically when accessing information on SERVER_B as they […]

Argent Event Log Reader SDK

Argent for Compliance automatically spawns 32-bit and 64-bit child processes in pair and can read both 32-bit and 64-bit event logs without additional SDK being installed

Connecting Argent Products To SQL Server On A Non-Standard Port

Customers often configure different TCP/IP ports to connect to SQL Server — leaving the default port of 1433 is often a security vulnerability. When installing any Argent product, you’ll notice there is no option to specify what port to connect on. Argent actually leverages off SQL Server’s own tools to handle port configuration. This maximizes […]

Argent Predictor Instances By Location In Argent Defender

By default, Argent Predictor metrics in Argent Defender are totaled and averaged as a whole, if “Trusted Agent Of Name” is selected in a test. Consider the following Test Definition: Click For Full Size Consider the “Where To Run And Virtual User Definition” section, which has been defined with: Click For Full Size This test […]