Author: Argent Admin

KBI 310183 ODBC Error: Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

Version Argent Job Scheduler – All Versions Date 20 May 2010 Summary When you install the Argent Job Scheduler Client GUI, the installer prompts you to specify a local (on the workstation) ODBC Data Source Name. Customers may experience an issue where after installing the client GUI, they can see Job Templates, the J1 Screen […]

KBI 310184 Intermittent Or Permanent Failure To Monitor Some Or All Remote Servers

Version All Versions Date 4 Jun 2010 Summary Intermittent or permanent failure to monitor some or all remote servers. Technical Background Each time a TCP/IP connection is made, a Windows socket is created. TCP/IP connections can be both remote AND/OR local connections. A socket works like this:      Connect, Open Socket, Perform Task, Close Socket. When […]

KBI 310185 Centralized Monitoring Of Remote Offices Using Argent AT

Version All Versions Date 15 Jun 2010 Summary This KBI explains the steps to be performed to install AT in a distributed environment. Technical Background Install AT in Central and Remote offices. Suppose that remote offices are connected to central office through Internet. The machines in central office and remote offices cannot see each other […]

KBI 310186 Database Errors In Argent Commander

Version All Versions Date 15 Jun 2010 Summary You may receive an error when attempting to connect to the Argent Commander page. The Argent database is down or inaccessible. Please contact Argent Instant Help or visit Click For Full Size Technical Background This error can have several causes: There is a network issue between […]

KBI 310187 TCP/IP Connections Created Faster Than Expired

Version All Versions Date 5 Jun 2010 Summary You may see issues where monitoring appears to stop and all TCP/IP connections from the main engine to other servers cannot be established. Technical Background This typically happens on an overloaded server that is monitoring too many devices by itself. Each time a TCP/IP connection is made, […]

KBI 310188 Remote Monitoring Of Performance Counters And Remote Registry Service

Version All Windows Versions Date 6 Jul 2010 Summary Windows TOD API Rules and Performance Rules fail suddenly, although the machine is up and running. Technical Background Calling remote commands to Windows Servers relies on the Windows Remote Registry Service being available, although the service may appear to be running. This can be tested using […]

KBI 310189 SuperLinks May Appear Incorrectly When Using Argent Non-Stop Motors

Version All Date 20 Jul 2010 Summary Customers may report that the default SuperLink is displayed in the Alerts even after a custom hyperlink has been specified in the Rule Definition. Click For Full Size Technical Background This behavior will only be seen when two or more servers are configured as the Argent Non Stop […]

KBI 310190 Configuring Remedy Executables

Version All Date 20 Jul 2010 Summary Errors are seen in the Argent Console Engine log specifying the executables ‘aac_hpdscript.exe’ and ‘remedy_vb_ide.exe’ where abnormally terminated. Technical Background The Argent Console relies on two executables placed in the < DRIVE >:\Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\ArgentAlertConsole to integrate with Remedy Helpdesk. They are: ‘aac_hpdscript.exe’ and ‘remedy_vb_ide.exe’ Errors will be seen in […]

KBI 310191 Citrix Connect Test Utility In Argent Guardian

Version All Date 20 Jul 2010 Summary Citrix Connect Test Utility in Argent Guardian fires false alerts Technical Background A Citrix Connection Test utility is bundled with the Argent Guardian for monitoring the availability of the Citrix environment. More information for this can be found here However users may notice false alerts being fired for […]

KBI 310193 Argent Advanced Technology SETUP.EXE Fails To Start

Version Argent Advanced Technology 2.0A-1007-B – Windows Server 2003. Date 29 Jul 2010 Summary Upon executing SETUP.EXE from _ARGENT_AT_INSTALL you are presented with this error “The system cannot execute the specified program.” Click For Full Size Or; “This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this” […]

KBI 310195 Connectivity Test In Argent For VMware Is Slow To Complete

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date 10 Aug 2010 Summary Customers may experience that doing a connectivity or Relator test against a monitored VMware node in Argent for VMware is working but taking a long time (up to a few minutes) to finish. Technical Background This may be due to a known issue with […]

KBI 310196 PowerCLI Can Leave Idle Sessions On vCenter

Version Argent for VMware (Argent AT) – All versions Date 11 Aug 2010 Summary The VMware SDK (PowerCLI) can leave idle sessions on vCenter. The idle sessions can gradually drain vCenter resources and make it unresponsive. Technical Background Argent for VMware makes use of the VMware SDK (PowerCLI) to monitor the VMware infrastructure. The typical […]

KBI 310199 Argent Motor Services Stop: Exception Trapped In MainProc

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0A-1004 and below. Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary The following error may be seen in a Non Stop Motor implementation which causes the Argent Supervising Engine services to go into a restart loop approximately every 30 seconds. After numerous restarts, the Supervising Engines will stop permanently. This could occur on one […]

KBI 310200 How To Stop And Clear Excessive Events From The Argent Console

Version Argent XT and AT — All versions Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary In the instance of a Rule being configured incorrectly causing it to trigger a huge amount of alerts, use the following steps to clear out the excessive events from the Argent console. Technical Background In both Argent XT and Argent AT, the […]

KBI 310201 Failed To Connect To HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA

Version All Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary Performance counter data is not being properly collected, with the following log excerpts appearing in the Monitoring Engine log: 18 Aug 2010 11:47:49.668 SVR1 admin Failed to connect to HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA registry of server SQLPROD-B1 18 Aug 2010 11:47:49.668 SVR1 admin DETERMINED offline server ‘SQLPROD-B1’ 18 Aug 2010 11:47:49.668 […]

KBI 310202 Logs Flooded With Accept Request To Get Batch Info…

Version All Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary You may have been trying to troubleshoot why Relators are being skipped, or why tasks are taking a long time to execute. While investigating a Monitoring Engine log, you may notice lines that resemble this: 18 Aug 2010 12:00:04.206 SVR1 admin Accept request to get batch task info […]

KBI 310203 Corrupted Shared Database: Could Not Restore CB_DATA.BKU

Version All Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary A Daughter Engine’s Supervising Engine service may shut itself down, or show the following signs in the Supervising Engine logs: 04 Aug 2010 02:35:20.673 SVR1 admin Successfully downloaded control information ‘c:\argent\ArgentManagementConsole\CB_DATA.BKU’ from remote server. 04 Aug 2010 02:35:20.673 SVR1 admin DOWNLOADED 0.013828 MB Shared Database 04 Aug 2010 […]

KBI 310204 Batch Tasks, TCP Statistics and Turbo Mode

Version All Date 24 Aug 2010 Summary By default, all Supervising Engines communicate with Monitoring Engines in “Turbo Mode”. Turbo Mode is controlled through a registry key on the Supervising Engine of each Product: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Argent\ArgentGuardian\TURBO_MONITORING (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) Turbo Mode is a feature that allows the pooling of scheduled Relator tasks from […]

KBI 310205 Slow GUI When Going From One XT Product To Another

Version All Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary When going from one XT product to another through the GUI, it may take upwards of 60 seconds, or sometimes even timeout. Technical Background The first suspect is the speed of the connection to the database. When you go from one XT product to another, the following actually […]

KBI 310206 Dynamically Determined Scheduling

Version All Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary This article explains Dynamically Determined scheduling. Technical Background Dynamic scheduling is an extremely useful feature that can turn a Monitoring Engine from an unreliably overloaded engine, to a working, efficient engine. Say you have a Relator that is monitoring 100 servers every 10 minutes through a single Monitoring […]

KBI 310207 Dynamic Monitoring Engines

Version All Date 20 Aug 2010 Summary This article explains how the {Dynamic} setting for Monitoring Engines in a Relator works. Technical Background A Dynamic Monitoring Engine is a feature of convenience, introduced for customers who have many Relators, Monitoring Groups and Remote Monitoring Engines or Daughter Engines. Click For Full Size This feature determines […]

KBI 310208 Argent Defender Wildcards

Version Argent Defender – All versions Date 23 Aug 2010 Summary Many websites utilize synthetic parameters in URLs to pass information from one URL to another. The HTML source on these pages are generated dynamically, which means the link is not static — the link could change without warning, or it could even change every […]

KBI 310209 How Daughter Engines Know Where Each Motor Is At

Version Argent XT — All versions Date 24 Aug 2010 Summary In a Non-Stop Motor architecture, a customer may wonder how the Daughter Engine knows about the hostname/IP addresses of all Motors. Technical Background When a Non-Stop Motor architecture is adopted, information on all Motors in the pool are stored in a table in the […]

KBI 310210 How Non-Stop Motors Synchronize Registry Settings

Version Argent XT — All Versions Date 24 Aug 2010 Summary This KBI discusses how Motors in a Non-Stop Motor architecture synchronize all registry settings. Technical Background Ideally, each Non-Stop Motor needs to be a clone of each other. This includes hardware specs, Operating System,and most importantly, network connectivity to the central database backend. This […]

KBI 310211 Differences Between Backup Consoles and Alert Executors

Version Argent XT — All Versions Date 24 Aug 2010 Summary This KBI discusses the key differences between a Backup Console and an Alert Executor. Technical Background At a glance, these two components appear to be doing the same thing. However, there are marked differences between the functionality and purpose of a Backup Console and […]

KBI 310214 Finding Architecture Information From The Argent Database

Version Argent Extended Technology Product Suite Date 26 Aug 2010 Summary Information concerning a customer’s architecture structure can also be found in the Argent database. Technical Background A customer’s topology structure is usually documented. There may be cases when this documentation is no longer valid, incomplete or not available. When such an instance arises the […]

KBI 310215 Database Tuning for ODBC Timeouts and GUI Freezing

Version All Products Date 30 Aug 2010 Summary If performance issues persist even after various Argent tuning methods have been attempted, the database settings of the SQL Server itself may need investigation. This KBI lists some of the areas to look into. Technical Background Simple vs. Full Recovery Model The Recovery Model is a per-database […]

KBI 310216 Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting IDENTITY To Data Type Int

Version Argent Extended Technology – ALL versions Date 2 Sep 2010 Summary The Supervising Engine log for any product may show the following message: Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type int Arithmetic overflow occurred (FILE: ALM_subs.cpp LINE: 1294) Technical Background All Argent data tables use an int data type for the idcounter column. […]

KBI 310217 Communication Issues When Downloading Control Information From Mother Engine

Version Argent Extended Technology — All versions Date 2 Sep 2010 Summary Daughter Engines deployed at a remote site may encounter communication issues when downloading control information from the Mother Engine. Sample error message found in the Supervising Engine Log from the Daughter Engine: 10 Aug 2010 14:38:42.641 ABC XYZ COMMUNICATION ERROR. Failed to read […]

KBI 310218 Unable To Add New Jobs To Queue To Windows Queue Engine

Version Argent Queue Engine (Windows) Version 7.1A-0904-A Date 3 Sep 2010 Summary The following error message is seen in the Queue Engine Service Log: Line 1: 31 Aug 2010 08:50:49.903 SERVER USER Failed to submit Job JOB_SOMEJOB by user DOMAIN\user (Failed add job slot) Line 2 : 31 Aug 2010 08:50:49.903 SERVER USER SERIOUSLY TRASHED […]

KBI 310220 The Dangers of Using CodeBase

Version Argent Extended Technology — All versions Date 6 Sep 2010 Summary In Argent’s opinion, CodeBase is a lightweight SQL engine. Its performance and stability are very similar to Access – fine for simple evaluations, but not for production. Technical Background CodeBase is used as the default database for Argent XT, to avoid the politics […]

KBI 310223 Side By Side Error When Executing SETUP.EXE On W2008 Servers

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Date 14 Sep 2010 Summary The following error is displayed when attempting to run the SETUP.EXE in the Argent Installations. A corresponding entry in the Application Eventlog is also seen. Technical Background The error appears due to the “Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC could not be found“. This is a Microsoft […]

KBI 310224 Database Integrity Issue During Argent AT Upgrade From Older Release

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date 23 Sep 2010 Summary An issue occurred after upgrading Argent AT Argent for Exchange 2.0A-1001 to Argent AT 2.0A-1010. After the upgrade, it was showing database integrity failures where Argent could no longer read many of the SQL tables. Technical Background The upgrade process re-named a lot of […]

KBI 310225 Checking Microsoft SQL Performance Counters Outside Of Argent

Version Argent XT and Argent AT – All Version Date 8 Oct 2010 Summary Argent products use Microsoft SQL performance counters for monitoring. If you are experiencing any of the following issues: Microsoft SQL performance counters not showing up in Argent XT. Missing SQL performance data in reports. The first step is to verify that […]

KBI 310226 Could Not Read Information For ActiveX Object

Version Windows XP Korean Version Date 8 Oct 2010 Summary When you attempt to install the Argent XT products on Windows operating systems that use unicode language characters, you may encounter the following message boxes: You can still proceed with the installation after these error messages, however it will eventually fail and crash the installation […]

KBI 310227 License Manager Product Selection Grayed Out

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Version Date 8 Oct 2010 Summary Products for some servers or all servers listed in Argent XT license manager are grey out and locked. Technical Background This issue occurred due to authentication issue for the Argent XT license manager. Resolution Login using the Argent Service account.

KBI 310228 Interactively Observing Argent Services and Relator Execution

Version All Versions Date 11 Oct 2010 Summary Issues may occur where Argent services stop, hang, or display exception errors in log files when specific Rules are executed. This KBI teaches customers how to interactively observe what an Argent service is actually seeing. Technical Background When Argent’s monitoring services executes a task, these are done […]

KBI 310229 Unable To Install The 2003 Exchange Management Tools On W2008

Version Argent Exchange Monitor – All Date 14 Oct 2010 Summary Exchange 2003 Management Tools supported operating systems are, Windows Server 2000 and Windows Server 2003. Technical Background Error message ‘The “Internet Information Services Snap-In” component of the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or disabled’ is received when attempting to install […]

KBI 310230 False Positives From TCP/IP Ping Rules

Version Argent Extended Technology — All versions Date 20 Oct 2010 Summary Customers may report false positives from the TCP/IP Ping Rule option in the System Down and SLA Rules. Technical Background The TCP/IP Ping Rule has special characteristics compared with other Rules. By default, each execution of the TCP/IP Ping Rule executes a single […]

KBI 310232 CPU Spikes When Running Argent For VMware Rules

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date 21 Oct 2010 Summary The CPU spikes to 90 – 100% when Argent for VMware Rules are executed. Technical Background Argent for VMware provides two methods of executing tasks. A new process can be spawned for each task, or a shared process can be used when executing […]

KBI 310233 Argent for VMware Excessive CPU When Using Dynamic Monitoring Pool

Version Argent for VMware 2.0A-1010-C and below Date 2 Nov 2010 Summary Argent for VMware may cause excessive CPU even when Relators are executed with the ‘Dynamic‘ pooling option. Technical Background A coding error in 2.0A-1010-C and all previous versions causes isolated Monitoring Engine processes to be used in some cases, even when the Dynamic […]

KBI 311998 Why PowerShell Remoting Causes Multiple Security Problems

Version N/A Date Tuesday, 21 June 2022 Summary This article describes why PowerShell Remoting causes multiple Security problems. Technical Background 1.PowerShell Remoting use WinRM port 5985 and 5986 Remoting creates openings for an attacker to exploit Leaving the ports open mean any user can remote in and do more than just copying file 2.PowerShell Remoting […]

KBI 310234 TCP Service Handshake Scripts

Version All Date 1 Dec 2010 Summary This article summarizes how TCP Service Handshake Scripts work when simulating user input on a port in the “System Down and SLA Rules”. Technical Background TCP Service Handshake Scripts is a feature in the System Down and SLA Rules when you choose “Scan Specific TCP/IP Port Number”. While […]

KBI 310235 Argent Commander Unable To Display SuperMaps or EAV

Version Argent Commander Date 25 Mar 2011 Summary Argent Commander may display “No SuperMaps have been defined that you have access to”. This KBI assumes you have verified that the user does in fact have privileges to see one or more SuperMaps or EAV in the Security Manager. This typically occurs when Argent Commander is […]

KBI 310236 Argent Commander Unable To Find Users or Groups

Version Argent Commander Date 25 Mar 2011 Summary When finding Users or Groups, Argent Commander may always return “No users or groups found” despite trying different masks and filters. This KBI assumes you have verified that the server does in fact have admin privileges (under the current logged-in account) to browse and view a list […]

KBI 310237 Argent BoardRoom Unable To View Argent XT Screens

kbi_310237 Version Argent AT Version – 2.0A 1101-A or below Date 25 Mar 2011 Summary When Argent BoardRoom is installed on a server separate from the Argent XT Main Engine, the Argent Extended Technology 8x BoardRoom screens are empty. Technical Background The Argent BoardRoom XT screens are configured out of the box to look at […]

KBI 310238 Argent for SAP Minimum User Roles and Profiles

Version Argent for SAP – All Versions Date 1 Nov 2014 Summary This KBI discusses the minimum user requirements when connecting to an SAP instance for monitoring purposes. Technical Background The absolute minimum requirements for a SAP user in Argent for SAP are: Roles: None needed Profiles: Create a profile with the following two authorizations: […]

KBI 310239 Argent Commander Licensed Nodes Shows Blank Servers

Version Argent Commander Date 25 Mar 2011 Summary When viewing the Licensed Nodes module in Argent Commander, selecting different Monitoring Groups or * will show a blank Licensed Modules list. This KBI assumes you have verified that servers and device do indeed exist in the specified Monitoring Group. Technical Background An issue with non-alphanumeric characters […]

KBI 310240 Argent Defender Cyclops Failed on Argent AT Client GUI Install

Version Argent Advanced Technology – ALL versions Date 8 Apr 2011 Summary On installing the Argent AT GUI on a workstation or non-Argent server, error messages are displayed stating that the Cyclops loader and player failed. The installation completes, but the product will not function. The Windows event log shows an event similar to the […]

KBI 310243 Job Ended On Queue Engine But Still Shows As Active On J1

Version Argent Job Scheduler 7.1A-1004 Date 14 Apr 2011 Summary A job may show as active on the Job Scheduler Control Panel (Screen J1) but has ended on the Argent Queue Engine. Customer production jobs that depend on the completion of the job do not start. Technical Background Argent has uncovered an issue in the […]

KBI 310244 Moving Argent XT To A New Server

Version All versions of Argent XT Date 1 Jun 2011 Summary This KBI highlights the steps required to migrate your Argent Main Engine to a new server. Always assume the worst – ensure backups of the SQL or Oracle database backend for Argent are created prior to the migration. A new, fully-automated migration tool that […]

KBI 310245 Backup Event Log To Directory Before Archiving

Version Argent Data Consolidator 8.0A-1101-A Date 22 Jun 2011 Summary When it is necessary to archive or alert on Windows Event logs that constantly roll over (i.e. Security Logs), it will be necessary to “Backup Event Log To Directory Before Archiving“. This will allow users to archive target server .EVT files to the local Argent […]

KBI 310246 Issue Connecting To vCenter/vSphere Host On Non-Standard Port

Version Argent Advanced Technology, Argent for VMware 2.0-1104-E and earlier. Date 11 Jul 2011 Summary Argent for VMware cannot connect to the vCenter / Virtual Center / ESX host with the following message: No result is returned from ARGSOFT_VM_SETUP_HELPER.EXE Technical Background This issue exists when connecting to a vCenter / Virtual Center / ESX host […]

KBI 310247 Generating Alerts In Job Scheduler For Failed-To-Start Jobs

Version Argent Job Scheduler 8.0A-1107-32W-E and above Date 21 Jul 2011 Summary Jobs occasionally enter ‘Failed-To-Start‘ status. This sometimes prevents downstream, dependent jobs from running as intended. As of Argent Job Scheduler version 8.0A-1107-32W-E, customers can generate an alert to be fired if a job enters ‘Failed-To-Start‘ status. Technical Background When a job instance is […]

KBI 310248 Solaris tail Command Not POSIX Compliant

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 21 Jul 2011 Summary The “tail” command must be modified in the License Manager to consolidate logs on Solaris systems. Technical Background Solaris defaults to a non-POSIX compliant “tail” binary that does not support the “-n” option. Thus, the default POSIX-compliant command line arguments that Argent Data […]

KBI 310249 ODBC Error: Numeric Value Out Of Range In AAC_ENGINE_LOG

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 26 Jul 2011 Summary Customers may notice that some Condition Corrected Alerts are not being sent In the AAC_ENGINE_LOG, they may see errors as follows: ODBC Error: Numeric value out of range (FILE: AAC_ProcessAlert.cpp LINE:992) Technical Background The AAC_OCCUR table holds all occurrences of a particular Alert […]

KBI 311997 Argent WorldView Fails To Load

Version Argent WorldView — All Versions Date Monday, 20 June 2022 Summary This article describes how to correct the issue when Argent WorldView fails to load. Technical Background Argent WorldView uses file MASTER.xml located in X:\Argent\ArgentWorldView\XML Due to limitations within Microsoft the file may be corrupted If file is corrupt Argent WorldView home page will […]

KBI 311994 How To Reinstall A Trusted Argent

Version Argent Advanced Technology — All Versions Date Monday, 20 June 2022 Summary This article describes how to reinstall a Trusted Agent Technical Background Trusted Agents are the same as remote engines in Argent XT products. Trusted Agents are the workhorses who do the heavy lifting and monitoring work on a remote machine. Resolution Pushing […]

KBI 310250 Argent Defender and Web Proxies

Version Argent Defender 2.0A-1104-T9 or above Date 7 Sep 2011 Summary Many organizations use one or more Web Proxy Servers to cache World Wide Web traffic and control internal access to external web sites. Access to one or more specific sites is often governed by Access Control Lists, Group Policies and even the particular Proxy […]

KBI 310251 Oracle 10g Express Requires Restart After Installation

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 12 Sep 2011 Summary This affects users who use Oracle 10G Express as the Argent Extended Technology backend database. After installing Argent Extended Technology successfully, the Argent Management Console starts normally however the following error message appears in the Supervising Engine Logs for all products. Configured Relators […]

KBI 310252 Multiple Virtual Centres

Version Argent for VMware 2.0A-1104-E or above Date 14 Sep 2011 Summary Some organizations may have many VMware Objects to monitor and these may be managed by more than one Virtual Centre Server. Argent for VMware can easily be configured to use support multiple Virtual Centre’s by utilizing Network groups within the CMDB-X Technical Background […]

KBI 310253 Use Other Credentials In Argent AT

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date 21 Sep 2011 Summary Sometimes Customers find the need to be able to use different credentials to monitor certain devices instead of the Argent Service Account. Technical Background This situation could be due to the server being part of a workgroup or in another trusted domain. Resolution […]

KBI 310254 Use Other Credentials In Argent XT

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 21 Sep 2011 Summary Sometimes Customers find the need to be able to use different credentials to monitor certain devices instead of the Argent Service Account. Technical Background This situation could be due to the server being part of a workgroup or in another trusted domain. Resolution […]

KBI 310255 Excessive Socket Errors For Argent Queue Engine

Version Argent Queue Engine – All Versions Date 21 Sep 2011 Summary Increasingly, Argent customers are migrating to 64-bit platforms and computing environments. This help article discusses socket errors that can arise for Argent Queue Engine in 64-bit environments. Technical Background Argent Job Scheduler and Argent Queue Engine use Windows socket APIs to communicate with […]

KBI 310256 Argent XT Agent For iSeries Command Alert Fails

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 21 Sep 2011 Summary The Argent XT Agent for iSeries supports executing native iSeries commands in response to detected rule conditions. This help article discusses an issue that can arise for some IBM iSeries commands. Technical Background CPF0006 Received at Argent Console In Response to iSeries Command […]

KBI 310257 Argent Data Consolidator SYSLOG Timestamping Issue

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 23 Sep 2011 Summary Argent Data Consolidator processes numerous SYSLOG files for a brief time then starts to fail and eventually stops parsing under a heavy load. Technical Background Expand Transfer Engine, choose the primary Transfer Engine and click button “View Current Engine Log With Notepad”. You […]

KBI 310258 Microsoft Remote Registry Service Is Stuck Or Hung

Version All Date 28 Sep 2011 Summary Microsoft Remote Registry Service is stuck or hung Technical Background An issue that Argent occasionally encounters is the Microsoft Remote Registry service on the remote machine is stuck or hung It says “Started” under SCM, but it not actually running Obviously this means Argent – and all other […]

KBI 310259 License File Abbreviations

Version All Date 28 Sep 2011 Summary This KBI describes the various abbreviations in the header of an Argent license file Technical Background A license file (.LIC) can be opened via Notepad to view important licensing information After opening up a license file, do NOT click ‘Save’, even if no changes have been made. This […]

KBI 310260 Outages for Argent Job Scheduler Primary Engines

Version Argent Queue Engine 7.1A-1004-B and above Date 10 Oct 2011 Summary Argent Job Scheduler customers sometimes experience unwanted takeovers by an Argent Job Scheduler secondary Scheduling Engine during extended outages on the primary Scheduling Engine. This article discusses how customers can manage planned outages of a primary Argent Job Scheduler Scheduling Engine to avoid […]

KBI 310261 Argent Ninja Install Issues-ASP.Net Disabled Error

Version Argent Ninja 8.0A-0910-A and previous versions Date 17 Oct 2011 Summary Argent strives to make installation of its products as painless and efficient as possible. But, occasionally, there are aspects of the install which can become confusing. One such situation is when installing Argent Ninja on your server. During installation, you receive an ASP.NET […]

KBI 310262 Executables Not Visible In Argent Install Package

Version All Argent products and all previous versions Date 17 Oct 2011 Summary You have just downloaded the latest Argent product and you extracted the files, only to find the package contains NO executable files! Before deciding to download the files again, make sure the executables are not being blocked. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and […]


Version Argent Extended Technology – All versions Date 17 Oct 2011 Summary Argent gives its customer the option of using Relay Agents when monitoring UNIX/Linux servers. The SSH Relay Agent enables you to do agentless monitoring of your Unix machines using SSH. You may notice the below error in the tag_relay.log file: “FAIL: tag_relay service_limit […]

KBI 310264 Building a Monitoring Group for Argent AT

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date 17 Oct 2011 Summary Monitoring Groups, in short, are an organized view of the CMDB-X. With Argent Advanced Technology products, Argent has made Monitoring Group creation even easier by allowing for ODBC Queries against the database with certain roles established. This gives Argent the ability to create […]

KBI 310265 Building a Monitoring Group for Argent XT

Version Argent Extended Technology – All versions Date 17 Oct 2011 Summary Monitoring Groups, in short, are an organized view of the Argent Master Catalog. For a more detailed definition of Monitoring Groups, Argent in Detail talks more about it here. This article’s purpose is not to tell you what a Monitoring Group is but […]

KBI 310266 Filtering Specific Event Logs In Argent Reports

Version Argent Extended Technology – All versions Date 25 Oct 2011 Summary How do I filter (exclude or include) specific Event Log entries in my Argent Data Consolidator reports? It’s easy! Technical Background N/A Resolution Step 1: Select the relevant report in Argent Data Security (Argent Data Consolidator) Step 2: Click Advanced Filter Settings Click […]

KBI 310267 Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP3 Patch Causing Issues

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0A-1101-A Date 27 Oct 2011 Summary In one environment, Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP3 was updated and KB2596520 (OUTFLTR) was applied to the Argent Main Engine, after Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday Following the Microsoft patch, the Argent Main Engine started experiencing issues Technical Background The environment consisted of a Argent Mother/Daughter architecture: […]

KBI 310268 Argent for VMware Massive Log Growth

Version Argent for VMware 2.0A-1101 or earlier Date 7 Nov 2011 Summary Large number of logs generated Sometimes as often as one 5MB log every minute But the debug level is already set to “normal”. (The least amount of logging) And after inspecting the VM_SVC_LOG.TXT, there are repeating lines like below: (Thread 0x10B0) 20111108 12:26:35 […]

KBI 310269 Argent Services Cannot Be Started

Version All services — both Argent AT and Argent XT Date 7 Nov 2011 Summary Argent services will not start Both Argent AT and XT products need at least 100 MB of free disk space Check log for error message Technical Background Argent products require at least 100 MB free space to start. Argent Service […]

KBI 310270 Argent XT Missing Shared Definitions

Version 8.0A-1007 or earlier for XT; AT not affected Date 8 Nov 2011 Summary Relators, Automatic Distribution Reports and/or Alerts are missing in Non-Stop Motors: Logs: 07 Nov 2011 14:36:47.125 INTSRV34 AppArgentService SKIPPED report ‘RPT_ZZ_CPU_WINDOWS’. Could not find Automatic Report Distribution ‘ERPT_5_MIN_DRIFTDOK01_ETTRICH’ Technical Background This is caused by the corruption of the shared database ;Automatic […]

KBI 310272 Unable To Receive SNMP Traps

Version All versions – Argent XT Date 10 Nov 2011 Summary Argent can not receive SNMP Traps from a device that has been added to the Master Catalog and configured with a DNS name The device must be exist in Argent as an IP device with an IP address as the name of the device […]

KBI 310273 SQL Server Deadlocks Running Automatic Reports

Version All Date 16 Nov 2011 Summary Very long running automatic distribution reports that run frequently can cause stress on SQL Server and deadlock errors in logs: Symptoms: Long delays in running Relators and firing alerts. Logs: 11 Nov 2011 ::: AppArgentService Argent Guardian automatic report distribution: Finished one chart graph file ‘RPT_OPUS2_ERRORLOG_NY_TOTAL’ (369.92 seconds) […]

KBI 310274 Argent Defender Not Detecting HTTP Errors

Version All Date 16 Nov 2011 Summary Argent Defender does not seem to detect HTTP errors (e.g. HTTP 401, HTTP 500) A network capture program proves that an HTTP error code is indeed being returned Technical Background When IE requests a page that does not exist or is not authorized to view, two situations can […]

KBI 310275 Slow SQL Server

Version All Date 18 Nov 2011 Summary Slow SQL Server Symptoms: Long delays in running Relators and firing alerts Technical Background There are a large number of possible causes of poor SQL Server performance This KBI lists some of the more common causes Resolution Check recovery model: Argent recommends the Simple Recovery Model. Also check […]

KBI 310276 Argent Exchange Monitor-Invalid Mailbox Data

Version Argent Exchange Monitor (Argent XT) Date 1 Dec 2011 Summary Argent Exchange Monitor in Argent XT returns invalid mailbox data The WHEN_CHANGED and WHEN_CREATED columns show NULL or “1 Jan 1970 00:00:00” values Inactive Days and Message Count values seem to show incorrect or inconsistent values Technical Background Behind the scenes, Argent’s Mailbox Rules […]

KBI 310277 Careful Of NetBIOS Names Containing Periods

Version All versions – AT and XT and PowerShell Date 7 Dec 2011 Summary If Active Directory NetBIOS name contains a period, then the “Get-User -Identity $RoleLoggedOnUser” command will fail. Technical Background A period is not a valid character for a NetBIOS domain name. The Get-User -Identity cannot look up an account in the format […]

KBI 310278 Perf Relator Timeout

Version Argent XT – All versions Date 8 Dec 2011 Summary Suspected Network Or Rights Issues Connecting To Remote Server For Performance Rules Technical Background Performance Relator comes back with the following error in trace log: Rule Testing Trace Logs: ERROR STATUS (exit code: 30) for child process of performance Rule Diagnosis: From the central […]

KBI 310279 Exclude Relator Run During Argent Maintenance Period

Version Argent XT – All versions Date 8 Dec 2011 Summary How to avoid possible false positive alerting on dynamically determined scheduling Relators during the Argent Maintenance Period, between 00:00 and 00:10. Technical Background For dynamic scheduled Relators with a run frequency less than 15 minutes it is often preferable to exclude the Relator from […]

KBI 310280 Slow Or No Connectivity To VMware Host

Version Argent AT for VMware – All versions Date 8 Dec 2011 Summary When connectivity to a VMware host is slow or dropping out confirm the VMware VI Logon details are configured correctly in the Network Group Properties. Technical Background As well as making sure the VMware VI Logon details are correctly configured in the […]