Author: Argent Admin

KBI 310281 Argent XT Agent For iSeries Log Files

Version Argent XT Agent for iSeries 8.0A-1101 or above Date 21 Nov 2011 Summary Some log file messages generated by the Argent XT Agent for iSeries appear to be severe. Example: Click For Full Size Example: Click For Full Size Technical Background This type of message is not as severe as it appears. The Argent […]

KBI 310283 Automatic Report Distribution Fails To Send In Production

Version Both AT and XT – All versions Date 13 Dec 2011 Summary Lengthy Argent Automatic Distribution Reports that take longer than one minute to generate, works fine in test mode, but do not generate report when enabled for Automatic Distribution in production. Technical Background By default Argent allows 60 seconds for the Crystal Reports […]

KBI 310284 Removing Dead Servers From Argent AT

Version Argent AT – All versions Date 13 Dec 2011 Summary This article discusses how to remove a “dead server” from Argent AT Technical Background N/A Resolution Go to License Manager (V1 screen). Select (highlight) the server or device and then click on the “cross” to remove the licensed server/device. Click For Full Size Go […]

KBI 310285 Migrating Argent Reports

Version Argent Reports – All versions Date 13 Dec 2011 Summary If a customer wants to “migrate” Argent Reports to a new server, there are three main scenarios in a migration: Has Argent AT, or the Argent AT database moved? Has the Argent Reports web server moved? Has the Argent Reports database moved? This KBI […]

KBI 310286 TCP IP Devices Not Appearing In License Manager

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date 15 Dec 2011 Summary Customers will notice that certain node types cannot be added to the license manager in certain Argent Advanced Technology products. An example is not being able to see TCP/IP nodes from within Argent for VMware’s License Manager. Technical Background This behavior is by […]

KBI 310287 Could Not Call Methods Of Dispatch Interface

Version Argent Extended Technology – Argent SQL Monitor – All Versions Date 15 Dec 2011 Summary Argent SQL Monitor fails to connect to a SQL 2005 or earlier server if the SQL compatibility components are not installed. Technical Background You will notice an error like this in the trace log: Fri Aug 05 16:15:08.952 D00453R […]

KBI 310288 Issue Refreshing Known Regional Monitoring Engines

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0-1101 and earlier Date 15 Dec 2011 Summary Argent XT products except for Argent Guardian and Argent Alert Console have a minor GUI issue affecting the list of Known Regional monitoring engines on the Main Engine or Non-Stop Motor screen shown below. Technical Background Rather than clearing the list of known […]

KBI 310289 Argent AT-CPU Usage Throttling

Version Argent Advanced Technology – Versions 1104 and higher. Date 15 Dec 2011 Summary Argent AT products monitor and throttle their own CPU usage to ensure the main engine has enough available processing power to handle additional requests. Technical Background There are two registry keys for each Argent AT product that control CPU throttling. They […]

KBI 310290 How To View An Excel Worksheet In Argent Boardroom

Version Argent BoardRoom – All versions. Date 20 Dec 2011 Summary How to display the contents of an Excel file in Argent BoardRoom. Technical Background DO NOT try and use a Registered DLL to view an Excel Worksheet. DO use the HTML Viewer to view the contents of an Excel Worksheet in Argent BoardRoom. Resolution […]

KBI 310291 Auto-Answering Emails To Stop Alert Escalation

Version XT and AT – All versions. Date 21 Dec 2011 Summary Alert Escalation can be stopped or suspended by using the Event Auto-Answering by Email feature in both Argent XT and AT. Technical Background An event’s alerting can be altered by using the Event Auto-Answering By Email feature. Argent reads the email and sets […]

KBI 310292 Unable To Display Japanese Text In Argent AT Products

Version Argent AT – All versions Date 28 Dec 2011 Summary To display Japanese text in Argent AT, Argent products MUST be executed on Japanese OS. Technical Background Argent products executed on English OS, unable to display Japanese text in Argent AT within Report, Alerts, etc… Executed on English OS Click For Full Size Executed […]

KBI 310293 Argent Commander Fail To Load With HTTP Error 403.1

Version Argent Commander 2.0A-1101-A or later Date 9 Jan 2012 Summary The Argent Commander fails to load with HTTP Error Code 403.1 Click For Full Size Technical Background When you get this error it usually means that you have not set execute permissions to “Scripts and Executables” under the “home directory” tab in your website […]

KBI 310294 Configuring Exchange 2003 Permissions

Version Argent for Exchange 2.0A Date 9 Jan 2012 Summary Elevated Permissions for the Argent Service Account mailbox are required for Argent for Exchange to monitor the Microsoft Exchange Environment. Full Exchange Administrator Permissions in certain setups may not be provided to the Argent Service Account due to internal company policy. Technical Background The minimum […]

KBI 310295 Configuring Exchange 2007 Permissions

Version Argent for Exchange 2.0A Date 9 Jan 2012 Summary Elevated Permissions for the Argent Service Account mailbox are required for Argent for Exchange to monitor the Microsoft Exchange Environment. Full Exchange Administrator Permissions in certain setups may not be provided to the Argent Service Account due to internal company policy. Technical Background The minimum […]

KBI 310296 Configuring Exchange 2010 Permissions

Version Argent for Exchange 2.0A Date 9 Jan 2012 Summary Elevated Permissions for the Argent Service Account mailbox are required for Argent for Exchange to monitor the Microsoft Exchange Environment. Full Exchange Administrator Permissions in certain setups may not be provided to the Argent Service Account due to internal company policy. Technical Background The minimum […]

KBI 310297 Argent for Security Shows Incorrect User In Reports

Version Argent for Security Date 10 Jan 2012 Summary When Argent for Security detects changes within a shared folder or drive on machine A, the logged-in user on machine A is incorrectly saved as the person who made the change. In reality, this file could have been changed remotely by a completely different user from […]

KBI 310298 High CPU Consumption By ALC_TE_MAIN.EXE

Version Argent XT 8.0A-1104 or below Date 3 Feb 2012 Summary Process called alc_te_main.exe (Argent Data Consolidator Transfer Engine) has high CPU consumption. Technical Background Argent Transfer Engine reads the event logs from targeted domain controller servers. Traditionally when parsing and consolidating event logs, the records were read remotely and in order to compile them […]

KBI 310299 IE Enhanced Security Prevents URL Web Site Monitoring

Version Argent Sentry and Argent Defender – All Versions Date 1 Mar 2012 Summary Customers using Argent Sentry or Argent Defender may find they are unable to access monitored web sites due to Internet Explorer’s Enhanced Security being enabled on the Argent server. Technical Background Customers should disable Internet Explorer’s Enhanced Security or configure it […]

KBI 310300 Log Consolidation Using Excessive Network Bandwidth

Version Argent Data Consolidator and Argent for Security – All Versions Date 1 Mar 2012 Summary Customers using Argent Data Consolidator or Argent for Security may notice a lot of WAN bandwidth utilization while consolidating logs from servers located in remote offices. The default Argent services used for log collection do not compress the collected […]

KBI 310301 Job Scheduling During Power Shutdown

Version All Date 12 Mar 2012 Summary What happens to the jobs scheduled when a power shutdown occurs for a Job Scheduler server? Technical Background Suppose there is a power shutdown for Argent Job Scheduler server from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and there are jobs scheduled to run during this time period. There are […]

KBI 310302 Argent Defender Not Writing Recorded Sessions In IE6

Version Internet Explorer 6.0 Date 19 Mar 2012 Summary When recording a session in Internet Explorer 6, the Recorded Session screen appears blank after recording a session. Click For Full Size Technical Background This is a Microsoft Issue which prevents the Argent Defender – Browser Helper Object from saving the recorded session automatically. Resolution Manually […]

KBI 310303 Execute VBScript Using System Command Alerts

Version Argent XT – All Versions Argent AT – All Versions Date 26 Mar 2012 Summary The Windows Script Host (CScript.exe) can be used to execute VBScripts using System Command Alerts. Event variables such as %AGNodeName% can also be passed into the VBScript as shown below. System Command Alert (DOS Command) Click For Full Size […]

KBI 310304 TCP And UDP Port Status Via SNMP

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 10 Apr 2012 Summary This article covers checking the status of TCP and UDP ports via SNMP in a format similar to how netstat formats the data. You may be interested seeing the netstat output of remote machines to track down […]

KBI 310305 Error 1753 When Argent AT Does Cluster Scanning

Version Argent Advanced Technology – 2.0A-1201 and earlier Date 24 Apr 2012 Summary AT can return error 1753 when scanning or monitoring MS cluster objects. Click For Full Size Technical Background AT 2.0A-1201 and earlier, implements cluster monitoring using native WIN32 API such as ‘OpenCluster‘, which does not work across OS boundaries. This is documented […]

KBI 310306 Maintenance Schedules Not Executing

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions 2.0-1201 and earlier Date 8 May 2012 Summary Argent AT maintenance windows do not correctly handle the inputted time/date or calendar combinations. Technical Background While setting the maintenance windows in the license manager, the maintenance schedule does not correctly save. Returning to the maintenance schedule window after configuring […]

KBI 310307 Option Missing For Installing/Updating Argent Defender

Version Argent Advanced Technology 2.0A-1204-A Date 8 May 2012 Summary When attempting to install / update Argent Defender, the option is not available in the Setup program: Technical Background The Argent Defender option is the last option in the list, and if a horizontal scroll bar appears, it can just cover the option and make […]

KBI 310308 Argent AT-Failed To Export Configuration

Version Argent AT – ALL versions Date 8 May 2012 Summary In some cases, you may see entries in the service log of an Argent AT product saying that Argent could not export the configuration: Failed to export the configuration information of agent ‘trusted-agent-server-01’ Technical Background Periodically, the Main Engine exports configuration for the Trusted […]

KBI 310309 Argent AT-Could Not Process WR File

Version Argent AT – ALL versions Date 8 May 2012 Summary In some cases, you may see entries in the log of an Argent AT Trusted Agent saying that Argent could not process the WR file: L3800_MonitorTask: Could not process WR file ‘d:\Argent\ArgentForExchange\WO\trusted-agent-server-01\0\{81256478-87a7-463d-847e-d9c74e0168ef}_000001.WR’ Technical Background WR files contain the configuration for Trusted Agents, and are […]

KBI 310310 Argent for SNMP-Configuring Community String

Version Argent for SNMP – All Versions Date Wednesday, 9 May 2012 Updated: Wednesday, 30 October 2019 Summary Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used in network management systems in order to manage your network devices SNMP exposes management data in the form of variables, which describe the configuration of managed systems These variables can […]

KBI 310312 Regular Expressions To Exclude Perfmon Instances

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 18 May 2012 Summary This document details how to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Windows Performance Rules to precisely exclude or include instances based on string patterns. Technical Background NOTE: All Argent AT products and Argent XT 8.0A-1101 and newer support […]

KBI 310313 Cluster Monitoring With Different Operating Systems

Version Argent AT – 2.0A-1204-A and above Date 28 May 2012 Summary Prior to Argent AT 2.0A-1204-A, it was not possible to monitor Windows 2003 clusters from a Windows 2008 Argent engine. Starting in the 2.0A-1204 release, both Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 clusters can be monitored. Technical Background Argent has historically used Microsoft’s Cluster […]

KBI 310314 Argent Defender Stops Recording A Session

Version Argent Defender ALL Versions Date 14 Jun 2012 Summary When recording a session, customers with websites that generate new Internet Explorer sessions have found that Argent Defender ceases recording during the session building process. Technical Background Argent Defender stops recording a session when a user exits Internet Explorer by clicking on the close button […]

KBI 310315 Argent UNIX Rule Engine and Argent Guardian Ultra

Version Argent Guardian Ultra 2.0A-1201 Date 14 Jun 2012 Summary Argent UNIX Rule Engine does not operate properly with Argent Guardian Ultra Technical Background Argent UNIX Rule Engine fails with Argent Guardian Ultra. Symptoms include errors in the UNIX or Linux logs regarding the control file stating that “file does not exist.” The issue is […]

KBI 310319 Main Engine and Database On Separate Servers

Version All Products Date 19 Sep 2012 Summary The Argent main engine should not be placed on a production SQL Server. It is a widely accepted standard rule of thumb that it is best to avoid mixing application and database servers on one computer. Technical Background An application server is a server computer that provides […]

KBI 310321 Scheduled Monitoring Tasks Not Responding

Version Argent AT 3.1A-1207-A Date 23 Oct 2012 Summary Scheduled Monitoring Tasks hanging or not responding when accessed. Technical Background Console hangs (not responding) when accessing the Scheduled Monitoring Tasks screen This affects only affects Argent products which have more than 10 Relators running Restarting services and truncating the JobWaterMark and ExecJobs tables does not […]

KBI 310322 How To Track File Deletion Events On W2008

Version Windows Server 2008 – All versions Date 30 Oct 2012 Summary This article describes how users can enable auditing of file deletion events on a file share to track file deletion events. Technical Background File Deletion Events (Event ID 4660 & 4663) will be generated in the Security event log Resolution The following Microsoft […]

KBI 310323 iSeries Queue Engines: Excessive JSAWORK Log Files

Version Argent Job Scheduler – 10.0G-1210-A and higher Date 30 Oct 2012 Summary When connecting to an iSeries Queue Engine from the Argent Job Scheduler GUI, the iSeries Queue Engine logs are generating a repeated exception error, and many JSAWORK job log files are being generated in the QEZJOBLOG iSeries Queue. Technical Background Jobs are […]

KBI 310324 iSeries Rule: Error When Checking For MSGW State

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0A-1007-B Date 30 Oct 2012 Summary Customer is experiencing an issue when trying to execute the iSeries Rule using the checkbox option to determine if a job is currently in an MSGW state. Testing the Relator returns the following error: Could not read response to <JOBLIST MSGW> command from XT AS400 […]

KBI 310325 iSeries Agent Not Running After Hard Reboot

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0A-1007-B Date 30 Oct 2012 Summary A customer may experience an issue where the Argent iSeries Agent subsystem job processes ARGAGENT and ARGMAIN will no longer start, even after re-installing the Argent iSeries Agent. The Argent iSeries Agent logs say: “WARNING ARB_KERNEL has detected a potentially serious condition. Argent XT Agent […]

KBI 310326 SNMP Event Resolved By Irrelevant OID Data

Version Argent for SNMP 1204-B or earlier Date 26 Sep 2012 Summary Resolving status is irrelevant to the original event. For example, Value of OID B was used to resolve the event because of value of OID A has breached the condition defined in a Rule. Technical Background In event resolving mechanism, Argent is comparing […]

KBI 310327 Nodes Are Not Shown In Argent Reports

Version All Argent AT and Argent Reports versions Date 26 Sep 2012 Summary When working on Argent Reports, the Web 2.0 reporting product, user may find some nodes disappear from a monitoring. If the Monitoring has an ODBC Query in G7 screen, the user should continue to read this KBI. An example of ODBC Query […]

KBI 310328 Rules Missing In Argent AT Daughter GUI

Version Argent AT 3.1A-1207-A and below Date 2 Nov 2012 Summary After Exporting Master Control Information, Argent AT Daughter Engines don’t show any Rules in the GUI This leads to Relator scheduling and execution issues, as the Rule definitions have not been properly replicated from the Mother to the Daughter In the Daughter Engine service […]

KBI 310329 Deleted Registry Keys Still Show Products in Setup

Version All Date 29 Nov 2012 Summary “Argent” registry key deleted, but Setup shows all products still installed Technical Background On a 64-bit machine the actual registry key used is in the WOW mapping HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Argent is not the actual key The actual key is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Argent Resolution Delete the WOW key

KBI 310330 Windows Firewall Blocks Argent Setup Program

Version All Date 30 Nov 2012 Summary The Argent Setup program checks the central Argent web site to get the latest control information Technical Background “Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program” Resolution This is simply Microsoft now flopping to other extremes of excessive caution Simply check the first of the two check […]

KBI 310331 No Result Is Returned From ARGSOFT_VM_SETUP_HELPER.EXE

Version Argent for VMware — All Versions Date 19 Dec 2012 Summary When setting up credentials to access vCenter, Argent for VMware returns the following when testing the connection: No result is returned from ARGSOFT_VM_SETUP_HELPER.EXE Similarly, if the credentials are tested within the License Manager, the “Test Connectivity” returns: ***NOT ACCESSIBLE*** No result is returned […]

KBI 310332 High CPU/Resource Usage In Argent AT

Version Argent AT — All Versions Date 7 Jan 2013 Summary This article describes how to fine-tune Argent AT when monitoring causes high CPU or resource spikes for prolonged periods of time Similar symptoms may include slowdown or delays of tasks (e.g. alerting) Customers may also see numerous (30+) Argent monitoring processes at any given […]

KBI 310333 Argent GUI Has DLL Errors After Upgrading

Version Argent AT — all versions Date 29 Jan 2013 Summary After upgrading, the Argent product GUI does not start and shows a DLL error. Keywords: The procedure entry point … could not be located in the dynamic link library ArgSoft_Common_DLL.dll (or ArgSoft_Common_IP_DLL.DLL) In the Argent log file, the following error appears: ‘Could not copy […]

KBI 310335 SNMP Event Resolved By Irrelevant OID Data

Version Argent for SNMP 1204-B or earlier Date 26 Sep 2012 Summary Resolving status is irrelevant to the original event. For example, Value of OID B was used to resolve the event because of value of OID A has breached the condition defined in a Rule. Technical Background In event resolving mechanism, Argent is comparing […]

KBI 310337 Argent Sentry Ultra Returns Bad Rule For Newly Licensed URL

Version Argent Sentry Ultra 3.1A-1204-A Date 8 Nov 2012 Summary In Argent Sentry Ultra 3.1A-1204-A, production RELATOR can return BAD RULE error for newly licensed URL. Technical Background In monitoring engine log, it shows line like following: 25 Oct 2012 09:04:54.291 QWP2129 VIOLA\svc_argentmonitoring 00719 Unexpected string to parse ………… “ 25 Oct 2012 09:04:54.306 QWP2129 […]

KBI 310338 Automatic Reports Not Being Sent

Version All Date 12 Nov 2012 Summary Some Automatic Reports are not being sent to the specified UNC share path. Technical Background This is often due to the number of characters in the UNC share and file name path. If the UNC path name is very long it may generate too many characters and cause […]

KBI 310339 Invalid Column Name modify_time

Version All Date 16 Nov 2012 Summary After running Setup of Argent AT, there are many entries in the AT_SETUP_LOG.txt about: Invalid column name ‘name’. Further within the GUI of Argent AT Products, you cannot add any new Rules or Alerts. Message says “Read-Only (DB error)”. Technical Background Entries similar to the following entries will […]

KBI 310340 Argent Data Consolidator Rules Cannot Be Copied

Version All Date 4 Jan 2013 Summary Some Argent Data Consolidator Event Log Rules may not have copy function. Technical Background In Argent Data Consolidator, Event Log rules have some pre-assigned prefixes and are grouped under pre-defined subfolders. They include: Prefix ‘EVT_SEC_‘ goes to subfolder ‘Security‘ Prefix ‘EVT_SOFT_‘ goes to subfolder ‘Software Installation‘ Prefix ‘EVT_MGMT_‘ […]

KBI 310341 Alerts Delayed By 5 to 10 Minutes

Version Argent AT — All Versions Date 7 Jan 2013 Summary Customers may suffer a delay of up to 10 minutes in delivery of any Alert, say, an Email Alert This can be seen by referring to the Event timestamp of the alert and the email delivery time showed on email client Customers may also […]

KBI 310345 Getting The Row Count of An SNMP Branch Matching A Pattern

Version Argent for SNMP — all versions Date 8 Mar 2013 Summary Customers may want to count matching entries within a branch. For example, customers may want to know how many entries within the branch ‘‘ are Ethernet ports. Click For Full Size Technical Background Take the following steps to implement such a Rule. Define […]

KBI 310346 Trusted Agents Are Not Detected By The Main Engine

Version All Argent Advanced Technology Products Date 12 Mar 2013 Summary When a Trusted Agent is installed on a remote machine it should automatically appear in the Trusted Agents folder if connectivity is successful This article describes one probable reason why Trusted Agents may not appear automatically Technical Background A Site UUID is a unique […]

KBI 310348 Argent Reports Scheduled Email Was Not Sent

Version Argent Reports – All versions Date 13 Mar 2013 Summary Email was not sent from Argent Reports as per schedule, or Report file was not pushed to the UNC path defined in Reports Automator. Technical Background The scenario described refers to scheduling issue inside Argent Reports, rather than email gateway, spam filtering, or file […]

KBI 310349 Argent AT Daughter Engines Stop Due To An Expired License

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A 1301E and below Date 15 Mar 2013 Summary Argent Daughter Engine Services stop when the license has expired; this guide shows how to start back the services once a new license file is obtained and applied at the Main Engine. Technical Background Argent Daughter Engines connect to the Main Engine […]

KBI 310350 Argent for Compliance Incorrect Upgrade Prompt

Version Argent for Compliance – 3.1A-1301-E Date 19 Mar 2013 Summary While upgrading Argent for Compliance from 2.0A-1204-B to 3.1A-1301-E, does not allow to upgrade and GUI showing “Please upgrade installed products first before installing new ones” even though all other Argent AT products are upgraded to latest version (Argent AT 3.1A-1301-E) as following. Click […]

KBI 310351 Reducing Argent AT Task Skipping Rate

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date 8 Mar 2013 Summary Customers of large installation frequently runs into issues of high task skip rate. Technical Background Customers can notice two things: Task is executed in the interval longer than the scheduled. This can be identified on ‘Scheduled Monitoring Task‘ screen. Click For Full Size […]

KBI 310352 Failed Jobs Not Listed In Job Control Panel Of Argent Job Scheduler

Version All Job Scheduler Versions Date 21 Mar 2013 Summary Failed jobs do not stay in the Job Control Panel after an automatic refresh. Technical Background This is an advanced feature of Argent Job Scheduler which gives the option for the user either to view or hide failed jobs in the Control Panel list after […]

KBI 310356 Resetting Daughter Engines With Expired Licenses

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions. Date 28 Mar 2013 Summary Reset daughter engine with expired license to update license information Technical Background AT daughter engine uses license extract from master control information downloaded from mother engine. When license expires, daughter engine stops. As result, it won’t be able to download new master control information, […]

KBI 310360 Configuring Argent AT Automatic Backup

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1301-E or below. Date 28 Mar 2013 Summary AT 3.1A-1304-A and later can be configured to backup control information automatically. Note: It is about control information ONLY. It still requires SQL backup for historical data such as Argent Predictor data, Argent Console events and compliance report data in Argent for Compliance. […]

KBI 310361 Handling False Alerts In Argent AT System Down Rules

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1301-T3 or below Date 3 Apr 2013 Summary It has been a best practice to use NetRemoteTOD API option in System Down Rule to check up/down status of Windows machines, as it checks more than the responsive NIC compared to simple ping. There are many occasions that can go like following: […]

KBI 310362 Configuring Argent AT Global Enterprise Application View

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions below 3.1A-1301-T1 Date 3 Apr 2013 Summary Enterprise Application View in AT 3.1A-1301-T1 and later is implemented as ‘Global‘. The previous version of product specific implementation is superseded. The implications are as follows: Enterprise Application Views are shared among AT products. Change in one product affects all other products. […]

KBI 310364 Argent Conversion Tool 3.1A-1301-E

Version Argent Conversion Tool 1301-E Date 5 Apr 2013 Summary A new conversion tool is now available to convert any version of Argent Extended Technology to Argent Advanced Technology version 3.1A-1301-E This conversion tool is compatible ONLY with Argent Advanced Technology version 3.1A-1301-E and should not be used to migrate to any prior or later […]

KBI 310366 Failed To Import CMDB-X Information

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date 11 Apr 2013 Summary To duplicate this issue, take following steps: Fresh install Argent Guardian Ultra and Argent for Compliance Start Argent Guardian Ultra, do Active Directory scan, then export ALL Delete nodes from CMDB-X Start Argent for Compliance, do Active Directory scan, then export ALL Start Argent […]

KBI 310367 SSH Timeouts For Newly Licensed UNIX Server

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date 12 Apr 2013 Summary SSH timeout occurs for newly licensed UNIX Server Technical Background Argent AT uses PLINK to run UNIX rules through SSH session. When user first time runs PLINK, it will wait for user’s confirmation to proceed. After user confirms this first time, future PLINK command […]

KBI 310368 Detecting Slow Replication

Version Argent Advanced Technology 1304-A and above Date Monday, 22 Apr 2013 Summary Argent Advanced Technology has been enhanced by adding a new power shell script rule that detect slow replication between domain controllers and their replication neighbors in Argent for Active Directory Technical Background N/A Resolution N/A

KBI 310476 How To Setup A Virtual Host In IIS For Argent Commander Version

Version All versions of Argent Commander Date Monday, 6 May 2013 Summary Customers may want a simple URL to access Argent Commander. For example http://argentcommander This may be more convenient to having to remember and type in the IP address or hostname of the Argent Commander web server. For example: http://svrargent/Argent_Commander Technical Background N/A Resolution […]

KBI 310477 Features And Benefits Of Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager 3.1A-1304-A Date Thursday, 9 May 2013 Summary Argent Global Manager provides a single Web User interface for the products Argent Advanced Technology and Argent Extended Technology. It has been packed with most of the features of Argent Advanced Technology and Argent Extended Technology Argent Global Manager provides greater accessibility and ease […]

KBI 310478 “ODBC Error: Connection is busy with results from another hstmt”

Version Argent XT 8.0A-1104 or above Date Thursday, 30 May 2013 Summary When changing the status of an Alert on Argent Console in Argent Extended Technology (XT) the following ODBC Error Message appears. ODBC Error: Connection is busy with results from another hstmt Technical Background This Microsoft bug is related to backend database connectivity. It […]

KBI 310508 Argent Sentry XT Exceeds License Usage After Upgrade

Version Argent Extended Technology all versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary The Argent XT setup program licenses two sample nodes MAIL_DEMO_SERVER and FTP_PUBLIC_SERVER to Argent Sentry after installation. This may cause “license usage exceeded” error messages. Technical Background License usage can be exceeded if customers do not have any licenses for mail objects and ftp […]

KBI 310509 Argent for Compliance Installation Stuck At Checking Pre-requisites

Version Argent AT — All versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary Argent for Compliance may appear to be “stuck” during pre-requisites checking Technical Background The Argent for Compliance setup code discovers existing Domain Controllers by checking Active Directory during the installation. If the customer’s network is very distributed and has a lot of Domain Controllers, […]

KBI 310511 Empty Logon/Logoff Reports In Argent for Compliance

Version Argent for Compliance — all versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary Customer archives Windows security logs from Domain Controllers, but all the Logon/Logoff reports turn out blank. Technical Background The customer may attempt to use domain accounts to log onto all servers and workstations. The customer may continue to archive Windows event logs from […]

KBI 310512 Combining Alerts Into A Single Alert For Event Logs in Argent AT

Version Argent for Compliance — all versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary Customers who have recently migrated from Argent Data Consolidator (XT) to Argent for Compliance (AT) may complain about receiving thousands of similar alerts in Argent for Compliance, when they only received one consolidated alert in Argent Data Consolidator Technical Background The default behavior […]

KBI 310513 Argent AT Report Definition Screen Loads Slowly

Version Argent AT — all versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary The Argent AT Performance Report definition screen loads slowly due to a massive row count in the ARGSOFT_{PRODUCT}_PRD_MOTHER table. Technical Background The ARGSOFT_{PRODUCT}_PRD_MOTHER table is the parent table for Argent Predictor data. There is a unique row for each captured combination of MACHINE, OBJECT, […]

KBI 310514 Oracle Server Requires Reboot After Installation of Oracle Client Tools

Version Argent for Oracle — all versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary After installing Oracle Client Tools, customers are able to successfully connect to the database from the Argent Advanced Technology – Argent for Oracle User Interface. Relator tests also run successfully When the Relator is placed into Production Mode the following error messages appear […]

KBI 310515 Auto Correction Not Working With Data String Truncation Database Error

Version Argent AT — all versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary The Argent Console engine encounters data truncation DB errors and cannot correct events automatically. In the service log, lines similar to the following are logged: 04 Jun 2013 03:16:56.692 ARG123 ARGENT\argadmin ***** ERROR ***** An error condition has been detected by ArgSoft_DAL.cpp (D6220_Open_RS) at […]

KBI 310516 Argent AT Skipped Tasks and Performance Troubleshooting

Version Argent AT — all versions Date 11 Jun 2013 Summary Alerts are not firing, or a high and consistent percentage of late/skipped/pending scheduled tasks exists Technical Background The following symptoms may suggest that some fine-tuning is needed on the configuration of Argent on your Main Engine: 1. ‘Pending’ or ‘Retry’ in the Scheduled Monitoring […]

KBI 310563 SMTP Port 25 Availability Fails Due To Firewall Restrictions

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1307-A or above Date Tue, 25 Jun 2013 Summary Doing port scanning on specific ports is a way of testing the availability of an application or even a server. Rules with such functionality are available in Argent Guardian (Argent Extended Technology) and Argent for Exchange (Argent Advanced Technology). Although the Rule […]

KBI 310604 Defining Maintenance Schedule Based On Local Time Zone

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date Monday, 29 Jul 2013 Summary Customer can specify maintenance schedules based on local time zone information Technical Background By default, the maintenance schedule is based on the time zone of Supervising Engine, which schedules all the monitoring tasks. Enterprise Network may span a few time zones. Say […]

KBI 310605 Adding Cluster Objects With Duplicate Names

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date Monday, 29 Jul 2013 Summary When adding cluster objects for different clusters, some clusters may have cluster objects with the same name as another cluster Technical Background Different clusters may have cluster objects with duplicate name. For example, both cluster A and B may have cluster resource […]

KBI 310623 Installing Argent BoardRoom On Client Machines

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date Monday, 29 Jul 2013 Summary Customers needs to install the Argent AT client components to use Argent BoardRoom on a client machine Technical Background The Argent BoardRoom screens that depend on the Argent AT client components include: Argent Console Argent Event List Argent SuperMap Argent Ticker Argent […]

KBI 310624 Scheduling Monitoring Tasks Based On Local Time Zone

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date Monday, 29 Jul 2013 Summary Customers can specify the scheduled monitoring tasks based on local time zone information Technical Background Enterprise Network may span a few time zones. Say the company schedules a short period of after-hour time from 4pm to 5pm for maintenance. All Relators should […]

KBI 310630 Install AT Using SQL Server 2008 Mirroring

Version Argent Advanced Technology All versions Date Wednesday, 7 Aug 2013 Summary ODBC Driver ‘SQL Native Client‘ may not work with SQL Server 2008 mirroring. Install AT without mirroring first, then edit registry to add back SQL Server Mirroring Technical Background SQL Server 2008 provides updated ODBC Driver ‘SQL Native Client 10.0‘. It seems that […]

KBI 310635 Escalation and Auto-Correction Alerts Not Working Due To Data Truncation

Version Argent Advanced Technology — All Versions Date Monday, 3 Feb 2014 Summary This KBI explains the following symptoms (all of which will occur): Escalation Alerts not being sent Auto-Correction Alerts not being sent Alert not being automatically set as ‘Resolved’ after correction Automatic Alert Archiving not archiving alerts The AAC_ENGINE_LOG.TXT under the Argent Console […]

KBI 310644 Excessive Events In Argent Console Causing Slow Response

Version Any Date Tuesday, 20 Aug 2013 Summary Incorrectly configured Rules can generate excessive amounts of Events and Alerts in Argent Console causing slow response For example, one customer used the Demo Rule and set the CPU limit to 10% — not 100%, but 10%. In addition, the flag ‘Post Event Even If Same Event […]

KBI 310650 AT Upgrade Failed Because Some Files Are Locked

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Thursday, 5 Sep 2013 Summary During upgrade of AT products, some files may be locked if some AT service does not exit cleanly. Customer can manually correct this rare issue to complete the upgrade Technical Background It has been reported that ARGSOFT_AAC_DLL.DLL is locked when upgrading Argent for […]

KBI 310652 Could Not Test Rule/Relator Using Newly Installed Daughter Engine

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Friday, 6 Sep 2013 Summary Customer may not be able to test a Rule or test a Relator using a newly installed Argent Daughter Engine Technical Background Argent AT use the SQL table ARGSOFT_{PRODUCT}_DAUGHTER to store information for the installed Daughter Engines The Argent AT Mother Engine updates […]

KBI 310653 Argent AT Services Stop During Midnight Recycling

Version Argent Advanced Technology — All Versions Date Monday, 9 September 2013 Summary The Argent AT services may stop during midnight recycling due to very rare OS-related issue. Technical Background When the Argent AT services are stopped, Similar lines may be found in the *_SVC_LOG.TXT files: 18 Aug 2013 00:06:46.128 XXXXX ACME\John.Doe Could not terminate […]

KBI 310654 Enabling SQL Bulk Insert May Cause Reports Or Dashboards To Display All Zero Values

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Monday, 9 Sep 2013 Summary Enabling SQL Bulk Insert may cause reports in Argent Reports such as the Performance Statistics report, Performance Top X reports or Dashboards in Argent Commander to display all zero values Technical Background The exact area affected is the ARGSOFT_{PRODUCT}_PRD_MOTHER table This table holds […]

KBI 310671 Argent Web Products Runtime Error At Installation

Version All Argent Web Products Date Friday, 20 Sep 2013 Summary Install Argent Web Products in normal way When attempting to run any Argent Web Product, the Web browser unable to display correctly and shows page errors Click For Full Size Technical Background Open Event Viewer of the machine where the error occurs Examine the […]