Author: Argent Admin

KBI 311158 Argent AT UNIX/Linux Script Rule And Argent Console Keywords

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Tuesday, 20 Jan 2015 Summary Argent AT UNIX/Linux Script Rule returns results in XML format Within the XML content, following tags are used: STATUS (required) SUMMARY (required) COMMENT (required) COMPARE (optional) PRIORITY (optional) Argent Console Alerts can use some keywords as placeholder for the above information The correspondence […]

KBI 311161 Missing Windows Event Log Data, Especially In Windows Security Logs

Version Argent Advanced Technology – Argent for Compliance Date Wednesday, 21 Jan 2015 Summary Data can be lost when reporting on Windows Event Log data, especially the Security Event Log, despite Argent for Compliance consolidating logs without errors The source of the issue is likely the Relator executing too infrequently What happens is the Windows […]

KBI 311162 Many Files In UPLOAD Folder

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Friday, 30 Jan 2015 Summary After a Main Engine outage, many (about 100,000 or more) files are found in the UPLOAD folder UPLOAD folder path: X:\ARGENT\&lt PRODUCT NAME &gt\UPLOAD Technical Background Argent AT uses files for communication between Daughter Engines and the Main Engine Argent AT Daughter […]

KBI 311165 Menu Item Select F7 Might Not Work For Some Websites

Version Argent Defender all versions Date Wednesday, 18 Feb 2015 Summary When recording a web session, a menu item ‘Select (F7)’ is selected or F7 key is pressed on the web page The cursor changes to cross; then the cursor is moved to the element and the element is clicked; the element is enclosed in […]

KBI 311166 Raw Input Keywords Are Required For Some Web Pages

Version Argent Defender all versions Date Wednesday, 18 Feb 2015 Summary When recording a web session, the menu item ‘select’ (or F7) can be used to select an element When dialog box ‘Work on Selected Visual Element’ appears text for the input field can be entered , or a click can be performed on the […]

KBI 311167 How To Install Argent Job Scheduler Client

Version Argent Job Scheduler all versions Date Friday, 20 Feb 2015 Summary The article describes how to install Argent Job Scheduler client Technical Background Before installing Argent Job Scheduler client, please make sure the following prerequisites are met Registry permission Registry read and connect permission to Argent Job Scheduler installed Virtual Machine Database Permission Connect, […]

KBI 311171 How To Run Argent Extended Technology De-Install Tool

Version Argent Extended Technology All Versions Date Thursday, 26 Feb 2015 Summary Even after migration to Argent Advanced Technology residue of Argent Extended Technology (superseded product) might exists in customer environment sending out expiry of license email messages This utility is to wipe out Argent Extended Technology product completely from a server The article describes […]

KBI 311175 Index Was Outside The Bounds Of The Array In Argent For SQL Server

Version Argent Advanced Technology 1501-C and earlier Date Wednesday, 11 March 2015 Summary Argent for SQL Server could not retrieve the version of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 because of an exception thrown by the SQL Server Management Object (SMO) component Technical Background Argent for SQL Server uses SQL Server Management Object (SMO) for connecting and […]

KBI 311182 New Events Are Not Post And Existing Events Are Not Corrected Due To Event Flood Caused By Argent for Compliance Or Argent for Security

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Wednesday, 25 March 2015 Summary Argent Guardian Ultra may suddenly stop firing new Events or Auto Correcting Existing Events Inspecting system health using Global System View shows no obvious issues Relator trace log shows monitoring is being executed successfully There is no file accumulation in PENDING_EVENTS folder There […]

KBI 311184 Argent Guardian Ultra Stops Monitoring When Time Zone Option Dynamic Read From Server Is Used And Time Server Property Is Empty

Version Argent Guardian Ultra all versions Date Wednesday, 25 March 2015 Summary When customer set CMDB-X Nodes using time zone option ‘Dynamic Read From Server’, Argent Guardian Ultra can stop monitoring Inspecting Service Log, customer can see following line about once every five minutes: Failed to see checkpoint Event of daughter process ‘…’. Restart the […]

KBI 311187 Calendar Definitions In Argent Global Manager

Version Argent Global Manager all versions Date Thursday, 26 March 2015 Summary The Calendar definitions in Argent Global Manager, helps in defining a schedule Technical Background Calendars are used to create elaborate schedules for performing tasks Calendars are split into three types of definitions: Period Definition Every Definition Base Definition Period Definition A Period calendar […]

KBI 311190 Argent BoardRoom Fails To Start With Invalid License Message

Version Argent BoardRoom 1501, Argent BoardRoom 1410, Argent BoardRoom 1407, Argent BoardRoom 1404, Argent BoardRoom 1401 , Argent BoardRoom 1310 , Argent BoardRoom 1308 and Argent BoardRoom 1301 Date Wednesday, 8 April 2015 Summary Argent BoardRoom GUI fails to start with invalid license message Technical Background This is a coding issue Separate patches are provided […]

KBI 310522 How To Migrate The Argent Reports Database To A New Server

Version Argent Reports 1501-D or above Date Wednesday, 17 Dec 2014 Summary Customers migrating the Argent Reports database to a new server need a way to tell Argent Reports about the change. Argent Reports stores the ODBC connection string as encrypted data in the ARGSOFT_CONFIGURATION.XML file. The Argent Reports Configuration Tool currently only supports changing […]

KBI 311195 Argent Registry Auditing Service

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1504-A or above Date Thursday, 23 April 2015 Summary Registry changes can be incredibly dangerous, and Argent, like other software companies, has had its fair share of support issues triggered by unconsulted registry changes made by customers. Argent’s free registry auditing service improves support from Argent by notifying Argent of ALL […]

KBI 311199 Argent AT Unix Shell Script Agent Installation

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date Monday, 4 May 2015 Summary ARGENT_GUARDIAN_ULTRA_UNIX_SHELL_SCRIPT_AGENT is a utility for monitoring Unix systems, using Argent Guardian Ultra The main advantage of this utility is that, it does not require the credentials of the Unix systems to be monitored, rather it requires only its IP addresses The installation process […]

KBI 311200 Argent for Compliance File Log Rule

Version Argent for Compliance all version Date Tuesday, 5 May 2015 Summary Applications often write log debug information to ASCII/Text Files for software developers and system engineers alike to review and help resolve application issues when they occur Argent for Compliance File Log Rule can help automate looking for key text phrases within these ASCII/Text […]

KBI 311209 Database Option Auto Close Can Cause SQL Server Lockup with Error 9001

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Wednesday, 6 May 2015 Summary When a heavily used SQL Server is monitored by Argent for SQL Server, the databases may suddenly become unresponsive The SQL Server log shows repeatedly lines like following: Unless the disk is full or server is experiencing hardware failure, the issue can be […]

KBI 311212 Argent for Compliance Event Time Different Than Recorded Time

Version Argent for Compliance All versions Date Wednesday, 13 May 2015 Summary “Event Time” displays different time than the “Recorded Time” in the Argent Console, Argent Commander or Argent Global Manager The reason behind this is Argent for Compliance uses the Timestamp from the Monitored Log as the Event Time This behavior can cause operator […]

KBI 311214 Application Uses Microsoft Office Automation Throws An Error Message-‘Exception Has Been Thrown By The Target Of An Invocation

Version Argent Job Scheduler all versions Date Wednesday, 13 May 2015 Summary Applications that uses Microsoft Office automation shows an error message – ‘Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation’ – when run from Argent Job Scheduler Technical Background Customers may receive an error message on executing applications that uses Microsoft Word, […]

KBI 311221 Issue: Rules Fails To Execute With Error Testing Completes With Some Additional Information Status:4 And Monitoring Engine Process Terminated Unexpectedly

Version Argent for Oracle All Versions Date Friday, 29 May 2015 Summary As Argent for Oracle is using Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) library for monitoring Oracle databases, Monitoring Engine process will get terminated unexpectedly when executing the Rules under Instant Best Practices For Database Administrators from a machine where OCCI is NOT installed Click […]

KBI 311225 Can Argent Send An Email Every Hour To An Outside Address?

Version Argent for Exchange All Versions Date Wednesday, 3 June 2015 Summary With email still heavily used as part of daily client and staff communication, it is no wonder we want to know if our emails are reaching the outside world Obviously manually sending from your works MAPI/Exchange Server to your favorite hosted service provider […]

KBI 311231 Event Time Is 2 Hours Ahead Of Alerting Time

Version Argent Advanced Technology All versions Date Friday, 5 June 2015 Summary ESX host using UTC time causes Event time to be two hours ahead or alerting time in the log files Click For Full Size Technical Background Depending on what version of ESX the host is running some ESX hosts are using UTC time […]

KBI 311243 Displaying SuperMaps On Large Screens

Version Argent Commander – All Versions Date Tuesday, 30 June 2015 Summary When displaying a SuperMap on a large screen, customers may want to hide the top navigation bar so that only the SuperMap is displayed Click For Full Size Technical Background N/A Resolution The ‘SUPERMAPS_SOLO_LARGE.ASP’ page can be used to display SuperMaps without the […]

KBI 311245 Argent Move Engine CLI Tool

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Wednesday, 1 July 2015 Summary A new tool ‘ARGENT_MOVE_ENGINE_CLI’ has been introduced to perform the following tasks to ensure smooth migration of Argent Advanced Technology Mother Engine to a new server Update Relators with the new server name Point Daughter Engines to the new Mother server Change the […]

KBI 311250 Issue In Connectivity Test Of Licensed Nodes Using TNS Names With Dots

Version Argent for Oracle – All Versions Date Thursday, 9 July 2015 Summary Argent for Oracle fails to connect to License Nodes, with TNS name having dots, when JDBC Drivers prior to version are used Technical Background An issue was reported in Argent for Oracle that connectivity tests were failed on licensed Nodes which […]

KBI 311251 Argent Reports Graphs Show No Data

Version Argent Reports 1501-D and earlier Date Thursday, 9 July 2015 Summary Argent Reports shows no data even if the Report Definition and raw data has been verified in the SQL backend This issue only occurs when SQL Server is set to the ‘British English’ regional setting Research shows this issue is considered a Microsoft […]

KBI 311256 Alerts Not Fired For Servers In DMZ

Version Argent AT – All Versions Date Monday, 20 July 2015 Summary Corrective Alerts targeting a server within a DMZ may appear to fire successfully, but the Alert is not actually executed — the best example is a PowerShell Alert This occurs because Alerts are always fired from the Argent AT Main Engine via the […]

KBI 311275 Argent Sentry Ultra Trusted Agent On Windows 2012 Server Fails To Execute Relators

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Monday, 31 August 2015 Summary Testing Relator on Trusted Agent for Argent Sentry Ultra installed on Windows 2012 Server, hangs at ‘initializing…’ Technical Background Argent Sentry Ultra requires .NET framework 2.0 Windows 2012 server comes installed with .NET framework 4.5 as default Certain security patches for Windows 2012 […]

KBI 311277 How To Verify All Argent AT Engines Are Upgraded Successfully

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Monday, 31 August 2015 Summary Argent AT has built-in automatic upgrading mechanism for all Engines When customer upgrades the Main Engine, all Remote Engines should download the latest required files, and complete upgrade automatically However, there is still a common question ‘I Am Updating 50 Trusted Agents, How […]

KBI 311288 Alerts Not Fired

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Tuesday, 22 September 2015 Summary Alerts are not fired because a similar Event already exist in the Argent Console Technical Background All Alerts are posted to the Argent Console Unless Automated Archiving is enabled, Alerts will remain in the Argent Console If a similar Alert already exists […]

KBI 311289 Argent Commander Will Not Display Content Under CMDB-X, Value Mappings And ViewMagic Tabs If There Are Monitoring Groups In A SuperConsole Named Default

Version Argent Commander – All Versions Date Thursday, 24 September 2015 Summary Customers may find the content under ‘CMDB-X’, ‘Value Mappings’ and ‘ViewMagic’ tabs in Argent Commander does not display if they have a SuperConsole named ‘Default’ and this has Monitoring Groups in it Technical Background Monitoring Groups is one of the four building blocks […]

KBI 311290 All Argent AT Tables Are Strictly READ ONLY

Version Argent AT – All Versions Date Monday, 28 September 2015 Summary Customers are welcome to read the Argent Advanced Technology (AT) tables – we encourage customers to do so However, customers cannot write to the tables as their integrity is protected by a proprietary CRC A number of interfaces are provided to safely add […]

KBI 311291 Not All Assigned Memory And Processors Reported In Argent Advanced Technology

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Monday, 28 September 2015 Summary Argent may not report all memory or processors assigned to Virtual or Physical server This is NOT an Argent AT issue Technical Background System administrators may assign more memory or processors than a server operating system can access Microsoft does not support […]

KBI 311305 Message API HttpSendRequest Failed Can Happen When Doing Load Testing

Version Argent Defender all versions Date Monday, 26 October 2015 Summary When simulating more than 100 virtual users for load testing in Argent Defender, following message can be seen in task log many times: (VUser# nnn) API ‘HttpSendRequest’ failed (http:…) It is normal behavior for load testing The virtual users encountering such API errors are […]

KBI 311308 Database Gets Corrupted On CodeBase Installation

Version Argent Job Scheduler version 10.0A- 1509-A and earlier Date Thursday, 5 November 2015 Summary Database gets corrupted on CodeBase installation with the following line in the Argent Job Scheduler LOG The Argent Job Scheduler – Scheduling Engine service has been stopped. It takes too long (180 seconds) to acquire database resource. Service will be […]

KBI 311317 Export Master Control Information Fails With Could Not Export ODBC Table

Version Argent AT – All Versions Date Tuesday, 1 December 2015 Summary With an Argent Architecture of Mother – Daughter the ‘Export Master Control Information’ may fail with ‘Could Not Export ODBC Table’ causing the Control Information not to update to Daughter Engine Technical Background When the ‘Export Master Control Information’ fails with: Export program […]

KBI 311324 Cannot Find JS1 File Error Is Reported In Job Log And Argent Queue Engine Log, For Jobs That Have Completed Successfully At The Argent Queue Engine

Version Argent Job Scheduler all versions Date Tuesday, 8 December 2015 Summary “Cannot find JS1 file” error is reported in Job Log and Argent Queue Engine Log, for Jobs that have completed successfully at the Argent Queue Engine Technical Background The issue occurs when ‘JobsSlot.bin’ file gets corrupted with duplicate Job number This duplication can […]

KBI 311334 Automatic Upgrade Facility For Argent Daughter Engines, Argent Motors And Argent Trusted Agents

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Monday, 4 January 2016 Summary Argent’s flexible architecture handles the smallest to the largest of networks – from 10 servers to over 25,000 servers The following is a brief summary, for more information, review the Argent Architecture Guide at Architecture Centralized Monitoring – Single Main Engine […]

KBI 311335 Argent Job Scheduler-Help And User Guides

Version Argent Job Scheduler – All Versions Date Wednesday, 13 January 2016 Summary The Argent Job Scheduler documentation help and user guides can be found online and a help guide can be found local to the Argent Job Scheduler installation found from the GUI on the menu item Help -> Help Topics Online Links: Argent […]

KBI 311336 Master CLI List Used In Argent Job Scheduler

Version All Versions Date Thursday, 14 January 2016 Summary Master list of CLIs used in Argent Job Scheduler Technical Background AANPLOAD.EXE Used for sending email alerts from Argent Scheduler using SMTP in Argent Scheduler AANPMAIL.EXE Used for sending email alerts from Argent Scheduler using SMTP in Argent Scheduler, AANPLOAD.EXE uses this application for sending the […]

KBI 311337 Master CLI List Used In Argent Advanced Technology

Version All Versions Date Thursday, 14 January 2016 Summary Master list of CLIs used in Argent Advanced Technology Technical Background ARGENT_{PRODUCT}_BACKUP.EXE It is a command line utility to backup a product Read More: ARGENT_{PRODUCT}_MOTHER_EXPORT.EXE Used to export product Master Control Information It is used internally by both GUI and Service Read More: ARGENT_CMDB_CLI.EXE […]

KBI 311338 Issue Argent for SQL Server Failed To Execute SQL CPU And I/O Usage Rules

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date Monday, 18 January 2016 Summary Argent for SQL Server fires exception while executing SQL Server CPU and I/O usage Rules if the monitored server’s CPU or I/O usage value exceeds 49 days of cumulative CPU time Technical Background Argent for SQL Server uses a Microsoft system stored procedure […]

KBI 311345 SNMP Traps Causing UNHANDLED Directory Growth

Version Argent AT 3.1A-1601-C and earlier Date Thursday, 11 February 2016 Summary Badly configured network or server devices set to send all SNMP Traps or Syslogs to the Argent Engines can cause bad performance and log growth in the UNHANDLED subdirectories of products Argent for Compliance and Argent for SNMP Be aware, currently these directories […]

KBI 311346 McAfee Antivirus Severely Impacting Argent Engine Performance

Version Argent AT – All Versions Date Thursday, 11 February 2016 Summary If the McAfee Antivirus is installed on any Argent Engine it has the potential to severely impact the Argent Engine performance Technical Background The McAfee process ‘mcshield.exe’ is seen from the Windows Server 2008 ‘Resource Monitor – Disk Activity’ having activity for files […]

KBI 311347 Some Countries Give False Results When Testing Websites With Argent Sentry

Version All Versions Date Thursday, 11 February 2016 Summary Some countries may give false results when testing websites with Argent Sentry To elaborate, different ISPs in different countries may cause websites that are actually down to appear up, or vice versa Technical Background There are a plethora of reasons for this, but the common ones […]

KBI 311356 Email Message For Argent Prerequisite Testing And Runtime Checking CLI Might Be Scrambled In Outlook

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Monday, 14 March 2016 Summary Argent Prerequisite Testing and Runtime Checking CL (ARGENT_TEST_PREREQUISITES.exe) sends results to automatically However, the message text might look scrambled with most of the new lines removed A sample email message looks like following: Click For Full Size This happens only in OUTLOOK […]

KBI 311359 Argent Product Security Configuration

Version All versions Date Thursday, 17 March 2016 Summary The article describes how to set Argent Product Security Configuration Technical Background Allow a normal user (non-Argent Administration) to set a Maintenance Schedule on selected server/device Nodes and Export Master Control Information or Export Maintenance Schedule Only, but deny all other access from the Argent AT […]

KBI 311361 Connect To A Remote Queue Engine Server From Queue Engine GUI

Version Argent Job Scheduler all versions Date Thursday, 17 March 2016 Summary Argent Queue Engine GUI provides facility to connect to a remote Queue Engine server installed in the same network Technical Background Argent Queue Engine GUI is used to monitor statuses of Jobs submitted to a particular Queue Engine Usually this application is used […]

KBI 311364 Argent WorldView Installation Fails When Executing SQL Script

Version Argent Worldview 2.3A-R3 and earlier Date Wednesday, 23 March 2016 Summary Customers installing Argent WorldView may find the installation fails with the following error: Click For Full Size Technical Background The issue is caused by an incompatible SQL database Compatibility Version Click For Full Size Resolution Pre-requisite checks will be included into newer versions […]

KBI 311365 Argent Job Scheduler Exit Code Handling

Version Argent Job Scheduler all versions Date Monday, 28 March 2016 Summary The Argent Job Scheduler can take actions based on Events related to an individual Job and the most important response option is the Exit Code Handling option which is defined in the Post Job component Technical Background Besides the generic actions that the […]

KBI 311377 Cannot Send Email Alert Using SMTP Server That Support TLS/SSL Only

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-C or earlier Date Monday, 18 April 2016 Summary Argent AT only supports traditional SMTP server using plain text authentication Nowadays, there are more and more SMTP servers implement TLS/SSL for encryption Gmail is the most popular example Argent AT cannot use to send email messages While Argent is working […]

KBI 311382 Argent Stops After Microsoft Hotfixes

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Friday, 22 April 2016 Summary Argent services may stop after applying Microsoft Hotfixes to the Argent database that uses Microsoft SQL Server Technical Background Several Microsoft Hotfixes for Microsoft SQL Server require a full server restart to apply the Hotfixes, this causes a database outage for the […]

KBI 311383 Configuring Exit Code Handling In Post Job For Multiple Cases

Version Argent Job Scheduler all versions Date Wednesday, 27 April 2016 Summary Argent Job Scheduler permits to specify multiple conditions in Exit code Handling of Post Job component which enables users to perform same or different actions for varying Exit codes Technical Background The Argent Job Scheduler can take actions based on Events related to […]

KBI 311394 A Few Jobs In Argent Job Scheduler Shows A Status Of Ready Retry

Version All Versions Date Thursday, 5 May 2016 Summary A few Jobs submitted (Ad Hoc or Rollover) get into Ready (Retry) status in Argent Job Scheduler Technical Background Customers have a query about why few Jobs in Argent Job Scheduler show a status of READY(RETRY) This situation occurs due to following reasons: When the Queue […]

KBI 311399 Sudden Failure When Moving To New Machine May Be By vMotion

Version Argent Job Scheduler – All Versions Date Tuesday, 24 May 2016 Summary When moving to a new machine, the new machine may have a smaller desktop heap size The desktop heap is a crucial but little understood aspect of all Windows machines, from the smallest laptop to the largest server The Windows desktop heap […]

KBI 311400 Monitoring SharePoint 2010/2013 Server Using Argent for SharePoint

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Tuesday, 24 May 2016 Summary This article explains how Argent for SharePoint monitors SharePoint 2010/2013 Server Technical Background Argent for SharePoint uses PowerShell Remoting to communicate with the SharePoint 2010 and 2013 servers PowerShell Remoting allows connect and monitor SharePoint servers remotely So Argent for SharePoint does […]

KBI 311405 Issue: Argent for Java Failed To Connect To JVM In Windows Server 2012

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date Thursday, 2 June 2016 Summary Argent for Java fires exception while connectivity test and Rule execution in Windows Server 2012 Technical Background Argent for Java uses APIs in JVM.dll to connect to a JVM and execute the Rules JVM.dll comes with Java Development Kit (JDK) If Argent for […]

KBI 311410 Argent Defender Script Editor Failed To Start With Error Failed To Initialize ARGSOFT_COMMON_DLL.DLL

Version Argent Advanced Technology all versions Date Friday, 10 June 2016 Summary Customer can record, edit and test Argent Defender scripts on Trusted Agent using Argent Defender Script Editor (CYCLOPS_SCRIPT_EDITOR.EXE) It could fail with error message ‘Failed to initialize ARGSOFT_COMMON_DLL.DLL’ It has been reported when Argent Defender Trusted Agent is installed on the same machine […]

KBI 311421 Events For SNMP Trap Message Are Always Fired By Default

Version Argent Advanced Technology All Versions Date Tuesday, 21 June 2016 Summary Events for SNMP Trap Message are always by default even the SNMP Trap Rule option ‘Post Event Even If Same Event Is Still Outstanding is unchecked The logic behind this is that processing of SNMP trap message is Event-driven The trap message is […]

KBI 311429 Configuring Alert For Prerequisite Rules

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Monday, 4 July 2016 Summary This article explains how to configure Alert for Prerequisite Rules Technical Background Configuring Alert for Prerequisite Rules can avoid firing alerts in the Main Rule This way Alert of the prerequisite can be send to a different level of recipients For example, […]

KBI 311451 User Guide for Argent Total Support Interface ActiveX Library

Version All versions Date Friday, 26 August 2016 Summary User Guide for Argent Total Support Interface ActiveX Library Technical Background Argent Total Support Interface ActiveX Library allows 3rd party program to do following: Enumerate Alert and Alert Macro definitions Post Event request to Argent Console Engine Retrieve processing status and trace logs for Event request […]

KBI 311452 Argent Jobs Suddenly Fail Or Appear To Fail

Version Argent Job Scheduler – Any Version Date Monday, 5 September 2016 Summary Everything in the world is interconnected, and this is especially true of any distributed Job Scheduler After running happily for months or years, if Jobs suddenly start to fail the first place to look is the network Argent has seen a London […]

KBI 311455 iSeries Rules Fails With Error 551 In Argent Guardian Ultra

Version Argent Guardian Ultra – All Versions Date Monday, 19 September 2016 Summary Customers receive the following error when running or testing Active Job Rules on iSeries servers from Argent Guardian Ultra: “Response:551 REJECT Error/Exception: QUSLJOB API information is not complete. Command (JOBLIST MSGW) failed. XT AS400 Agent reported unhandled exception. Error Text: Error/Exception: […]

KBI 311459 AWS Why Windows Event Log Monitoring Is So Much Faster On AWS EC2

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All versions Date Tuesday, 20 September 2016 Summary The traditional way to monitor Windows Event Logs is to use the classic Windows Event Log API The central Argent Engine reads Event log file on the remote machine across the network, loads the message DLLs, and composes the Event details on […]

KBI 311463 Job Never End In Argent Job Scheduler

Version Argent Job Scheduler all versions Date Friday, 7 October 2016 Summary Sometimes a Job in the Argent Job Scheduler never end and show status as ‘Running’ in console screen (J1 screen) even though the Job Log states the Job has ended Technical Background Argent Job scheduler considers a Job as ended only when all […]

KBI 311464 Argent for Sybase Prerequisites

Version Argent Advanced Technology 3.1A-1601-T19 and later Date Tuesday, 18 October 2016 Summary This article describes the prerequisites needed to install Argent for Sybase to monitor Sybase ASE instances Technical Background Prerequisites to install Argent for Sybase 64 bit Operating System Argent for Sybase makes use of SAP ASE Developer’s Edition installation, which requires a […]

KBI 311465 Customizing CMDB-X Fields For Reporting Tools Like Tableau

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date Tuesday, 18 October 2016 Summary Argent’s open CMDB-X allows customers to easily integrate data with third-party reporting tools, like Tableau This KBI discusses how Argent’s CMDB-X provides flexible open-text fields that customers can use for any purpose they wish Technical Background When adding a new server or […]

KBI 311466 Memory Balloons On Server Requiring A Hard Reboot

Version All Versions Date Wednesday, 19 October 2016 Summary In certain cases Microsoft patches can break Argent and the production server Recently a patch was made to update Internet Explorer from version 8 to 11 This bad Microsoft patch caused Argent Monitoring Engine processes that were spawned from Argent Sentry Ultra and Argent Guardian Ultra […]

KBI 311471 AWS Configure PowerShell Remoting For Windows EC2 Instance

Version Argent for AWS 5.1A-1610-A and later Date Friday, 28 October 2016 Summary Windows EC2 instance is typically a standalone VM User has to logon with local account through Remote Desktop It is inconvenient when dealing with many such VM’s without remote management mechanism Windows PowerShell Remoting serves the purpose well and is pre-installed in […]

KBI 311480 What Data Sources Can Argent Read From

Version Argent AT – All Versions Date Wednesday, 30 November 2016 Summary Argent Commander and Argent Reports can be used to display a graphical representation of non-Argent related data located in an external data source Technical Background There are various Argent AT Products that can connect to external third party data sources, extract necessary data […]

KBI 311482 AWS Use PowerShell Rule To Monitor AWS

Version Argent for AWS 5.1A-1610-A and later Date Thursday, 1 December 2016 Summary The AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell lets developers and administrators manage their AWS services from the Windows PowerShell scripting environment PowerShell Rule in Argent for AWS combined with this toolkit provides a complete programming environment, allowing ultimate flexibility to monitor AWS Credentials […]

KBI 311483 AWS Use System Command Alert To Start EC2 Instance

Version Argent for AWS 5.1A-1610-A and later Date Thursday, 1 December 2016 Summary AWS CLI allows managing AWS resource through command line When Argent for AWS Engine detects some abnormal condition, it is possible to fire System Command Alert, which in turn calls AWS CLI to do some management tasks This KBI shows how to […]