Author: Argent Admin

KBI 310077 False System Down Alerts

Version All Date 20 Mar 2008 Summary False System Down alerts can be triggered when performing NDE_API_CONNECT Rule at 12:00 and 00:00 when the relator is set to run at 00:00. Technical Background The Argent Guardian engine performs a normal recycling action during this timeframe. Depending on several factors including hardware and software configuration, the […]

KBI 310078 Custom Reports Cannot Be Viewed In The Argent Business Manager

Version Argent Business Manager 8.0A-0701 and later Date 21 Oct 2007 Summary Custom Reports cannot be viewed in the Argent Business Manager. Technical Background Customized reports can be introduced in the Argent Console by editing Crystal Reports .rpt files. These customized reports are visible in the Argent Console and are delivered in Automated Report Distributions. […]

KBI 310079 How To implement Save To Secondary Argent Predictor Database

Version Argent Guardian 8.0A-0501 and later Date 4 Apr 2008 Summary There are no prerequisites for using the option “Save To Secondary Argent Predictor Database”. The way it works is, if you do not have the option selected, then all data older than what the “Day Limit For Keeping Argent Predictor Data” value is set […]

KBI 310080 Installing AVM_ME.EXE Via Remote Engine Installation Package

Version Argent Monitor For VMware 8.0A-0707 and later Date 14 Feb 2008 Summary When creating and installing a Remote Engine Installation Package, the AVM_ME.EXE may not install but the other products install correctly. The VMware SDK COM API needs to be installed on the server first before the Remote Engine Installation Package will install correctly. […]

KBI 310081 Unable To Purge Events From Client GUI

Version Up to 0801 Date 27 Dec 2007 Summary Operator is unable to purge Events from the Argent Console on client GUI installation. Technical Background This issue was observed on a fresh installation of the Argent Extended Technology on the server and fresh install of the Argent Extended Technology client GUI. Events can be purged […]

KBI 310082 iSeries Message Answer With An Ignore

Version Argent Guardian 8.0A-0801 and later Date 13 Mar 2008 Summary How can the Argent Guardian for iSeries Answer a message with an Ignore. Technical Background Sending a response to an iSeries message with an Ignore from the Argent Guardian for iSeries. Resolution Use the iSeries command RPYMSG with specific message data of “i”, “I”.

KBI 310083 The Argent SNMP Monitor Installer Crashes If Not SQL DB Owner

Version Up to 0804 Date 20 Sep 2007 Summary The Argent SNMP Monitor installer crashes if not SQL DB owner Technical Background The installer for the Argent SNMP Monitor crashes in ARGENT_SETUP2.EXE if all of the following conditions are true: SQL Server is chosen as backing database The credentials used for database access are not […]

KBI 311999 Argent Reports Failing To Automatically Send Reports

Version Argent Reports — All Versions Date Monday, 27 June 2022 Summary Some third party software products will change the Windows Default File Association as part of the install or upgrade process Changing some defaults stop Argent Reports from creating and emailing reports Technical Background Argent Reports uses Active Server Pages and VBScript files to […]

KBI 310084 The Argent Console Upgrade Recreates Demo Alerts

Version Up to and including Argent Console 8.0A-0707-T5-B Date 11 Feb 2008 Summary The Argent Console upgrade recreates demo alerts. Technical Background Upgrading an installation of 8.0A-0707D to 8.0A-0707-T5-B will recreate demo Alerts, even if these had been deleted from the original install. Before the upgrade: Click For Full Size After the upgrade: Click For […]

KBI 310085 Network Scan Range For ICMP Ping

Version Argent Guardian 8.0A-0804 Date 14 Jun 2008 Summary “Day Limit For Keeping Argent Predictor Data” gets reset to 7 days in the Argent Guardian. Technical Background When installing a Non-Stop Motor Engine for the Argent Guardian, it causes the “Day Limit For Keeping Argent Predictor Data” to be reset back to the default setting […]

KBI 310087 Ping Rule With Wait And Try Again Always Saves Latency

Version Up to and including Argent Guardian 8.0A-0707-D Date 11 Feb 2008 Summary Ping rule with ‘Wait And Try Again’ always saves latency. Technical Background A Ping Rule in the Argent Guardian can be configured to ‘Wait And Try Again‘ as follows: Click For Full Size In this case, the customer wants to save SLA […]

KBI 310088 Concurrency Issue With Prerequisite Unix Rules

Version Up to and including Argent Oracle Monitor 8.0A-0707-D Date 11 Feb 2008 Summary Concurrency issue with prerequisite Unix Rules. Technical Background Configuring a Relator to use Prerequisites (“Relator Won’t Run On Node Unless All Following Rules Pass“) results in the prerequisite rule being executed simultaneously, one for each server in the original Monitoring Groups. […]

KBI 310089 Performance Counters Unavailable

Version All Date 12 Mar 2008 Summary Performance Counters from a target machine are unavailable to the Argent Guardian Performance Rules. Technical Background Performance Counters may not be available because of an inability to connect to the server or the performance counters do not exist on the server, and they should. Resolution Log in as […]

KBI 310090 The Argent Queue Engine For HP-UX

Version Argent Job Scheduler 7.0A-0710-B Date 24 Jan 2008 Summary While using the Argent Job Scheduler 7.0A-0710-B in conjunction with the Argent Queue Engine for HP-UX 5.0A-0607 the Queue Engine and its queues are displayed correctly in the Argent Job Scheduler interface but no jobs can be submitted. Technical Background The Argent Queue Engine for […]

KBI 310091 Unix Monitoring Scripts Can Fill Up /Tmp Filesystem

Version All Date 19 Feb 2008 Summary In some cases UNIX monitoring scripts are not properly removed from /tmp on the Monitored Node. Customers have reported running out of space on /tmp as a result. Technical Background The Argent Guardian uses PSCP to securely copy the monitoring script to the Monitored Node. The file is […]

KBI 310092 MSSQL Simple Vs. Full Recovery Model

Version MSSQL 2000/2005 Date 31 Jan 2008 Summary MSSQL provides three different recovery models to choose from: Simple, Full, Bulk-Logged. Each option controls the growth of the database’s transaction log. The larger the transaction log, the slower the response time can be to queries made against the database. This article focuses on the more common […]

KBI 310093 The Argent Sentry Inadvertently Follows PHP Hrefs

Version Up to and including Argent Sentry 8.0A-0707-D Date 27 Sep 2007 Summary The Argent Sentry inadvertently follows PHP Hrefs Technical Background The Argent Sentry “Web Site Response Time Rules” allow the checking of a single web page for particular text content. The rule definitions do not have any parameters to influence which pages are […]

KBI 310095 Could Not Save Network Group Argent AIX Server Pool Into Database

Version All Date 6 Nov 2007 Summary Performing the Argent installation may yield an error message: “Could not save Network Group ‘the Argent AIX Server Pool’ into database.” Technical Background This is related to a Veritas Cluster issue due to a naming misconfiguration. Overview Log shipping is the process of automating the backup of database […]

KBI 310096 When Good Rules Go Bad

Version All Date 2 Sep 2007 Summary A brief article on important rule features. Technical Background While rule creation is generally a simple point-and-click process, over time even the best defined rules can be modified beyond all definition. After all, easily defined rules are also easy to modify. Generally it’s someone “just tweaking some settings” […]

KBI 310097 Argent Extended Technology Not Working Under German Windows

Version Argent Console 8.0A-0801 Date 8 Apr 2008 Summary The Argent Extended Technology product appears to not work properly under German Windows Operating Systems. The issue is caused by a difference in how the local administrators group is presented in German. The workaround is to customize the ‘security.xml‘ file for each installed product to point […]

KBI 310098 The Argent Ninja And The Argent Business Manager Version Conflict

Version Argent Ninja 8.0A-0801 Date 19 May 2008 Summary When the Argent Ninja or the Argent Business Manager are installed there is a message citing a version conflict. Technical Background When installing the Argent Ninja or the Argent Business Manager 0801 on a machine that has the Argent Extended Technologies 0804, there is a message […]

KBI 310099 Auto-Upgrade For Client GUI Fails To Start.

Version Up to and including Argent Extended Technology 8.0A-0707 Date 10 Apr 2008 Summary After upgrading the Primary Argent Scheduling engine to 8.0A-0801, when attempting to start a Client GUI (installed on user’s workstation, etc), instead of automatically downloading and upgrading the Client GUI, you receive a version mismatch message. Technical Background The XT_UPGRADE.EXE file […]

KBI 310100 DB Check Error During Upgrade

Version Argent SNMP Monitor 8.0A-0707 Date 23 Aug 2007 Summary During the upgrade of the Argent SNMP Monitor when the DB Check runs, you may receive a pop up message stating “Structural Database Errors Have Been Detected.Contact Argent Support.” Upon acknowledging the pop up, you find the DB Check picked up a value conflict. Technical […]

KBI 310101 Issue Loading 64-bit Message DLLs

Version Up to and including Argent Data Consolidator 8.0A-0801 Date 21 Feb 2008 Summary While running Event Log reports in the Argent Data Consolidator, customer may find the description of the event is improperly formatted. Investigating this further by looking at the service logs of the Argent Data Consolidator, a version of the following error […]

KBI 310102 The Argent Exchange Monitor Link And Queue Rule Threshold Issue

Version Argent Exchange Monitor 8.0A-0707-D Date 13 Feb 2008 Summary The Argent Exchange Monitor Link And Queue Rule Threshold Issue. Technical Background The Argent Exchange Monitor does not display the “Number Of Queued Messages Exceeds” threshold from the database when displaying and editing a Link And Queue Rule. It always displays the default of “10” […]

KBI 310104 The Argent SQL Monitor With Non Default SQL Instances

Version Argent SQL Monitor 8.0A-0707-D Date 29 Nov 2007 Summary The Argent SQL Monitor With Non Default SQL Instances Technical Background The Argent SQL Monitor can be used to monitor SQL Server databases of the default instance, as well as SQL Servers of a named instance. If selection of the instance is performed at the […]

KBI 310105 Remote GUI Installation For A 64-Bit Windows Argent Server

Version Argent Console 8.0A-0707-D Date 18 Oct 2007 Summary Remote GUI Installation For A 64-Bit Windows Argent Server Technical Background The 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2003 has implemented the registry in a way that affects the ability for 32-bit clients to read registry values. More details are found in Microsoft KB 896459. This impacts […]

KBI 310106 Microsoft Exchange 2007 and Back Pressure

Version Microsoft Exchange 2007 Date 28 Dec 2007 Summary Exchange 2007 implements a new Resource Monitoring feature for Microsoft Exchange Transport called ‘Back Pressure‘. This feature was implemented to avoid Microsoft Exchange Transport Services (those responsible for delivering mail) from being stopped due to the following reasons: HD Space on the partition that stores message […]

KBI 310107 Cannot Purge Argent Console Events

Version Argent Console 8.0A-0707-C Date 6 Sep 2007 Summary The Argent Data Consolidator events cannot be purged. Technical Background The Argent Console prevents the Argent Data Consolidator Events from being purged either manually or automatically after x number of days. When attempting to purge these events, it appears that the purging is happening. However, when […]

KBI 310108 Installer Error Unmatched Field Length For Column Ruletype

Version Argent Console 8.0A-0707-D Date 5 Sep 2007 Summary When upgrading from 8.0A-0707_C to 8.0A-0707_D the installer may report an error during the Database Integrity Check: — ERROR — Unmatched field length for column ‘ruletype’ (16 vs. 32 bytes) This does not appear to affect the further operations of the installer, nor impede the customer’s […]

KBI 310110 Daughter Engine Process Wrong Relators

Version ALL Date 11 Jul 2008 Summary Daughter Engine Process Wrong Relators Technical Background You have implemented Daughter Engines (also known as Regional Engines) in multiple locations (Tennessee and Florida), but for some reason one of your Daughter Engines (Florida) is processing requests for Relators from other remote locations (Tennessee) and generating unnecessary network traffic. […]

KBI 310111 Possible Slow Performance Of Argent GUI Under Citrix

Version ALL Date 25 Jul 2008 Summary Argent Console GUI in a Citrix Session Technical Background A possible issue was noticed during a recent training session at a customer site where the attendees were using the Argent Console GUI in Citrix sessions. What appeared to be happening was a lag in updating configuration data of […]

KBI 310112 Basic SNMP Checks For Argent Products

Version ALL Date 5 Aug 2008 Summary You cannot get the Argent Guardian, the Argent Data Consolidator or the Argent SNMP Monitor to work properly for receiving traps OR the Relator being used shows that the SNMP device is not broken even though you have purposely set a low threshold that you know should be […]

KBI 310113 Argent Defender Recorder Fails To Function When Building Script

Version ALL Date 1 Jun 2006 Summary The Argent Defender Recorder (CYCLOPS_RECORDER.DLL) is an Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object, or BHO. Because of some Microsoft bugs, sometimes Windows fails to see the BHO. Technical Background N/A Resolution If this happens, manually register the BHO with the following command: regsvr32 cyclops_recorder.dll This can be verified by […]

KBI 310114 ODBC Errors And Invalid Identifier When Using Oracle

Version 8.0A-0804 or below. This KBI only applies to customers using Oracle 9i, 10g and 11g as a backend. Date 18 Aug 2008 Summary After installing Argent Extended Technology using Oracle 9i, 10g or 11g as a backend, issues occurred when storing data into the Oracle database. When investigating the Argent Alert Engine Log, the […]

KBI 310115 Argent Job Scheduler Control Panel Freezes During Rollover Processing

Version Argent Job Scheduler prior to version 0801-D Date 21 Aug 2008 Summary An issue has been identified in which the Argent Job Scheduler Control Panel exhibits “freeze” behavior during or after Job Scheduler Rollover processing. Technical Background During Job Scheduler rollover and archival processing, the following status message may appear on the Job Scheduler […]

KBI 310116 Argent Defender Failed To Register craxdrt9.dll

Version All Date 9 Sep 2008 Summary This KBI explains what to do if you receive the following error message while installing Argent Defender:      Failed To Register craxdrt9.dll Technical Background The craxdrt9.dll file is required for Argent Defender’s Crystal Reports to appear. This DLL is dependent on the existence of another Crystal Reports DLL known […]

KBI 310119 PSCP.EXE Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close…

Version Argent Extended Technology (All Versions) Date 17 Sep 2008 Summary UNIX/Linux node successfully passes the “Test UNIX Connection” in the license manger. However, when they attempt to run any script on that node from Argent they see the following windows error: Technical Background Argent uses cached host keys to test the connection to the […]

KBI 310120 ODBC Buffer Limit Issue In Custom Report

Version All Date 1 Oct 2008 Summary You receive the following message when selecting a large number of entries for a custom report: Technical Background N/A Resolution Alter the ODBC_TXTBUF_IN_KB registry location for the affected product. An example of this for the Argent SNMP Monitor is shown below: The above value could be increased from […]

KBI 310121 Confirming WMI Connectivity

Version All Date 10 Oct 2008 Summary The Argent Defender Root Cause Analysis scripts or the Argent WMI Monitor products may not work properly if the underlying Microsoft WMI subsystem is not functioning properly. Technical Background N/A Resolution Confirm that basic Microsoft WMI connectivity is working properly. Test 1: Confirm local WMI functionality Click Start […]

KBI 310122 Exchange Power Shell Adapter Function Fails On 64-Bit Platforms

Version Argent Extended Technology prior to version 0807-T3 Date 9 Oct 2008 Summary When users create Relators to monitor Microsoft Exchange 2007 servers, the Power Shell error “SYSTEM.BADIMAGEFORMATEXCEPTION: AN ATTEMPT WAS MADE TO LOAD A PROGRAM WITH AN INCORRECT FORMAT” is generated in the Results Log of Relator testing and the Relator Trace Log. The […]

KBI 310123 Changing Web Ports Within IIS Manager

Version Argent Business Manager – All Date 13 Sep 2008 Summary Occasionally, the Argent Business Manager will be installed on a server that has other web servers running on it. This can cause conflicts between the multiple web servers and the Argent Business Manager especially if all web servers are using the default Internet Information […]

KBI 310124 Schedule Monitoring Tasks Based On Time Zone Of Monitored Machine

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Date 20 Oct 2008 Summary Many organizations are geographically spread across two or more time zones. You may need your Relator to run at a precise time regardless of any time differences between your Argent Engine and the Time Zone of your monitored machine. Technical Background By default Argent […]

KBI 310127 Microsoft’s PDH.DLL Causing Blue Screen In Argent

Version All Date 24 Oct 2008 Summary Microsoft Windows operating systems have built-in facilities to collect performance monitoring information. In addition, they provide an Application Programming Interface (API) to enable software developers to interrogate the gathered information. Argent uses this API to gather performance counters. When using a single process to gather performance counters from […]

KBI 310128 Windows Server 200x Blue Screen Error 0x000000cb

Version All Date 28 Oct 2008 Summary Customers can get Blue Screens when monitored Windows 2000/2003 servers. On Windows 2003, the Blue Screen error is: STOP 0x000000cb (0xba5d97b2, 0xba5c9e7d, 0x86a1f6c8, 0x00000002) Technical Background Whilst this error occurs when the Argent is monitoring the system, the Argent code is NOT causing the error, but rather is […]

KBI 310129 ODBC Error Timeout Expired

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0A – 0807 Date 7 Nov 2008 Summary When a user tries to open the Argent Console the following ODBC Error Message appears: Technical Background The above error is related to a backend database performance issue. The issue could be a corrupted table in the database, a large table in the […]

KBI 310130 Telnet Timeout Issue For UNIX Rules

Version Up to and including Argent Guardian 8.0A-0807 Date 15 Nov 2008 Summary Telnet sessions will intermittently drop for UNIX rules. Technical Background UNIX Rules may encounter time-out issues, when Telnet is used as the connection method. The following Relator trace log will be seen: Click For Full Size Resolution Increase the timeout value specified […]

KBI 310131 Web Service Extension Within IIS Manager

Version Argent Web Products – All Date 17 Nov 2008 Summary When installing any Argent Web Product, you might receive an error concerning Web Service Extension for .net not being enabled. Technical Background Before you decide to install a particular version of ASP.NET, it is a good idea to first verify which version or versions […]

KBI 310132 Queue Engine Connection Issue And Incorrect Registry Settings

Version Argent Queue Engine 7.0A-0810-A Date 24 Oct 2008 Summary The Argent Job Scheduler GUI cannot connect to existing Argent Job Scheduler Queue Engines. When this occurs a message box may appear that states that the Argent Queue Engine service is not started – even though the Argent Queue Engine Service is started. Additionally, the […]

KBI 310133 Argent Job Scheduler: Requested Operation Cannot Be Performed

Version Argent Job Scheduler 7.0A-0810-A or above Date 24 November 2008 Summary When upgrading to a new release or when removing either the Argent Job Scheduler or the Argent Queue Engine components you may encounter the following messages: Technical Background N/A Resolution Follow the below steps to avoid possible file locking issues which can cause […]

KBI 310135 Event ID 7035 and 7036-WMI Performance Adapter

Version All Date 22 Dec 2008 Summary Customers may notice events appearing in the System Event Log on their monitored Windows Servers, referencing the “WMI Performance Adapter”. Technical Background Here are a few samples of the events that appear: Event Type: Information Event Source: Service Control Manager Event Category: None Event ID: 7035 … User: […]

KBI 310136 Excess Handle Counts When Monitoring Performance Counters

Version All Date 24 Dec 2008 Summary Windows Servers with performance monitoring done via Argent Guardian show massive excess of handles for svchost.exe, along with consequent available memory loss. Handle counts of between 15,000 and 30,000 are seen in all servers investigated. Technical Background Using Process Explorer (Sysinternals tool) the source of the handle count […]

KBI 310137 Argent Data Consolidator and 64-bit Event Logs

Version Argent Data Consolidator 8.0A-0810 Date 27 Dec 2008 Summary The Argent Data Consolidator Scheduling Engine log will contain entries similar to the following: 12 Oct 2008 15:17:20.863 ARGENTMONITOR03 argent ALERT IS NOT FIRED for error Cannot Format Event Log Content (Formatting error of event log ‘SECURITY’ of server ‘SQLDB07’. Failed to LoadLibraryEx \\SQLDB07\C$\WINDOWS\System32\MsAuditE.dll. (Error: […]

KBI 310138 Unable To Navigate Out Of Argent Sentry License Manager

Version Argent Sentry 8.0A-0810-T1 Date 12 Jan 2009 Summary When navigating in the Argent Console to Argent Sentry (this may affect other products also), the console goes directly to the License Manager, and will not allow you to navigate anywhere else. When you try to select another snap-in, the Argent Console appears to enter the […]

KBI 310139 Microsoft PerfMon Counters Not Available

Version All Date 14 Jan 2009 Summary When trying to connect to Microsoft performance counters on another Windows server, you receive errors in the Argent logs stating that the Microsoft PerfMon counters are not available. When you try to connect to the server via Microsoft PerfMon remotely, you get the following message: Unable to connect […]

KBI 310140 Invalid HostName Issue In Business Manager

Version All Versions Of Argent Business Manager Date 29 Jan 2009 Summary Argent Business Manager may not load properly when hostname with “_” (Underscore) is specified in the URL. This will work fine with “localhost” or IP address of the machine. This Microsoft issue is only visible in Internet Explorer 6 and above. Firefox will […]

KBI 310141 Windows NetRemoteTOD API Call Generates Alerts When A Ping Does Not

Version All Date 13 Feb 2009 Summary A customer gets alerts from a Windows API check against a server even though it responds OK to a ping command. Technical Background When using the option for Use Windows NetRemoteTOD API in the System Down and SLA Rules, this prompts the monitored server to respond to the […]

KBI 310142 Argent Sentry Causing Internet Explorer Parser Errors

Version All Date 13 Feb 2009 Summary A customer may report seeing Internet Explorer parser errors on their Argent servers when using the Internet Explorer Scanning Web Page Method in the Web Site Response Time Rules. Technical Background This may occur if the Rule is run at a fast interval, such as every 1 minute. […]

KBI 310143 GetNodeClusterState-Overlapped I/O Operation Is In Progress

Version All Date 11 Feb 2009 Summary A customer may report seeing the error message: Error status is returned for the cluster API GetNodeClusterState for node . (Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.) Technical Background This is a Microsoft limitation. MSDN article: “The current Microsoft GetNodeClusterState function does not support a 64-bit Windows-based node […]

KBI 310144 Argent Defender Deadlocks and Unexpected Dialog Box Errors

Version All versions of Argent Defender Date 12 Feb 2009 Summary When attempting to run an Argent Defender RTP Session against a website, the session fails with “Unexpected dialog box” and “Deadlock” error messages when an IIS login dialog is present. Technical Background Error messages in the trace log include: Unexpected dialog box (unknown) – […]

KBI 310145 ODBC Error String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Version Argent Job Scheduler 4.6A-0601-T3 or greater Date 12 Feb 2009 Summary The Argent Job Scheduler Control Panel graphical user interface (GUI) will not show that a job has properly completed, but the Argent Job Scheduler Queue Engine log file shows that the job completed successfully. Technical Background The Argent Job Scheduler database contains a […]

KBI 310146 Backup Database Feature Does Not Restore All Definitions

Version Argent XT 8.0A-0807 or later Date 12 Feb 2009 Summary During a migration to a new server, it is recommended to use the Argent Backup Database feature, located under the Tools menu, to create the necessary XTB files to migrate to a new server. After you migrate to a new Windows Server and restore […]

KBI 310147 Anti-virus Software Exclusions

Version All Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary Anti-virus software exists to protect you from viruses. They interrupt every call to disk or memory and see if anything bad is happening… that is a good thing because it makes your machine safer, it is a bad thing because some things do not need to be scanned. […]

KBI 310148 Faulting Application In Argent BoardRoom SETUP.EXE

Version Argent BoardRoom 9.5A-0901-RC4 Date 26 Feb 2009 Summary You may receive the following message in the Windows Application Event log when attempting to run Setup.exe for Argent BoardRoom: Event ID: 1000 Event Description: Faulting application SETUP.EXE, version, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.2.3790.4062, fault address 0x0000bee7 Technical Background This issue appears to be caused […]

KBI 310149 Argent Commander SETUP.EXE Crashes Under Windows 2008

Version Argent Commander Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary When running SETUP.exe in Windows 2008 (32 or 64-bit), SETUP.exe may crash and not even start properly after double-clicking on it. Technical Background Windows 2008 has a special “feature” where it keeps a list of crashed executable filenames. Being that SETUP.exe is the industry-standard for almost all […]

KBI 310150 Argent Defender Could Not Initialize ArgSoft_Common_DLL

Version Argent Defender Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary This issue is only known to occur when starting the application on a server running Windows Server 2008. It is caused by Microsoft’s Windows UAC (User Account Control). Technical Background N/A Resolution Disable Windows UAC (User Account Control). See Also:  How Do I Disable UAC In Windows […]

KBI 310151 Argent Job Scheduler Job Control Panel Has Stopped Working

Version Argent Job Scheduler Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary This issue is only known to occur when starting the application on a server running Windows Server 2008. It is caused by Microsoft’s Windows UAC (User Account Control). Technical Background N/A Resolution Disable Windows UAC (User Account Control). See Also:  How Do I Disable UAC In […]

KBI 310152 Argent for SharePoint Could Not Initialize ArgSoft_Common_DLL

Version Argent for SharePoint Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary This issue is only known to occur when starting the application on a server running Windows Server 2008. It is caused by Microsoft’s Windows UAC (User Account Control). Technical Background N/A Resolution Disable Windows UAC (User Account Control). See Also:  How Do I Disable UAC In […]

KBI 310153 Argent Commander HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Version Argent Commander Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary This issue is only known to occur when starting the application on a server running Windows Server 2008. It is caused by Microsoft’s Windows UAC (User Account Control). Technical Background N/A Resolution Disable Windows UAC (User Account Control). See Also:  How Do I Disable UAC In Windows […]

KBI 310154 Failed To Open GUI Log File In Argent XT

Version Argent Extended Technology Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary This issue is known to occur when starting the application on a server running Windows Server 2008. It only occurs the second and subsequent times the Argent Extended Technology Console is started after being installed. It is caused by Microsoft’s Windows UAC (User Account Control). A […]

KBI 310155 Unable To Start or Stop Argent Services In Argent XT Console

Version Argent Extended Technology Date 4 Mar 2009 Summary This issue is known to occur when starting the application on a server running Windows Server 2008. It only occurs the second and subsequent times the Argent Extended Technology Console is started after being installed. It is caused by Microsoft’s Windows UAC (User Account Control). A […]

KBI 310156 Configuring VM Guests In Argent Monitor for VMware

Version Argent Monitor for VMware Date 11 Mar 2009 Summary Each VM Guest running under VMware ESX Server must be licensed for Argent Monitor for VMware license and configured in License Manager Properties. If this configuration is not setup correctly the VMT and VMU rules generate “Node ‘SERVER’ is not licensed” errors. Technical Background N/A […]

KBI 310157 Unable To Generate Custom Crystal Reports

Version Argent XT Date 18 Mar 2009 Summary A customer may find that Argent is unable to generate custom reports created by the customer using a version of Crystal Reports other than Crystal Reports 9.0. Technical Background When the customer tries to view the custom report/graph, it sometimes causes Argent to exit unexpectedly. Some reports […]

KBI 310158 Removing Legacy Tables from Argent Job Scheduler

Version Argent Job Scheduler 7 or later Date 19 Mar 2009 Summary This article documents the procedure for removing legacy Argent Job Scheduler (version 4) tables from an Argent Job Scheduler (version 7) back-end database. Technical Background During a migration from Argent Job Scheduler version 4 to version 7, legacy tables from version 4 may […]

KBI 310159 Environment Variable Error When Installing On 64-bit Systems

Version 8.0A-0807 or later Date 27 March 2009 Summary When the Argent Guardian Extended Technology is installed on a Windows 64-Bit system, the following message may appear: Technical Background The above message can be safely ignored during installation. This message occurs because Microsoft has changed the location of the environment variables on 64-bit systems. Resolution […]

KBI 310160 Argent Data Consolidator Not Starting On 64-bit Systems

Version 8.0A-0807 or later Date 27 March 2009 Summary When the Argent Data Consolidator is installed on a Windows 64-Bit system, the Argent Data Consolidator Scheduling Engine service will not start properly. Technical Background This issue occurs because the 64-bit Windows operating system places registry values for 32-bit setup programs into a special registry key […]

KBI 310161 Daughter Engines Not Communicating With 64-bit Systems

Version All Date 27 March 2009 Summary When installing a daughter engine that communicates with a 64-bit server running the Argent Main Engine, the following message during setup can be seen: Server XYZ is not a Argent Console Main Engine. Technical Background This issue occurs because the daughter engine setup installation process is attempting to […]

KBI 310162 Argent Log File Grows Past Specified Maximum Size

Version All versions Date 14 April 2009 Summary Occasionally you may run into a situation where an Argent log file grows larger than the default value of 5 MB. Technical Background This can be caused by a variety of factors such as an anti-virus program or some other process that locks the affected Argent log […]

KBI 310163 Argent SNMP Trap Monitoring and Invalid IP Address

Version Argent Extended Technology Date 14 April 2009 Summary When monitoring SNMP traps, a customer may see messages in the log files similar to the following: 26 Feb 2009 13:08:37.475 WAS-AGT1 argent_admin Following SNMP trap is received but matching none criteria of production SNMP Trap Monitor: Trap generic=6 specific=2 Enterprise (. From <Invalid IP […]

KBI 310164 Maximum Allowed TCP Connections

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0A-0901-B Date 29 May 2009 Summary The following entry appears in the service logs: Maximum allowed TCP connections are in process. Wait for next attempt Technical Background This message is a WARNING message, not an error. The below registry key controls the maximum concurrent TCP connections: HKLM\Software\Argent\ArgentManagementConsole\TCP_MAX_ALLOWED_CONNECTION When current connections are […]

KBI 310165 Failed To Load GSP File in Argent XT

Version Argent Extended Technology 8.0A-0901-B Date 2 June 2009 Summary When switching from using the Fast Graphics Engine to the Extended Graphics Engine, each time a graph is previewed by selecting the ‘View Report/Graph’ tab an error message appears: “Failed to load GSP file”. Technical Background This issue occurs when a custom graph is created […]

KBI 310166 Cannot Consolidate W2008 Security Logs from W2003

Version Argent Data Consolidator 8.0A-0901-B Date 2 June 2009 Summary Attempting to consolidate a Windows 2008 Security log from a Windows 2003 machine causes the Argent Data Consolidator Engine Log to fill up with the following messages: ALERT IS NOT FIRED for error Cannot Format Event Log Content (Formatting error of event log ‘SECURITY’ of […]

KBI 310167 Argent Defender Unable To Record Sessions In IE8

Version Argent Defender 9.5A-0904-T4 and below Date 2 July 2009 Summary Argent Defender is unable to record RTP Sessions or play recorded scripts on a machine with Internet Explorer 8 installed. Technical Background Internet Explorer 8 introduced a new feature where each browser tab has its own process. By default, IE8 will start with two […]

KBI 310168 ODBC Timeout Issues Generating Event Log Reports

Version 8.0A-0901-B Date 8 July 2009 Summary N/A Technical Background A customer may complain that certain reports cannot be generated from within the Argent Predictor and an “ODBC Error: Timeout Expired (80004005)” will be encountered. This will generally only happen with the “Eventlog Error and Warning Reports” Resolution The issue is not with the Argent […]

KBI 310169 Installing Web Products on W2003 64-bit

Version Argent Business Manager, Argent Ninja and Argent Commander Date 23 Jul 2009 Summary While installing Argent Web Products on Windows 2003 64 bit, you may get the following message box: Your current IIS settings do not support 32-bit web applications. Please configure your IIS settings to run 32-bit web applications and try again. Technical […]

KBI 310170 When NETWORK.XML Cannot Be Read, Nodes Report PREDICTOR NOT LICENSED

Version Argent XT 8.0A prior to 8.0A-0804 Date 31 Jul 2009 Summary N/A Technical Background In versions of Argent XT 8.0A prior to 8.0A-0804, Master Catalog information was stored exclusively in the ‘NETWORK.XML‘ file located in c:\Argent\ArgentManagementConsole. More current releases of Argent XT store the Master Catalog information in the backend database, however the NETWORK.XML […]

KBI 310171 ODBC Error in Application Event Log

Version All Products Date 14 September 2009 Summary The following ODBC error appears in the “Application” event log at a regular interval. Event Type: Error Event Source: ODBC Event Category: None Event ID: 0 The description for Event ID 0) in Source (ODBC) cannot be found; the local computer typically does not have the necessary […]

KBI 310172 Event ID 1008 in Application Event Log

Version All Products Date 14 September 2009 Summary A customer may report the following Perflib error appearing in the “Application” event log at a regular interval. Event Type: Error Event Source: Perflib Event Category: None Event ID: 1008 The Open Procedure for service “Service Name (e.g., Psched)” in DLL “Path of DLL (e.g., C:\WINDOWS\system32\pschdprf.dll)” failed. […]

KBI 310173 UNIXSSH.INI File Not Being Read

Version Argent XT 8.0A-0901-B or above Date 5 October 2009 Summary The UNIXSSH.INI file no longer appears to be read. Previously, this file was able to be customized so customers could customize the pscp and plink commands used to execute UNIX monitoring scripts. E.g. manually specifying commands to optimize SSH connections, allow use of private […]

KBI 310174 License File Does Not Contain License For Current Product

Version Argent XT 8.0A-0907-B or below Date 6 October 2009 Summary When applying a license file, the following error dialog is displayed after applying the license key: The license file XXXX.LIC does not contain license for current product Technical Background Customers will notice this occurs when they apply the license file in the Events and […]

KBI 310175 Cannot Connect To Oracle Instances on 64-bit Argent Installation

Version Argent Monitor for Oracle – All Versions Date 16 November 2009 Summary A customer reports that Argent Monitor for Oracle cannot connect to Oracle instances within the product. Argent XT is installed on a 64-bit Operating System. Technical Background Tests using 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle Client Tools work fine externally. Using the ODBC Connections […]

KBI 310176 Linux/Unix Rule Engine May Fail If Control File Is Corrupted

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 14 January 2010 Summary An Invalid Control file line in the UNIX/Linux Rule Engine Control File can cause one or more of the UNIX/Linux Rule Engine (ag_re_main, ag_re_upload, ag_re_runscript) processes to quit unexpectedly and produce a segmentation fault. Technical Background When this happens, errors may be logged […]

KBI 310177 Monitoring Engine Offline Alerts For Removed Monitoring Engines

Version Argent Extended Technology – All Versions Date 13 January 2010 Summary A customer may report that a System Alert configured to alert when a Monitoring Engine is offline (screen G2B, Administration (under any product) -> Main Engine -> Alert tab), fires continuously for a Monitoring Engine that appears to be removed and deleted from […]

KBI 310178 Relators Not Running In Argent Advanced Technology

Version Argent Advanced Technology – All Versions Date 25 February 2010 Summary Customers may find that none of their Relators are working (when using “Test Relator” or in production mode) within any Argent Advanced Technology product. Technical Background Customers will note that during a “Test Relator”, they will see the process “Initializing…”, then an abrupt […]

KBI 310179 Argent Job Scheduler License In Windows 2008 Fails With UAC Enabled

Version Argent XT – All versions Date 19 Jan 2012 Summary License is not applied successfully when a new license file is selected and applied in Argent Management Console running on Windows Server 2008. Customer is still receiving email notifications indicating license expiry. You will need to select “Run as Administrator” explicitly when launching Argent […]

KBI 310181 Argent Exchange Monitor Reading Same Exchange Tracking Log

Version Argent Exchange Monitor 8.0A-0910 Date 14 April 2010 Summary When reading from the Message Tracking Logs for Microsoft Exchange 2007 with Argent Exchange monitor, the scope of the “current” log remains unchanged even after new message tracks are being logged, and Argent Exchange Monitor does not change its focus to the most recent log. […]

KBI 310182 Server Inaccessible For Argent Commander Windows XP SP3

Version Argent Commander – All Versions Date 5 May 2010 Summary If Argent Commander is installed on a machine running Windows XP SP3, drilling down into a Windows server shows the following error message for the Node Details and Services modules. Click For Full Size Technical Background As Windows XP SP3 is originally intended for […]